Previous Alice Hamilton Award Winners and Honorable Mentions

Print or view program for 2012 ceremony. This is in brochure format, so please print pages 1&2 and 3&4 back-to-back (in landscape) and then fold into a booklet.
Education and Guidance Category:
Kosmoski CL, Margolis KA, McNelis KL, Brnich MJ Jr., Mallet L, Lenart P. NIOSH Report of Investigation (RI) 9682: When Do you Take Refuge? Decisionmaking During Mine Emergency Escape: Instructor's Guide and Lesson Plans. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, DHHS (NIOSH) Publication No. 2011-177, 2011.
Honorable Mention:
Henneberger PK, Redlich CA, Callahan DB, Harber P, Lemière C, Martin J, Tarlo SM, Vandenplas O, Torén K. An official American Thoracic Society statement: work exacerbated asthma. Am J Respir Crit Care Med 184(3):368-378, 2011.
Engineering and Control Category:
Fisher EM, Williams JL, Shaffer RE. Evaluation of microwave steam bags for the decontamination of filtering facepiece respirators. PLoS ONE 6(4):e18585, 2011.
Honorable Mention:
Gao P, Tomasovic B, Stein L. Performance evaluation of 26 combinations of chemical protective clothing materials and chemicals after repeated exposures and decontaminations. J Occup Environ Hyg 8(11):625-635, 2011.
Epidemiology and Surveillance Category:
Daniels RD, Schubauer Berigan MK. A meta-analysis of leukaemia risk from protracted exposure to low dose gamma radiation. Occup Environ Med 68(6):457-464, 2011.
Honorable Mention:
Wirth M, Burch J, Violanti J, Burchfiel C, Fekedulegn D, Andrew M, Zhang HM, Miller DB, Hebert JR, Vena JE. Shiftwork duration and the awakening cortisol response among police officers. Chronobiol Int 28(5):446-457, 2011.
Exposure and Risk Assessment Category:
Middendorf P, Zumwalde R, Castellan R, Harper M, Wallace W, Stayner L, Castranova V, Hearl F, Sullivan P. Current Intelligence Bulletin 62: Asbestos Fibers and Other Elongate Mineral Particles: State of the Science and Roadmap for Research. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, DHHS (NIOSH) Publication No. 2011-159, 2011.
Honorable Mention (Jointly submitted):
Cardis E, Armstrong BK, Bowman JD, Giles GG, Hours M, Krewski D, McBride M, Parent ME, Sadetzki S, Woodward A, Brown J, Chetrit A, Figuerola J, Hoffmann C, Jarus Hakak A, Montestruq L, Nadon L, Richardson L, Villegas R, Vrijheid M. Risk of brain tumours in relation to estimated RF dose from mobile phones: results from five Interphone countries. Occup Environ Med 68(9):631-640, 2011.
Cardis E, Varsier N, Bowman JD, Deltour I, Figuerola J, Mann S, Moissonnier M, Taki M, Vecchia P, Villegas R, Vrijheid M, Wake K, Wiart J. Estimation of RF energy absorbed in the brain from mobile phones in the Interphone Study. Occup Environ Med 68(9):686-693, 2011.
Laboratory and Methods Category:
Sellamuthu R, Umbright C, Roberts JR, Chapman R, Young SH, Richardson D, Leonard H, McKinney W, Chen B, Frazer D, Li S, Kashon M, Joseph P. Blood gene expression profiling detects silica exposure and toxicity. Toxicol Sci 122(2):253-264, 2011.
Honorable Mention:
Teeguarden JG, Webb Robertson BJ, Waters KM, Murray AR, Kisin ER, Varnum SM, Jacobs JM, Pounds JG, Zanger RC, Shvedova AA. Comparative proteomics and pulmonary toxicity of instilled single walled carbon nanotubes, crocidolite asbestos, and ultrafine carbon black in mice. Toxicol Sci 120(1):123-135, 2011.
Print or view program for 2011 ceremony. This is in brochure format, so please print pages 1&2 and 3&4 back-to-back (in landscape) and then fold into a booklet.
Educational Materials Category:
Cullen E, Hill R, Shannon J, Headding B. Move It! Rig Move Safety for Roughnecks. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, DHHS (NIOSH) Publication No. 2011-108d, 2010.
Honorable Mention:
Baron S, Stock L, Ayala L, Soohoo R, Gong F, Lloyd C, Haroon P, Teran S, Gonzalez P. Caring for yourself while caring for others: Practical tips for homecare workers. Labor Occupational Health Program; National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health; Public Authority for In-Home Supportive Services; Service Employees International Union - United Long Term Care Workers, Oakland, CA: Public Authority for In-Home Supportive Services in Alameda County, 2010, Dec:1-84.
Biological Sciences Category:
Sriram K, Lin GX, Jefferson AM, Roberts JR, Wirth O, Hayashi Y, Krajnak KM, Soukup JM, Ghio AJ, Reynolds SH, Castranova V, Munson AE, Antonini JM. Mitochondrial dysfunction and loss of Parkinson's disease-linked proteins contribute to neurotoxicity of manganese-containing welding fumes. FASEB J 24:4989-5002, 2010.
Honorable Mention:
Leonard SS, Chen BT, Stone S, Schwegler-Berry DE, Kenyon A, Frazer DG, Antonini JM. Comparison of stainless and mild steel welding fumes in generation of reactive oxygen species. Part Fibre Toxicol (7):32, 2010.
Engineering and Physical Sciences Category:
Evans DE, Ku BK, Birch ME, Dunn KH. Aerosol monitoring during carbon nanofiber production: mobile direct-reading sampling. Ann Occup Hyg 54(5): 514-531, 2010.
Honorable Mentions:
Green JD, Yannaccone JR, Current RS, Sicher LA, Moore PH, Whitman GR. Assessing the performance of various restraints on ambulance patient compartment workers during crash events. International Journal of Crashworthiness 15(5): 517-541, 2010.
Cashdollar KL, Sapko MJ, Weiss ES, Harris ML, Man CK, Harteis SP, Green GM. Recommendations for a new rock dusting standard to prevent coal dust explosions in intake airways. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, DHHS (NIOSH) Publication No. 2010-151, 2010.
Human Studies Category:
Winners (One submission of three articles considered as a group):
Couch JR, Petersen MR, Rice CR, Schubauer-Berigan MK. Development of retrospective quantitative and qualitative job-exposure matrices for exposures at a beryllium processing facility. Occ Environ Med. Published online October 25, 2010. doi: 10.1136/oem.2010.056630.
Schubauer-Berigan MK, Couch JR, Petersen MR, Carreón T, Jin Y, Deddens JA. Cohort mortality study of workers at seven beryllium processing plants: update and associations with cumulative and maximum exposure. Occ Environ Med. Published online October 15, 2010. doi:10.1136/oem.2010.056481.
Schubauer-Berigan MK, Deddens JA, Couch JR, Petersen MR. Risk of lung cancer associated with quantitative beryllium exposure metrics within an occupational cohort. Occup Environ Med. Published online November 16, 2010. doi: 10.1136/oem.2010.056515.
Honorable Mention:
Connor TH, DeBord DG, Pretty JR, Oliver MS, Roth TS, Lee PSJ, Krieg EF, Jr., Rogers B, Escalante CP, Toennis CA, Clark JC, Johnson BC, McDiarmid MA. Evaluation of antineoplastic drug exposure of health care workers at three university-based US cancer centers. Journal of Environmental and Occupational Medicine 52(10): 1019-1027.
Print or view program for 2010 ceremony. This is in brochure format, so please print pages 1&2 and 3&4 back-to-back (in landscape) and then fold into a booklet.
Educational Materials Category:
Margolis KA, Kowalski-Trakofler KM, Kingsley Westerman CY. Refuge chamber expectations training. Department of Health and Human Services, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, DHHS (NIOSH) Publication Number 2010-100, Information Circular 9516, 2009.
Honorable Mention:
Schulte P, Ahlers HW, Chen CP, Demchuk E, Dotson GS. Current Intelligence Bulletin 61: A strategy for assigning new NIOSH skin notations. Department of Health and Human Services, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, DHHS (NIOSH) Publication No. 2009-147, 2009.
Biological Sciences Category:
Porter DW, Hubbs AF, Mercer RR, Wu N, Wolfarth MG, Sriram K, Leonard S, Battelli L, Schwegler-Berry D, Friend S, Andrew M, Chen BT, Shuji Tsuruoka S, Endo M, Castranova V. Mouse pulmonary dose- and time course-responses induced by exposure to multi-walled carbon nanotubes. Toxicology 269(2-3): 136-147, 2010 (Available online 24 October 2009).
Honorable Mention:
Vo E, Rengasamy S, Shaffer R. Development of a test system to evaluate procedures for decontamination of respirators containing viral droplets. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 75(23): 7303-7309, 2009.
Engineering and Physical Sciences Category:
Hsiao H, Whitestone J, Taylor S, Godby M, Guan J. Harness sizing and strap length configurations. Human Factors 51(4): 497-518, 2009.
Honorable Mention:
Xu XS, Welcome DE, McDowell TW, Warren C, Dong RG. An investigation on characteristics of the vibration transmitted to wrist and elbow in the operation of impact wrenches. International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics 39(1): 174-184, 2009.
Human Studies Category:
Hsiao H, Friess M, Bradtmiller B, Rohlf J. Development of sizing structure for fall arrest harness design. Ergonomics 52(9): 1128-1143, 2009.
Honorable Mention:
Simeonov P, Hsiao H, Hendricks S. Effectiveness of vertical visual reference for reducing postural instability on inclined and compliant surfaces at elevation. Applied Ergonomics 40(3): 353-361, 2009.
Educational Materials Category:
Porter WL, Mallett LG, Schwerha DJ, Gallagher S, Torma-Krajewski J, Steiner LJ. Age Awareness Training for Miners. Pittsburgh, PA: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, DHHS (NIOSH) Publication No. 2008-133, Information Circular 9505, 2008.
Honorable Mention:
Randolph RF, Reinke DC, Unger RL. NIOSH Hearing Loss Simulator: Instruction and Training Guide. Pittsburgh, PA: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, DHHS (NIOSH) Publication No. 2008-119, 2008.
Biological Sciences Category:
Shvedova AA, Kisin E, Murray AR, Johnson VJ, Gorelik O, Arepalli S, Hubbs AF, Mercer RR, Keohavong P, Sussman N, Jin J, Yin J, Stone S, Chen BT, Deye G, Maynard A, Castranova V, Baron PA and Kagan VE. Inhalation vs. Aspiration of Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes in C57BL/6 Mice: Inflammation, Fibrosis, Oxidative Stress, and Mutagenesis. Am J Physiol Lung Cell Mol Physiol 295:L552-L565, 2008.
Engineering and Physical Sciences Category:
Sapko MJ, Harteis SP, Weiss ES. Comparison of Methods: Dynamic Versus Hydrostatic Testing of Mine Ventilation Seals. Min Eng 60(9):147-153, 2008.
Honorable Mention:
Reynolds JS, Johnson VJ, Frazer DG. Unrestrained Acoustic Plethysmograph for Measuring Specific Airway Resistance in Mice. J Appl Physiol 105:711-717, 2008.
Human Studies Category:
Schrader SM, Breitenstein MJ, Lowe BD. Cutting Off the Nose to Save the Penis. J Sex Med 5(8):1932-1940, 2008.
Educational Materials Category:
Albers JT, Estill, CF. Simple Solutions: Ergonomics for Construction Workers. DHHS (NIOSH) Publication No. 2007-122, 2007.
Biological Sciences Category:
Johnson VJ, Yucesoy B, Reynolds JS, Fluharty K, Wang W, Richardson D, Luster MI. Inhalation of Toluene Diisocyanate Vapor Induces Allergic Rhinitis in Mice. Journal of Immunology 179: 1864-1871, 2007.
Honorable Mention:
Antonini JM, Stone S, Roberts JR, Chen B, Schwegler-Berry D, Afshari AA, Frazer DG. Effect of Short-Term Stainless Steel Welding Fume Inhalation Exposure on Lung Inflammation, Injury, and Defense Response in Rats. Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology 223: 234-245, 2007.
Engineering and Physical Sciences Category:
Zipf RK Jr., Sapko MJ, Brune JF. Explosion Pressure Design Criteria for New Seals in U.S. Coal Mines. DHHS (NIOSH) Publication No. 2007-144, Information Technology 9500, 2007.
Human Studies Category:
Winner (A trio of papers):
Hein MJ, Stayner LT, Lehman E, Dement JM. Follow-Up Study of Chrysotile Textile Workers: Cohort Mortality and Exposure-Response. Occupational and Environmental Medicine 64: 616-625, 2007.
Dement JM, Kuempel E, Zumwalde R, Smith R, Stayner L, Loomis D. Development of a Fiber Size-Specific Job-Exposure Matrix for Airborne Asbestos Fibers. Occupational and Environmental Medicine (online), 2007.
Stayner LT, Kuempel E, Gilbert S, Hein M, Dement J. An Epidemiologic Study of the Role of Chrysotile Asbestos Fiber Dimensions in Determining Respiratory Disease Risk in Exposed Workers. Occupational and Environmental Medicine (online), 2007.
Educational Materials Category:
Wiehagen WJ, Robertson SB, Urban CW, Dickerson JP, Peters RH, Vaught C, Mallett LG, Brnich MJ Jr., Conkle R, Cooper D, Thomas D. Roof Bolting Machine Operator Skills Training for a Walk-Thru Roof Bolter: Trainer's Guide. Pittsburgh, PA: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, DHHS (NIOSH) Publication No.2006-135, Information Technology 9489, 2006.
Biological Sciences Category:
He X, Chen MG, Lin GX, and Ma Q. Arsenic Induces NAD(P)H-Quinone Oxidoreductase I by Disrupting the Nrf2/Keap1/Cul Complex and Recruiting Nrf2.Maf to the Antioxidant Response Element Enhancer. J. Biol. Chem. 281(33):23620-23631, 2006.
Honorable Mention:
Hu X, Roberts JR, Apopa PL, Kan YW, and Ma Q. Accelerated Ovarian Failure Induced by 4-Vinyl Cyclohexene Diepoxide in Nrf2 Null Mice. Molecular and Cellular Biology 26(3):940-954, 2006.
Engineering and Physical Sciences Category:
Agrawal A, Cronin J, Tonazzi J, McCleskey TM, Ehler DS, Minogue EM, Whitney G, Brink C, Burrell AK, Warner B, Goldcamp MJ, Schlecht PC, Sonthalia P, Ashley K. Validation of a Standardized Portable Fluorescence Method for Determining Trace Beryllium in Workplace Air and Wipe Samples. J. Environ. Monit. 8:619-624., 2006.
Honorable Mention:
Dong RG, Welcome DE, McDowell TW, Wu JZ, and Schopper AW. Frequency Weighting Derived From Power Absorption of Fingers-Hand-Arm System Under zh-Axis. Journal of Biomechanics 39:2311-2324, 2006.
Human Studies Category:
Kanwal R, Kullman G, Piacitelli C, Boylstein R, Sahakian N, Martin S, Fedan K and Kreiss K. Evaluation of Flavorings-Related Lung Disease Risk at Six Microwave Popcorn Plants. J Occup Environ Med. 48:149-157, 2006.
Honorable Mention:
Hanley K, Petersen M, Curwin B and Sanderson W. Urinary Bromide and Breathing Zone Concentrations of 1-Bromopropane from Workers Exposed to Flexible Foam Spray Adhesives. Annals of Occupational Hygiene 50( 6):599-607, 2006.
Educational Materials Category:
Scott DF, Drake PL, Brady TM. HazCom Helper, version 2.5.. Spokane, WA: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, DHHS (NIOSH) Publication No. 2005-135c [CD-ROM], 2005.
Honorable Mention:
Cullen ET, and Fein AH. Tell Me a Story: Why Stories are Essential to Effective Safety Training.. Spokane, WA: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, DHHS (NIOSH) Publication No. 2005-152, 2005.
Biological Sciences Category:
Shvedova AA, Kisin ER, Mercer R, Murray AR, Johnson VJ, Potapovich AI, Tyurina YY, Gorelik O, Arepalli S, Schwegler-Berry D, Hubbs AF, Antonini J, Evans DE, Ku BK, Ramsey D, Maynard A, Kagan VE, Castranova V, Baron P. Unusual Inflammatory and Fibrogenic Pulmonary Responses to Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes in Mice. Am J Physiol Lung Cell Mol Physiol 289(5):L698-L708, 2005.
Honorable Mention:
Tobias HJ, Schafer MP, Pitesky M, Fergenson DP, Horn J, Frank M, Gard EE. Bioaerosol Mass Spectrometry for Rapid Detection of Individual Airborne Mycobacterium tuberculosis H37Ra particles. Appl Environ Microbiol 71(10):6086-6095, 2005.
Engineering and Physical Sciences Category:
Hsiao H, Whitestone J, Bradtmiller B, Whistler R, Zwiener J, Lafferty C, Kau TY, Gross M. Anthropometric Criteria for the Design of Tractor Cabs and Protection Frames. Ergonomics 48(4):323-353, 2005.
Human Studies Category:
Kubale TL, Daniels RD, Yiin JH, Couch, J, Schubauer-Berigan MK, Kinnes GM, Silver SR, Nowlin SJ, Chen PH. A Nested Case-Control Study of Leukemia Mortality and Ionizing Radiation at the Portsmouth Naval Shipyard. Radiat Res 164(6):810-819, 2005.
Honorable Mention (These two sequential articles represent a single nomination.):
Chen W, Hnizdo E, Chen JQ, Attfield MD, Gao P, Hearl F, Lu J, Wallace WE. Risk of Silicosis in Cohorts of Chinese Tin and Tungsten Miners and Pottery Workers (I): An Epidemiological Study. Am J Ind Med 48(1):1-9, 2005.
Harrison J, Chen JQ, Miller W, Chen W, Hnizdo E, Lu J, Chisholm W, Keane M, Gao P, Wallace WE. Risk of Silicosis in Cohorts of Chinese Tin and Tungsten Miners and Pottery Workers (II): Workplace-Specific Silica Particle Surface Composition. Am J Ind Med 48(1):10-15, 2005.
Educational Materials Category:
Sestito JP, Lunsford RA, Hamilton AC, and Rosa RR, eds. Worker Health Chartbook, 2004. Cincinnati, OH: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, DHHS (NIOSH) Publication No. 2004-146, September 2004.
Honorable Mention:
Robertson SB, Mark C, Urban CW, and Caruso D. Make it Safer with Roof Screen: video training module with instructional booklet, Pittsburgh, PA: US Dept of Health and Human Services, Public Health Service, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, 2004.
Biological Sciences Category:
Biagini RE, Smith JP, Sammons DL, MacKenzie BA, Striley CAF, Robertson SK, and Snawder JE. Development of a Sensitivity Enhanced Multiplexed Fluorescence Covalent Microbead Immunosorbent Assay (FCMIA) for the Mmeasurement of Glyphosate, Atrazine and Metolachlor Mercapturate in Water and Urine. Anal Bioanal Chem, 379: 368-374, 2004.
Honorable Mention:
Porter DW, Hubbs AF, Mercer R, Robinson VA, Ramsey D, McLaurin J, Khan A, Battelli, L, Brumbaugh K, Teass, A and Castranova V. Progression of Lung Inflammation and Damage in Rats After Cessation of Silica Inhalation. Toxicological Sciences, Vol. 79, pp. 370-380, 2004.
Engineering and Physical Sciences Category:
Dong RG, Schopper AW, McDowell TW, Welcome DE, Wu JZ, Smutz WP, Warren C, and Rakheja S. Vibration Energy Absorption (VEA) in Human Fingers-Hand-Arm System. Medical Engineering & Physics, 26(7): 483-492, 2004.
Honorable Mention:
Chen, B. T., G. A. Feather, A. Maynard, and C. Rao. Development of a Personal Sampler for Collecting Fungal Spores. Aerosol Science and Technology, 38:926-937, 2004.
Human Studies Category:
Collins JW, Wolf L, Bell J, and Evanoff B. An Evaluation of a "Best Practices" Nusculoskeletal Injury Prevention Program in Nursing Homes. Injury Prevention, 10:206-211, 2004.
Educational Materials Category:
Earnest SG, Gressel MG, Mickelsen RL, Moyer ES, Reed LD, Karwacki CJ, Morrison RW, Tevault DE, Delp W, Persily AK. Guidance for Filtration and Air-Cleaning Systems to Protect Building Environments from Airborne Chemical, Biological, or Radiological Attacks. DHHS (NIOSH) Publication No. 2003-136, April 2003.
Honorable Mention:
Palassis J, NIOSH Safety Checklist Program for Schools and Other Safety Databases. DHHS (NIOSH) Publication No. 2004-101, October 2003.
Biological Sciences Category:
Schafer MP, Martinez KF, Mathews ES, Rapid Detection and Determination of the Aerodynamic Size Range of Airborne Mycobacteria Associated with Whirl-pools. Applied Occupational and Environmental Hygiene, 18(1): 41-50, 2003.
Engineering and Physical Sciences Category:
Bennett JS, Crouch KG, Shulman SA. Control of Wake-Induced Exposure Using an Interrupted Oscillating Jet, American Industrial Hygiene Association Journal, 64:24-29, 2003.
Honorable Mention:
Maynard AD, Zimmer, AT. Development and Validation of a Simple Numerical Model for Estimating Workplace Aerosol Size Distribution Evolution through Coagulation, Settling and Diffusion. Aerosol Science and Technology, 37:804-817, 2003.
Human Studies Category:
Steenland K, Burnett C, Lalich N, Ward E, Hurrell J. Dying for Work: The Magnitude of US Mortality From Selected Causes of Death Associated with Occupation. Amer J Ind Med., 43:461-482. 2003.
Award Announcement
Educational Materials Category:
Thaddeus Fowler, Karen Miles, Pauline Elliott, John Diether. Electrical Safety: Safety and Health for Electrical Trades Student Manual, DHHS (NIOSH) Publications No. 2002-123 (superseded by DHHS (NIOSH) Publications No. 2009-113) , March 2009.
Biological Science Category:
Joanna Matheson, Ranulfo Lemus, Robert W. Lange, Meryl H. Karol, Michael I. Luster. A Role of Tumor Necrosis Factor in Toluene Diisocyanate Asthma. American Journal of Respiratory Cell and Molecular Biology, 27:396-405, 2002.
Honorable Mention:
Qiang Ma, Krista Kinneer. Chemoprotection by Phenolic Antioxidants: Inhibition of Tumor Mecrosis Factor Alpha Induction in Macrophages. The Journal Of Biological Chemistry, 277:2477-2484, 2002.
Engineering and Physical Sciences Category:
H. Frederick Frasch. A Random Walk Model of Skin Permeation. Risk Analysis, 22:265-276, 2002.
Honorable Mention:
Charles D. Litton. Studies of the Measurement of Respirable Coal Dusts and Diesel Particulate Matter. Measurement Science and Technology, 13:365-374, 2002.
Andrew D. Maynard, Robert L. Maynard. A Derived Association Between Ambient Aerosol Surface Area and Excess Mortality Using Historic Time Series Data. Atmospheric Environment, 36:5561-5567, 2002.
Human Studies Category:
Kermit G. Davis, William S. Marras, Catherine A. Heaney, Thomas R.Waters, Purnendu Gupta. The Impact of Mental Processing and Pacing on Spine Loading. Spine, 27:2645-2653, 2002.
Honorable Mention:
Kathleen Kreiss, Ahmed Gomaa, Greg Kullman, Kathleen Fedan, Eduardo J.Simoes, Paul L. Enright. Clinical Bronchiolitis Pbliterans in Workers at a Microwave-Popcorn Plant. The New England Journal of Medicine, 347:330-338, 2002.
Educational Materials Category:
Mallet L, Brnich M, Vaught C, Reinke D, Urban C, Lenart P [2001]. Care and Maintenance of the SR-100 Self-Contained Self-Rescuer. NIOSH, Pittsburgh, PA (PDF, 6 pages, 292KB) (videotape 6 min.)
Honorable Mention:
Baron S, Estill C, Steege A, Lalich, N (eds). Simple Solutions: Ergonomics for Farm Workers, DHHS (NIOSH) Publication Number 2001-111, February 2001.
Diether J, Wheeler R, Cauley J, Bryant J [2001]. TB Respiratory Protection: Administrator's Review. NIOSH, Cincinnati, OH, DHHS (NIOSH) Publication Number 2002-114d (videotape 25 min.), 2002.
Biological Science Category:
Berran Yucesoy, Val Vallyathan, Douglas P. Landsittel, Dan S. Sharp, Ainsley Weston, Gary R. Burleson, Petia Simeonova, Michael McKinstry, and Michael I. Luster. Association of Tumor Necrosis Factor-α and Interleukin-1 Gene Polymorphisms with Silicosis. Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology, 172: 75-82, 2001. (PDF only, 8 pages, 80KB)
Honorable Mention:
N. Gao, M.J. Keane, T. Ong, J. Ye, W.E. Miller, W.E. Wallace. Effects of Phospholipid Surfactant on Apoptossis Induction by Respirable Quartz and Kaolin in NR8383 Rat Pulmonary Macrophages. Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology, 178: 217-225, 2001. (PDF only, 9 pages, 340KB)
A.F. Hubbs, N.S. Minhas, W. Jones, M. Greskevitch, L.A. Battelli, D.W. Porter, W.T. Goldsmith, D. Frazer, D.P. Landsittel, J.Y.C. Ma, M. Barger, K. Hill, D. Schwegler-Berry, V.A. Robinson, and V. Castranova. Comparative Pulmonary Toxicity of 6 Abrasive Blasting Agents. Toxicologic Sciences, 61: 135-143, 2001. (PDF only, 9 pages, 534KB)
Engineering and Physical Sciences Category:
Michael A. McCawley, Michael S. Kent, and Michael T. Berakis. Ultrafine Beryllium Number Concentration as a Possible Metric for Chronic Beryllium Disease Risk. Applied Occupational and Environmental Hygiene, Volume 16(5): 631-638, 2001. (PDF only, 8 pages, 427KB)
Honorable Mention:
Dennis M. O'Brien, G.M. Piacitelli, W.K. Sieber, R.T. Hughes, and J.D. Catalano. An Evaluation of Short-Term Exposures to Metalworking Fluids in Small Machine Shops. American Industrial Hygiene Association Journal, 62: 342-348, 2001. (PDF only, 7 pages, 437KB)
John R. Powers, J.R. Harris, J.R. Etherton, K.A. Snyder, M. Ronaghi, and B.H. Newbraugh. Performance of an Automatically Deployable ROPS on ASAE Tests. Journal of Agricultural Safety and Health, 7(1): 51-61, 1991. (PDF only, 11 pages, 395KB)
Human Studies Category:
Cynthia J. Hines, James A. Deddens, Samuel P. Tucker, & Richard W. Hornung. Distributions and Determinants of Pre-Emergent Herbicide Exposures Among Custom Applicators. Annals of Occupational Hygiene, 45:227-239, 2001. (PDF only, 13 pages, 117KB)
Honorable Mention:
FL Rice, R Park, L Stayner, R Smith, S Gilbert, & H Checkoway. Crystalline Silica Exposure and Lung Cancer Mortality in Diatomaceous Earth Industry Workers: A Quantitative Risk Assessment. Occupational and Environmental Medicine, 58:38-45, 2001. (PDF only, 8 pages, 254KB)
Educational Materials Category:
Elaine Cullen, Clyde Peppin. Miner Mike Saves the Day! -or- Ground Support...It's Important. NIOSH-Spokane Research Laboratory, Tape No. 216, 2002. (videotape 33 min.)
Honorable Mention:
John W. Diether, Roger L. Wheeler, Joseph Cauley, Jeff Bryant. Respirators: Your TB Defense — DHHS (NIOSH) Publication Number 2002-114d, 2002.
Biological Science Category:
John E. Snawder, John C. Lipscomb. Interindividual Variance of Cytochrome P450 Forms in Human Hepatic Microsomes: Correlation of Individual Forms with Xenobiotic Metabolism and Implications in Risk Assessment. Regulatory Toxicology and Pharmacology, 32:200-209, 2000. (PDF only; 10 pages, 118KB)
Engineering and Physical Sciences Category:
John R. Franks, William J. Murphy, Jennifer L. Johnson, Dave A. Harris. Four Earplugs in Search of a Rating System. Ear and Hearing, 21:218-226, 2000. (PDF only; 9 pages, 1MB)
Honorable Mention:
Gu Zhou, Wen-zong Whong, Tong-man Ong, Bean T. Chen. Development of a Fungus-Specific PCR Assay for Detecting Low-Level Fungi in an Indoor Environment. Molecular and Cellular Probes, 14(6):339-348, (PDF only; 10 pages, 2000. 151KB)
Joseph D. Bowman, Mark M. Methner. Hazard Surveillance for Industrial Magnetic Fields: II. Field Characteristics from Waveform Measurements. Annals of Occupational Hygiene, 44:615-633, 2000. (PDF only; 19 pages, 1.5MB)
Human Studies Category:
James T. Wassell, Lytt I. Gardner, Douglas P. Landsittel, Janet J. Johnston, Janet M. Johnston. A Prospective Study of Back Belts for Prevention of Back Pain and Injury. J. Am. Medical Assoc, 284:2727-2732, 2000. (PDF only; 6 pages, 94KB)
Educational Materials Category:
Art Miller, Merrill Oaks, and Tariq Akmal. Rock Falls—Preventing Rock Fall Injuries in Underground Mines. NIOSH - Spokane Research Laboratory, Tape No. 213, 1999. (videotape 20 min.)
Honorable Mention:
Henry S. Chan and Rolland R. Rogers. NIOSH Pocket Guide to Chemical Hazards and Other Databases (CD-ROM). DHHS (NIOSH) Publication No. 99-115, 1999
Steven Sauter, Lawrence Murphy, Michael Colligan, Naomi Swanson, Joseph F. Hurrell, Jr., Frederick Scharf, Jr., Raymond Sinclair, Paula Grubb, Linda Goldenhar, Toni Alterman, Janet Johnston, Anne Hamilton, and Julie Tisdale. Work. DHHS (NIOSH) Publication No. 99-101, 1999
Biological Science Category:
Jianping Ye, Suwei Wang, Stephen S. Leonard, Yi Sun, Leon Butterworth, James M. Antonini, Min Ding, Youngyut Rojanasakul, Val Vallyathan, and Vincent Castranova. Role of Reactive Oxygen Species and p53 in Chromium(VI)-induced Apoptosis. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 274(49):34974-34980, 1999. (PDF only; 7 pages 362KB KB)
Honorable Mention:
Min Ding, Xianglin Shi, Fei Chen, YongJu Lu, Vince Castranova, Val Vallyathan, and Zigang Dong. Freshly Fractured Crystalline Silica Induces Activator Protein-1 Activation Through ERKs and p38 MAPK. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 274:30611-30616, 1999. (PDF only; 6 pages 176KB)
Engineering and Physical Sciences Category:
Kenneth R. Mead, R. Leroy Mickelsen, and Thomas E. Brumagin. Factory Performance Evaluations of Engineering Controls for Asphalt Paving Equipment. Journal of Applied Occupational and Environmental Hygiene, Vol. 14(8):565-573, 1999. (PDF only; 9 pages, 1MB)
Honorable Mention:
Jin Wang, Kevin Ashley, and David Marlow. Field Method for the Determination of Hexavalent Chromium by Ultrasonication and Strong Anion-Exchange Solid-Phase Extraction. Analytical Chemistry, 71:1027-1032, 1999. (PDF only; 6 pages, 820KB)
Michael J. Keane, James W. Stephens, Bao-Zhen Zhong, William E. Miller, Tong-man Ong, and William E. Wallace. A Study of the Effect of Chrysotile Fiber Surface Composition on Genotoxicity in Vitro. Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health, Part, A, 57:529-541, 1999. (PDF only; 13 pages, 793KB)
Human Studies Category:
Thomas R. Waters, Sherry L. Baron, Laurie A. Piacitelli, Vern P. Anderson, Torsten Skov, Marie Haring-Sweeney, David Wall, and Lawrence Fine. Evaluation of the Revised NIOSH Lifting Equation; A Cross-Sectional Epidemiological Study. Spine, 24(4):386-394, 1999. (PDF only; 10 pages, 1MB)
Honorable Mention
Scott A. Hendricks, Jennifer A. Bell, Douglas P. Landsittel, Harlan E. Amandus, and Jay Malcan. A Matched Case-Control Study of Convenience Store Robbery Risk Factors. Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine, 41(11):995-1004, 1999. (PDF only; 10 pages, 1MB)
Engineering and Physical Science Category:
Chris Mark, T.P. Mucho, and D. Dolinar. Horizontal Stress and Longwall Headgate Ground Control. Mining Engineering, January 1998 Technical Papers, pp. 61-68, Proceedings of the SME Annual Meeting, Denver, CO., February 1997. (PDF only; 8 pages 475KB)
Human Studies Category:
Geoffrey M. Calvert, Charles A. Mueller, John M. Fajen, David W. Chrislip, John Russo, Thomas Griggle, Lora E. Fleming, Anthony J. Suruda, and Kyle Steenland. Health Effects Associated With Sulfuryl Fluoride and Methyl Bromide Exposure Among Structural Fumigation Workers. American Journal of Public Health, 88(12):1774-1780, 1998. (PDF only; 7 pages 491KB)
Human Studies Category:
Patricia A. Sullivan, Ellen A. Eisen, Susan R. Woskie, David Kriebel, David H. Wegman, Marilyn F. Hallock, S. Katherine Hammond, Piage E. Tolbert, Thomas J. Smith, and Richard R. Monson. Mortality Studies of Metalworking Fluid Exposure in the Automobile Industry: VI. A Case-Control Study of Esophageal Cancer. American Journal of Industrial Medicine, 34:36-48, 1998. (PDF only; 13 pages 729KB)
Biological Science Category:
William J. Moorman, Stephen R. Skaggs, John C. Clark, Terry W. Turner, Douglas D. Sharpnack, James A. Murrell, Stephen D. Simon, Robert E. Chapin, and Steven M. Schrader. Male Reproductive Effects of Lead, Including Species Extrapolation for the Rabbit Model. Reproductive Toxicology, 12(3):333-346, 1998. (PDF only; 14 pages 627KB)
Educational Materials category:
John Diether, Roger Wheeler, Alan Echt, and Dennis O'Brien. Caution: Foundry at Work. NIOSH, Cincinnati, OH, DHHS (NIOSH) Publication Number 98-109d, 1998.
Human Studies Category:
Bruce P. Bernard, Vern Putz-Anderson, Susan E. Burt, Libby L. Cole, Cheryl Fairfield-Estill, Lawrence J. Fine, Katharyn A. Grant, Christopher Gjessing, Lynn Jenkins, Joseph J. Hurrell, Nancy Nelson, Donna Pfirman, Robert Roberts, Diana Stetson, Marie Haring-Sweeney, Shiro Tanaka. Musculoskeletal Disorders and Workplace Factors -- A Critical Review of Epidemiologic Evidence for Work-Related Musculoskeletal Disorders of the Neck, Upper Extremities, and Low Back. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Public Health Service, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, DHHS (NIOSH) Publication No. 97-141, July 1997.
Engineering and Physical Sciences Category:
Joel C. Harrison, Patricia S. Brower, Michael D. Attfield, Clayton B. Doak, Michael J. Keane, R. Larry Grayson, and William E. Wallace. Surface Composition of Respirable Silica Particles in a Set of US Anthracite and Bituminous Coal Mine Dusts. Journal of Aerosol Science, 28:689-696, 1997. (PDF only; 8 pages 959KB)
Educational Materials Category:
Alexander L. Cohen, Christopher C. Gjessing, Lawrence J. Fine, Bruce P. Bernard, and James D. McGlothlin. Elements of Ergonomic Programs -- A Primer Based on Workplace Evaluations of Musculoskeletal Disorders. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Public Health Service, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, DHHS (NIOSH) Publication No. 97-117, March 1997.
Biological Science Category:
Tracey L. Lawrence, Lyndell L. Millecchia, David G. Frazer, and Jeffrey S. Fedan. Pulmonary Dendritic Cell Distribution and Prevalence in Guinea Pig Airways: Effect of Ovalbumin Sensitization and Challenge. Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics, 282:995-1004, 1997. (PDF only; 10 pages 960KB), 1997.
Engineering and Physical Sciences Category:
Birch, M.E. and Cary, R.A. Elemental Carbon-Based Method for Monitoring Occupational Exposures to Particulate Diesel Exhaust. Aerosol Science and Technology, 25:221-241, 1996. (PDF only; 21 pages 2.5MB)
Human Studies Category:
Ward, E.M., Hornung, R., Morris, J., Rinsky, R., Wild, D., Halperin, W., and Guthrie, W. Risk of Low Red or White Blood Cell Count Related to Estimated Benzene Exposure in a Rubberworker Cohort (1940-1975). American Journal of Industrial Medicine, 29:247-257, 1996. (PDF only; 11 pages 1.2MB)
Educational Materials Category:
Hewett, P. Interpretation and Use of Occupational Exposure Limits For Chronic Disease Agents. Occupational Medicine: State of the Art Reviews, Vol. 11, No. 3, July-September 1996. (PDF only; 30 pages 3.4MB)
Biological Science Category:
Simeonova, P.P. and Luster, M.I. Asbestos Induction of Nuclear Transcription Factors and Interleukin 8 Gene Regulation. American Journal of Respiratory Cell and Molecular Biology, Vol. 15, 1996. (PDF only; 9 pages 1.5MB)
Original research published in a peer-reviewed scientific journal:
Steenland, K. and Brown, D. Silicosis Among Gold Miners: Exposure-Response Analyses and Risk Assessment. American Journal of Public Health 85(10):1372-1377, 1995.
NIOSH Document:
Kuempel, E.D., Althouse, R., Attfield, M.D., Bartley, D.L., Brower, P.L., Castranova, V., Chan, H.S., Coffey, C.C., Dames, B.L., Doak, C.B., Dower, J.M., Hankinson, J.L., Hewett, P.A., Hale, J., Jacobsen, M., Niemeier, R.W., Parker, J.E., Reed, L.D., Richards, T.B., Smith, R.J., Soderholm, S.C., Wagner, G.R., and Weber, K.C. NIOSH Criteria for a Recommended Standard: Occupational Exposure to Respirable Coal Mine Dust, (DHHS (NIOSH) Publication No. 95-106, 1995.
Hales, T.R., Sauter, S.S., Peterson, M.R., Fine, L.R., Anderson, V., Scheifer, L.R., Ochs, T.T., and Bernard, B.P. Musculoskeletal Disorders Among Visual Display Terminal Users in a Telecommunications Company. Ergonomics, 37(10):1603-1621, 1994.
Stayner, L., Steenland K., Greife, A., Hornung, R., Hayes, R.B., Nowlin, S., Morawetz, J., Ringenburg, V., Elliot, L., and Halperin, W. Exposure-Response Analysis of Cancer Mortality in a Cohort of Workers Exposed to Ethylene Oxide. American Journal of Epidemiology, 138(10):787-798, 1993.
Stayner, L., Smith, R., Thun, M., Schnorr, T., and Lemen, R.A. A Dose-Response Analysis and Quantitative Assessment of Lung Cancer Risk and Occupational Cadmium Exposure. Annals of Epidemiology, 2(3):177-194, 1992.
Fingerhut, M.A., Halperin, W.E., Marlow, D.A., Piacitelli, L.A., Honchar, P.A., Sweeney, M.A., Griefe, A.L., Dill, P.A., Steenland, K., and Suruda, A.J. Cancer Mortality in Workers Exposed to 2,3,7,8-Tetrachloro- dibenzo-p-dioxin. New England Journal of Medicine, 324:212-218, 1991.
Schrader, S.M., Turner, T.W., and Simon, S.D. Longitudinal Study of Semen Quality of Unexposed Workers: Sperm Head Morphometry. Journal of Andrology, 11(1):32-39, 1990.
Schrader, S.M., Turner, T.W., Breitenstein, M.J., and Simon, S.D. Longitudinal Study of Semen Quality of Unexposed Workers. I. Study Overview. Reproductive Toxicology, 2: 183-189, 1988.
Greife, A.L., Hornung, R.W., Stayner, L.G., and Steenland, K.N. Development of a Model for Use in Estimating Exposure to Ethylene Oxide in a Retrospective Cohort Mortality Study. Scandinavian Journal of Work and Environmental Health, 14 suppl. 1:29-30, 1988.
Hornung, R.W. and Meinhardt, T.J. Quantitative Risk Assessment of Lung Cancer in U.S. Uranium Miners. Health Physics, 52:417-430, 1987.
- Page last reviewed: April 26, 2013
- Page last updated: April 26, 2013
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- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
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