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Reducing Roofers' Exposure to Asphalt Fumes

September 2003
DHHS (NIOSH) Publication Number 2003-107
cover page for document 2003-107

This guide is for roofers and contractors who work with hot asphalt on roofs. The guide lists steps for reducing exposure to asphalt fumes.

This guide is for roofers and contractors who work with hot asphalt on roofs. The guide lists steps for reducing exposure to asphalt fumes.

This guide may be used with the NIOSH technical document Asphalt Fume Exposures During the Application of Hot Asphalt to Roofs (DHHS [NIOSH] Pub. No. 2003-112) and the NRCA video Asphalt Fume Exposure: Keep it Down, prepared in cooperation with other asphalt industry partners listed above. To obtain a copy of the video, call the National Roofing Contractors Association at 847-299-9070, or e-mail them at

Reducing Roofers' Exposure to Asphalt Fumes [PDF - 516 KB]
