What Does a Hearing Loss Sound Like?
Loud noise can permanently damage your hearing. It especially affects the sounds that help you understand speech. To hear what this sounds like, try these computer-generated samples. The sound samples are in the popular MP3 format.
Step 1 - Normal Hearing

First, click the "Normal Hearing" link above to hear a recording of a male voice reading several sentences (while this is playing, adjust your PC's volume so you can clearly understand the speaker).
Step 2 - Moderate Hearing Loss

Now, click the "Moderate Hearing Loss" link above to hear the same recording, but altered to sound as it would for a person with a "moderate" noise-induced hearing loss.
Step 3 - Normal Hearing With Background Noise

Background noise makes speech harder to understand. Click the "Normal Hearing With Background Noise" link above to hear the first recording again, but with a recording of a coal continuous haulage machine added to the background.
Step 4 - Moderate Hearing Loss With Background Noise

Finally, click the "Moderate Hearing Loss With Background Noise" link above to hear the same recording again (with background noise), and with a simulated "moderate" hearing loss.
These hearing loss examples were created using the NIOSH Hearing Loss Simulator. The Windows-based simulator displays a "control panel" for playing sounds while adjusting the simulated effects of noise and aging. You can enter a simulated individual's age (in years) along with the years of exposure to noise (in A-weighted decibels). The simulator shows the effects visually on a frequency band display while the user listens to the audio playback.
See Also
- Application of a Microphone Phased Array to Identify Noise Sources on a Roof Bolting Machine
- Cross-Sectional Survey of Noise Exposure in the Mining Industry
- Determination of Sound Exposures (DOSES): Software Manual and Implementation Guide
- Limestone Mining: Is It Noisy or Not?
- Noise and Hearing Protection: Development of Two Training Exercises for Drillers
- Noise Control in Underground Metal Mining
- Snapshot of Noise and Worker Exposures in Sand and Gravel Operations
- Technology News 536 - NIOSH Develops New Software to Analyze and Reduce Noise Exposure
- Water Well Safety Bits: Health And Safety Information For The Water Well Industry
- Working in Noise with a Hearing Loss: Perceptions from Workers, Supervisors, and Hearing Conservation Program Managers
- Page last reviewed: 6/30/2015
- Page last updated: 9/19/2012
- Content source: National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, Mining Program