Mining Feature: Refuge Alternative Research at SME 2017

Monday, February 13, 2017

Learn about refuge alternative (RA) research at SME 2017. NIOSH and noteworthy NIOSH-partnered research on RAs are boldfaced in the sessions listed below. To receive copies of the following publications, send a request to

Tuesday, February 21 – Room 702

Coal & Energy: Refuge Alternatives for Underground Coal Mines I

Chairs: T. Lutz and D. Yantek of NIOSH Pittsburgh Mining Research Division (PMRD); Pittsburgh, PA

9:05 am

Temperature and Humidity Tests for Mobile Refuge Alternatives
L. Yan, D. Yantek and P. Bissert; NIOSH, Pittsburgh, PA

9:25 am

The Effects of Seasonal Heat and Humidity on Mine Strata Temperatures in Underground Coal Mines
P. Bissert, D. Yantek, L. Yan, J. Srednicki and J. Yonkey; NIOSH, Pittsburgh, PA

9:45 am

A Universal Mobile Refuge Alternative Thermal-Humidity Modeling Tool for Compliance Verification

D. Bahrami1, C. Stewart2 and G. Danko1; 1Mining Engineering, University of Nevada, Reno, NV; and 2University of Queensland, Capalaba, QLD, Australia

10:05 am

Estimation of Metabolic Heat for Refuge Alternative Testing and Potential Tolerance Limits
T. Bernard1, D. Yantek2, C. Ashley3, R. Lopez4 and E. Thimons2;1College of Public Health, University of South Florida, Tampa, FL;  and 2NIOSH, Pittsburgh, PA; 3College of Education, University of South Florida, Tampa, FL; and 4Morsani College of Medicine, University of South Florida, Tampa, FL

 10:25 am

 Satisfying Apparent Temperature Requirements in Mobile Refuge Alternatives Using Vapor Compression Refrigeration and Expendable Desiccant

K. Deaton; Engineering, DRS Environmental Systems, Cincinnati, OH

 10:45 am

 Implications of Coupled Heat Contaminant Transport to RA Safety

G. Danko; Mining and Metallurgical Engineering, University of Nevada, Reno, NV

Coal & Energy: Refuge Alternatives for Underground Coal Mines II

Chairs: T. Lutz and D. Yantek of NIOSH Pittsburgh Mining Research Division (PMRD), Pittsburgh, PA

2:05 pm

Refuge Alternatives Relief Valve Testing and Design with Updated Test Stand
T. Lutz, P. Bissert, G. Homce and J. Yonkey; NIOSH, Pittsburgh, PA

 2:25 pm

 Design and Construction Considerations for Compressed Air Lines to Refuge Alternatives

R. Lamont and J. Silva; Mining Engineering, University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY

2:45 pm

Prediction of Human Core Temperature Rise and Moisture Loss in Coal Mine Refuge Alternatives
M. Klein1, D. Yantek2, M. Hepokoski1 and L. Yan2; 1ThermoAnalytics, Inc., Calumet, MI, and 2NIOSH, Pittsburgh, PA

3:05 pm

Heat/Humidity Tests of a Built-in-Place Refuge Alternative

D. Yantek, G. Homce, L. Yan, T. Lutz, J. Srednicki, J. Yonkey and R. Matetic; NIOSH, Pittsburgh, PA

 3:25 pm

 Cryogenic Breathable Air Supply/Heat & Humidity Mitigation System for RA

E. Blalock; Private Contractor, Titusville, FL