For Respirator Manufacturers

Approval Support, Test Procedures, Standards, and User Notices
Respirator Approval Information
How to apply for NIOSH Respirator Approval
As announced at the November 16, 2016 meeting for all manufacturers, Conformity Verification and Standards Development Branch is releasing SAF V9 for optional use. When using SAF V9, you will no longer need to have Java installed on your PC to fill out applications. While SAF V9 will require some additional information in applications for new approvals, we believe the overall process will be improved offering benefits in greater accuracy and quicker processing in some circumstances. SAF V8 is still the official version of the application software, but if you wish to try SAF V9, please contact the Records Room and let us know you would like to try a copy of SAF V9. We are soliciting comments on all aspects of its operation, so we encourage you to share your observations with us.
NIOSH 42 CFR Part 84, Approval of Respiratory Protective Devices
This rule addresses NIOSH approval requirements for respiratory protective devices.
Standard Application Form for the Approval of Respirators, Version 7
NIOSH Standard Application Form Module 1: Applying for a Manufacturer Code
This tutorial is intended for manufacturers who are new to the NIOSH respirator approval application process. It is meant to clarify how to obtain a three-character manufacturer code, which is the first step in the application process.
Standard Application Procedures (SAP)
- SAP for the Approval of Supplied-Air Respirators, Industrial Self-Contained Breathing Apparatus, and Combination Supplied-Air Respirators/Industrial Self-Contained Breathing Apparatus [PDF – 1,420 KB], dated August 22, 2017
- SAP for the Approval of Powered Air-Purifying Respirators and Chemical, Biological, Radiological, and Nuclear Powered Air-Purifying Respirators [PDF – 993 KB], dated August 1, 2017
- SAP for the Approval of Air-Purifying Respirators and Chemical, Biological, Radiological, and Nuclear Air-Purifying Respirators [PDF – 1.8 MB], dated August 1, 2017
- SAP for the Approval of Self-Contained Breathing Apparatus and Chemical, Biological, Radiological, and Nuclear Self-Contained Breathing Apparatus [PDF – 1.6 MB], dated August 1, 2017
- SAP for the Approval of Air-Purifying Filtering Facepiece Respirators [PDF – 1.1 MB], dated September 16, 2016.
- SAP for the Approval of Respirators [PDF – 1.2 MB], dated August 2015.
NOTE: Applicants should review the entire document and contact the Records Room at or 412-386-5320 with any questions before submitting a respirator for approval.
Respirator Certification Fees Final Rule effective May 26, 2015
Respirator Certification Fees, Questions, and Answers [PDF – 126 KB], June 15, 2015
Fees for Chemical Warfare Agent (CWA) Testing Portion of Chemical, Biological, Radiological, and Nuclear (CBRN) Approval, effective September 1, 2014
DHHS, NIOSH, and CBRN Logos for use by approval holders on labels for NIOSH-approved respirators.
- NIOSH – JPG format [36 KB], PNG format [12 KB]
- DHHS – JPG format [14 KB], PNG format [6 KB]
NIOSH-Approved Chemical, Biological, Radiological, and Nuclear Agents (CBRN) Logo [PDF – 9 KB]
Standard Testing Procedures
Standard Testing Procedures (STPs)
Each respirator and component submitted for approval must meet the applicable requirements outlined in 42 CFR Part 84 subparts H through L. The standard testing procedures used by NIOSH are listed in this section.
Other Information
Policy Supporting the Collection of NIOSH Approval Fees [PDF – 58 KB]
This policy document is intended to provide specific implementation guidance and interpretation
to support fee collections in accordance with the requirements of Title 42 Code of Federal
Regulations (42 C.F.R.), Part 84, Subpart C–Fees.
Long-term Field Evaluation Policy [PDF – 69 KB]
This policy document is intended to clarify the application of Title 42 Code of Federal
Regulations (42 CFR) § 84.310, “Post-approval testing,” paragraph (c), by offering a more
precise explanation of the tests the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health
(NIOSH) expects to perform in fulfillment of this requirement.
Colors for Respirator Element Labeling, dated January 17, 2008
The color coding requirements of labels for canisters and cartridges as a means for secondary identification.
Respirator Certification Program Decision Review Process [PDF – 593 KB], dated January 30, 2008
A structured process that enables stakeholders to request a review of decisions regarding NPPTL policy statements, test procedures, and test results pertaining to ongoing respirator certification activities.
Respirator User Notices
Notices are provided to inform users of a condition or risk that may exist with a NIOSH-approved product.
NIOSH and MSHA Investigation of CSE SR 100 Starter Oxygen Assembly (Updated August 2, 2011)
A joint investigation concerning a problem with SR 100 Self-Contained Self-Rescuer.
Respirator Standards
Standards for Respirators with Chemical, Biological, Radiological, and Nuclear Protection
Air-Purifying Escape Respirator with CBRN Protection
- Statement of Standard for CBRN Air-Purifying Escape Respirator
- Statement of Standard (including Figure 1, NIOSH CBRN Full Facepiece APR Mechanical Connector and Gasket)
- Supporting Documents
- Self-Contained Escape Respirator with CBRN Protection
- Air-Purifying Respirator with CBRN Protection
- Powered Air-Purifying Respirators with CBRN Protection
- Self-Contained Breathing Apparatus with CBRN Protection
Standards for Respirators without Chemical, Biological, Radiological, and Nuclear Protection
Standards Under Development
- Powered Air-Purifying Respirators
A comprehensive standard for certifying Powered Air-Purifying Respirators (PAPRs) is under development. Information submitted to the dockets 008, 008A, and 010 will be considered in the context of development of conceptual standards for PAPRs, as well as updating equipment performance requirements to improve respirator user safety and health.
Status of Current Approval Projects
Lists of approval projects that are currently being processed, indicating the dates that processing steps were begun and completed.
Average New Approval Processing Times
Only projects that succeeded in granting approvals are included among these averages. The times shown in the table represent the average number of days the projects spent in processing. Individual projects may have resulted in the issuance of multiple approvals. Unless otherwise noted, the times listed exclude the longest 10 percent of projects in each category.
Average Number of Days for New Approvals Granted by Schedule [PDF – 103 KB]
Additional Resources and Technical Support
Additional Resources
NIOSH Pocket Guide to Chemical Hazards
A source of general industrial hygiene information on several hundred chemicals/classes for workers, employers, and occupational health professionals.
Anthropometric Data and ISO Digital Headforms
Using data collected in a 2003 survey, parameters for headforms in five size categories were developed. The 2D and 3D data is available from NIOSH.
Saving Lives: Building a Better Face Mask
Video featuring NIOSH NPPTL research to build a better face mask using facial measurements.
Certified Equipment List (CEL)
A searchable list of commercially-available, respiratory personal protective devices approved by NIOSH to meet the requirements of Title 42, Code of Federal Regulations, Part 84.
Letters to All Manufacturers and Interested Parties
Official letters announcing public meetings, new requirements, NIOSH policies, and other relevant information for our stakeholders.
Technical Support
Technical support is available by calling 412-386-4000 or by Email at
- Page last reviewed: July 31, 2017
- Page last updated: August 22, 2017
- Content source:
- National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health National Personal Protective Technology Laboratory