Personal Protective Technology Program
Program Impact

NIOSH is strongly committed to program evaluation as a way to maximize its contributions to improved occupational safety and health. Regular review of program activities, outputs, and outcomes is essential to demonstrating program performance. The Personal Protective Technology Program conducts reviews and shares program impact in a variety of ways.
Program Performance One-pager
Program Performance One-Pagers (PPOPs) are a snapshot of NIOSH programs’ priorities, strategies used to make progress towards priorities, recent accomplishments, and upcoming work.
Impact Sheets
Impact Sheets briefly describe an occupational safety or health hazard, the specific NIOSH or NIOSH-funded research activity that was conducted to address the hazard, the resulting impact or recommendations, and relevant statistics.
- Approaches to Safe Nanotechnology: Document Provides Guidance to Protect Nanotechnology Workers
- NIOSH Research Recommendations are incorporated into National Standards to Enhance Protection for EMS Responders
- NIOSH Research Improves Equipment Design to Protect Firefighters
Program Reviews
NIOSH understands that external expert review is one of the most valid and accepted methods of evaluating research programs.
Consequently, NIOSH requested that the National Academies evaluate NIOSH research programs with respect to their impact, relevance, and future directions. The National Academies was asked to evaluate what NIOSH research programs are producing and to determine the extent to which NIOSH research is responsible for changes in the workplace that reduce the risk of occupational injuries, illnesses, and deaths. More information is available at the National Academies Evaluation of NIOSH Research Programs page.
Based on the 2008 review of the program by the National Academies, the PPT Program identified recommendations for continued evaluation by the Board of Scientific Counselors (BSC). In 2012 and 2014, the BSC reviewed the relevance, sustainability, progress and potential impact of the efforts by the program to implement the recommendations. The progress reports and scoring documents are available on the National Academies Evaluation of NIOSH Research Programs page.
- Page last reviewed: February 7, 2017
- Page last updated: February 7, 2017
- Content source:
- National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health National Personal Protective Technology Laboratory