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Outputs: Publications by Sector - Agriculture, Forestry, & Fishing

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Multiple Health Outcomes

Occupational health of hired farmworkers in the United States. National agricultural workers survey occupational health supplement, 1999
DHHS (NIOSH) Publication 2009-119 (February 2009)

Agriculture, forestry, and fishing research at NIOSH: Reviews of research programs of the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health
Committee to Review the NIOSH Agriculture, Forestry, and Fishing Research Program. Washington, DC: National Academies Press 2008:1-327

Occupational health survey of farm workers by camp health aides
Cameron L et al. J Agric Safety Health 2006;12:139-153

Musculoskeletal Disorders

Hand problems in migrant farmworkers
Shah DJ et al. J Agric Saf Health 2009;15:157-169

Conference proceedings: Prevention of musculoskeletal disorders for children and adolescents working in agriculture
DHHS (NIOSH) Publication 2004-119 (June 2004)

Research and dissemination needs for ergonomics in agriculture
Estill CF et al. Public Health Rep 2002;117:440-445

Simple solutions: Ergonomics for farmworkers
DHHS (NIOSH) Publication 2001-111 (February 2001)


Using surveillance data to promote occupational health and safety policies and practice at the state level: A case study
Calvert GM and Higgins SA. Am J Ind Med 2010;53:188-193

Pyrethrin and pyrethroid illnesses in the Pacific Northwest: A five-year review
Walters JK et al. Public Health Rep 2009;124:149-159

Pesticide-related illness and injury surveillance: A how-to guide for state-based programs
DHHS (NIOSH) Publication 2006-102 (October 2005)

Update: Hydrogen cyanamide-related illnesses—Italy, 2002–2004
MMWR, April 29, 2005/54(16):405-408

Acute occupational pesticide-related illness in the US, 1998–1999: Surveillance findings from the SENSOR-pesticides program
Calvert GM et al. Am J Ind Med 2004;45:14-23

Acute pesticide-related illnesses among working youths, 1988–1999
Calvert GM et al. AJPH 2003;93:605-610

Pesticide-related illnesses associated with the use of a plant growth regulator—Italy, 2001
MMWR, October 5, 2001/50(39):845-847

Exposure to endosulfan in farmers: Two case studies
Brandt VA et al. Am J Ind Med 2001;39:643-649

Surveillance and epidemiology of pesticide-related illness in humans
Calvert GM et al. Handbook of Pesticide Toxicology, 2nd edition 2001;1:603-641

Pesticide-related illness among migrant farm workers in the United States
Das R et al. Int J Occup Environ Health 2001;7:303-312

Surveillance of acute occupational pesticide-related illness: The U.S. experience
Ballard TJ and Calvert GM. Ann 1st Super Sanita 2001;37:175-179

Respiratory Diseases

Respiratory disease in agricultural workers: Mortality and morbidity statistics
Greskevitch M et al. J Agromed 2007;12:5-10

Injury and asthma among youth less than 20 years of age on minority farm operations in the United States, 2000—Volume I: Racial minority national data
DHHS (NIOSH) Publication 2005-147 (July 2005)

Asthma among household youth on Hispanic farm operations
DHHS (NIOSH) Publication 2004-158 (June 2004)

Asthma among household youth on minority farm operations
DHHS (NIOSH) Publication 2004-118 (December 2003)

Traumatic Injuries

Agricultural tractor overturn deaths: Assessment of trends and risk factors
Myers JR and Hendricks KJ. Am J Ind Med 2010;53:662-672

Work-related non-fatal injuries to adults on farms in the U.S., 2001 and 2004
Goldcamp EM. Agric Saf Health 2010;16:41-51

Prevalence of ROPS-equipped tractors on minority operated farms in the US
Myers JR. Am J Ind Med 2009;52:408-418

Youth living on Hispanic-operated farms: Injuries and population estimates in the U.S., 2000
Layne LA et al. J Agric Saf Health 2009;15:377-388

Cost effectiveness of wearing head protection on all-terrain vehicles
Myers ML et al. J Agromed 2009;14:312-323

Injuries and fatalities to U.S. farmers and farm workers 55 years and older
Myers JR et al. Am J Ind Med 2009;52:185-194

Epidemiology, surveillance, and prevention of farm tractor overturn fatalities
Cole HP et al. J Agromed 2009;14:164-171

Simple solutions for reduced fish farm hazards
Myers ML and Cole HP. J Agromed 2009;14:150-156

Work-related fatalities associated with tree care operations: United States, 1992-2007
MMWR, April 24, 2009/58(15);389-393

Injuries to youth on farms and safety recommendations, U.S. 2006
DHHS (NIOSH) Publication 2009-117 (February 2009)

Heat-related deaths among crop workers—United States, 1992-2006
MMWR, June 20, 2008/57(24);649-653

Narrative text analysis of Kentucky tractor fatality reports
Bunn TL et al. Accid Anal Prev 2008;40:419-425

Injuries to youth on racial minority farm operations, 2003
DHHS (NIOSH) Publication 2007-163 (August 2007)

Injuries to youth on Hispanic farm operations, 2003<br /> DHHS (NIOSH) Publication 2007-162 (August 2007)

Injuries to youth on US farm operations, 2004
DHHS (NIOSH) Publication 2007-161 (August 2007)

Fatal falls overboard on commercial fishing vessels in Alaska
Lucas DL and Lincoln JM. Am J Ind Med 2007;50:962-968

Injury and asthma among youth less than 20 years of age on minority farm operations in the United States, 2000—Volume II: Hispanic national data
DHHS (NIOSH) Publication 2006-109 (October 2005)

Injury and asthma among youth less than 20 years of age on minority farm operations in the United States, 2000—Volume I: Racial minority national data
DHHS (NIOSH) Publication No. 2005-147 (July 2005)

Injuries among youth on farms, 2001
DHHS (NIOSH) Publication 2004-172 (December 2004)

Fatal and nonfatal occupational injuries involving wood chippers—United States, 1992-2002
MMWR, December 10, 2004/53(48);1130-1131

Injuries to youth on Hispanic farm operations
DHHS (NIOSH) Publication 2004-157 (June 2004)

Work-related pilot fatalities in agriculture—United States, 1992–2001
MMWR, April 23, 2004/53(15):318-320

Injuries to youth on minority farm operations
DHHS (NIOSH) Publication 2004-117 (December 2003)

Surveillance and prevention of occupational injuries in Alaska: A decade of progress, 1990-1999
DHHS (NIOSH) Publication 2002-115 (May 2002)

Is it safe on deck? Fatal and non-fatal workplace injuries among Alaskan commercial fishermen
Thomas TK et al. Am J Ind Med 2001;40:693-702

Fatal unintentional farm injuries among persons less than 20 years of age in the United States: Geographic profiles
NIOSH (DHHS) Publication 2001-131 (July 2001)

Injuries among youth on farms in the United States, 1998
DHHS (NIOSH) Publication 2001-154 (June 2001)

Injuries among farm workers in the United States, 1995
DHHS (NIOSH) Publication 2001-153 (May 2001)

Baler and compactor-related deaths in the workplace—United States, 1992–2000
MMWR, April 27, 2001/50(16):309-313

Preventing commercial fishing deaths in Alaska
Lincoln JM and Conway GA. Occup Environ Med 1999;56:691-695

Alaska's model program for surveillance and prevention of occupational injury deaths
Conway GA et al. Public Health Rep 1999;114:550-558

Youth agricultural work-related injuries treated in emergency departments—United States, October 1995-September 1997
MMWR, September 11, 1998/47(35);733-737

Injuries among farm workers in the United States, 1993&nbsp;
DHHS (NIOSH) Publication 97-115 (April 1997)

Proceedings of the National Fishing Industry Safety and Health Workshop&nbsp;
DHHS (NIOSH) Publication 94-109 (January 1994)

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