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Safer Sharps Devices

What is a safer sharps device?

Safer sharps devices have engineering controls that are built into the product and prevent sharps injuries. Safer sharps devices come in various types-from devices that contain a protective shield over the needle to those that do not use a needle at all, and includes sharps containers. All traditional devices have safer alternatives that are highly effective in substantially reducing injuries. For instance, almost 83% of injuries from hollowbore needles can be prevented with use of safer sharps devices (Ippolito et al. 1997).

Where can I get additional information?

Looking for information about specific kinds of safer sharps devices? Here are some helpful websites.

  1. University of Virginia International Health Care Worker Safety Center
    An extensive listing of safety devices and manufacturers
  2. International Sharps Injury Prevention Society
    New medical safety devices are categorized within their medical application. The list includes both modified sharps devices, and alternative devices which eliminate the use of sharps entirely.
  3. University of Massachusetts - Lowell
    Devices and manufacturers along with comments on each device
  4. NIOSH Guide to Safer Medical Device Implementation
    Health care facilities share their experiences on how they implemented safer medical devices in their settings
  • Page last reviewed: June 26, 2013
  • Page last updated: June 24, 2011
  • Content source: