Occupational Dermatoses
NOTE: This page is archived for historical purposes and is no longer being maintained or updated.
Slides 76 to 80
Slide 76 - Herpetic fingers
Dentists, physicians and other health personnel may develop herpes simplex on their hands.
Slide 77 - M. marinum
This granulomatous infection in an employee of a tropical fish store was due to Mycobacterium marinum, which is usually acquired from an inoculation injury. It is also referred to as swimming pool granuloma.
Slide 78 - Milker's nodule

Milker's nodule is due to a viral infection which occurs on the udders of cows and can be transmitted to man. The lesions are nodular rather than vesicular and run a self-limiting course in several months.
Slide 79 - Orf

Orf, a viral dermatosis, is acquired from contact with infected sheep. While the hand are most often affected, the virus can be carried to other skin sites.
Slide 80 - Tick bite

Ticks present a considerable problem for outdoor workers in wooded areas. Because the initial bite is painless, the first sign may be itching at the site of the bite several days after.
- Page last reviewed: January 5, 1998 (archived document)
- Content source:
- National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health Health Effects Laboratory Division (HELD)