NIOSH Total Worker Health Affiliate Program
The mission of the NIOSH Total Worker Health Affiliate Program is to foster an integrated approach to protecting and promoting worker well-being through collaborations with academic, labor, nonprofit, and government organizations.
The Affiliate Program seeks to:
- Increase the visibility, uptake, and impact of Total Worker Health (TWH) to advance the safety, health and well-being of workers through NIOSH assistance to Affiliates.
- Attract and assist new collaborators to enrich and broaden current NIOSH TWH translational research.
- Attract and work with new collaborators to enrich and broaden current NIOSH TWH practice and dissemination efforts.
- Publicly recognize the contributions of the Affiliates to the development and dissemination of TWH research and practice.

Current Affiliates
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Agrisafe: AgriSafe is a national, nonprofit organization representing health and safety professionals who strive to reduce health disparities found among the agricultural community. Educational services are also provided for agricultural businesses and those involved directly in agricultural production. It is our belief that many agricultural injuries, diseases, and fatalities can be prevented through the delivery of appropriate agricultural occupational health services.
American Association of Occupational Health Nurses (AAOHN): The American Association of Occupational Health Nurses is a 5,000-member professional organization whose vision is that work and workplace community environments will be healthy and safe. It is dedicated to advancing the health, safety, and productivity of domestic and global workforce by providing education, research, public policy, and practice resources for occupational and environmental health nurses.
American College of Preventive Medicine (ACPM): Founded in 1954, the American College of Preventive Medicine (ACPM) is the leader for the specialty of Preventive Medicine and physicians dedicated to prevention. Uniquely trained in both clinical medicine and public health, preventive medicine specialists are equipped to understand and reduce the risks of disease, disability, and death in individuals and in population groups. Utilizing a multi-pronged strategy, ACPM will disseminate the NIOSH TWH resources and programs to our membership (which include our 26 residency programs) and coalition partners.
Association of Occupational Health Professionals in Healthcare (AOHP): The Association of Occupational Health Professionals in Healthcare is the only national association dedicated to the health, safety and well-being of healthcare workers. Occupational health professionals have a responsibility to advocate for all aspects of an employee’s health including organizational policies that help to recognize occupational hazards and advocate for new and safe technologies to mitigate these hazards. AOHP will disseminate TWH materials and resources to its membership, share best practices and collaborate on mutual topics of healthcare health and safety.
Communications Workers of America (CWA): The Communications Workers of America (CWA) represents 700,000 workers in private and public sector employment in the United States, Canada and Puerto Rico. CWA members work in telecommunications and information technology, the airline industry, news media, broadcast and cable television, education, health care and public service, law enforcement, manufacturing and other fields. CWA has partnered with TWH for years, contributing to the success of the 2014 TWH Symposium and the 2015 NIH Pathways to Prevention Workshop, and will be a Presenting Partner for the 2018 TWH Symposium.
Dartmouth–Hitchcock: Dartmouth-Hitchcock’s vision is to achieve the healthiest population possible, leading the transformation of health care in the Northeast U.S. region and setting the standard for our nation. In the eyes of Dartmouth-Hitchcock leadership, achieving the healthiest population possible starts with the organization’s own workforce. Live Well/Work Well’s mission is to improve and maintain the health and well-being of Dartmouth-Hitchcock employees and their families by creating a supportive culture which provides access to resources and services that motivate, encourage and promote healthy lifestyles and foster resilience. Dartmouth-Hitchcock links employee safety with employee health and well-being and fosters an organizational culture in which all employees are responsible for creating a safer and healthier work environment.
Eskenazi Health: Eskenazi Health cares for Central Indiana residents and strives to create an environment of safety and well-being that ensures employees and patients thrive. Team members work hard to create programs, policies, and procedures that maximize self-care and minimize risk of illness and injury on the job. Employees are encouraged to keep self-care a top priority through active engagement in physical fitness offerings, healthy dining options, lifestyle management programs, stress reduction, worksite safety, and injury prevention programming. Eskenazi Health is committed to taking excellent care of patients and improving the health and vitality of the community – starting with its own employees.
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Industrial Minerals Association – North America (IMA-NA): The Industrial Minerals Association – North America (IMA-NA) is the representative voice of companies which extract and process a vital and beneficial group of raw materials known as industrial minerals. Industrial minerals are the ingredients for many of the products used in everyday life, and our companies and the people they employ are proud of their industry and the socially responsible methods they use to deliver these beneficial resources. IMA-NA represents ball clay, barite, bentonite, borates, calcium carbonate, diatomite, feldspar, industrial sand, kaolin, magnesia, soda ash, talc and wollastonite.
Interdisciplinary Center for Healthy Workplaces: The Interdisciplinary Center for Healthy Workplaces (“HealthyWorkplaces” or “Center”) based in University of California, Berkeley, has set its mission to become a global resource for businesses, professional firms, labor unions, employees, and the public in understanding how to create healthy workplaces, as well as a locus of innovation in the design and implementation of work and workplace changes based on integrated science. The Center’s goal is to identify and integrate key scientific findings associated with employee health and well-being across disciplines in order to understand how we might build a new organizational template that will promote employee health and well-being.
International Brotherhood of Boilermakers, Iron Ship Builders, Blacksmiths, Forgers and Helpers (IBB): The IBB has developed Boilermaker Total Health (BtH) – a strategy integrating occupational health and safety protection with illness and injury prevention to further improve Boilermaker health and quality of life. The BtH program has three components: 1. HealthBenchmark – designed to set meaningful standards for functional abilities and medical assessment for pre-apprentices entering the trade. 2. HealthArc – member health education, training and awareness; and 3. Occupational Health – designed to identify and develop occupational health best practices to protect member health on the job.
ISSA – The Worldwide Cleaning Industry Association: As the leading trade association for the cleaning industry worldwide, ISSA is committed to helping its members change the way the world views cleaning. ISSA promotes the vision that cleaning is an investment in human health, the environment, and an improved bottom line. ISSA members supply cleaning products and services to institutional, industrial, and commercial facilities that enhance the quality of the indoor environment for the benefit of workers and other occupants. ISSA serves as a resource for knowledge and standards regarding professional business practices and making the scientific connection between cleaning and health.
Kentucky Department for Public Health: The Kentucky Department for Public Health, through the Worksite Wellness Initiative, the Kentucky Injury Prevention and Research Center, and the Kentucky Safety and Prevention Alignment Network, is developing a partnership that will establish and promote Total Worker Health in Kentucky. This partnership will serve as the catalyst in the formation of a state level steering committee made up of private and public sector organizations who will provide leadership in the development of a whole person safety and health model for employers and a public awareness campaign for TWH in Kentucky.
Kentucky Injury Prevention and Research Center (KIPRC): The mission of the Kentucky Injury Prevention and Research Center (KIPRC) as a NIOSH TWH Affiliate is to join worker safety and health with community safety and health through collaborations with public and not-for-profit organizations. KIPRC envisions Total Worker Health in Kentucky as a holistic and empowering strategy to meld worker well-being with injury and illness prevention in local businesses and communities. Within KIPRC, a number of programs and activities support the TWH mission, such as the National Center for Injury Prevention and Control-funded state violence and injury prevention program, Kentucky Safety and Prevention Alignment Network (KSPAN), NIOSH-funded Kentucky Fatality Assessment and Control Evaluation and Kentucky Occupational Safety and Health Surveillance programs, National Safety Council-funded Safe Communities Kentucky program, and the Kentucky Department for Public Health-funded Community Injury Prevention Program.
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Laborers’ Health & Safety Fund of North America (LHSFNA): The Laborers’ Health & Safety Fund of North America (LHSFNA), a joint labor-management Trust Fund, was founded by the Laborers’ International Union of North America (LIUNA), a union representing over 500,000 working men and women in a variety of occupations throughout the United States and Canada, and its signatory contractors. The LHSFNA conducts research, develops policy, provides technical support, and disseminates information to LIUNA members, health and welfare funds, and LIUNA’s signatory contractors. Besides focusing on safety on job sites, LHSFNA is working to develop programs to prevent occupational exposures that can lead to chronic health conditions later in life, raising awareness to limit exposures that happen both on and off the job, and addressing special concerns of multi-employer and short-term employment industries such as construction.
Mount Sinai Health System: The Mount Sinai Health System explores strategies that advance the safety, health, and well-being of its 36,000 employees. As TWH Clinical Centers of Excellence, the Mount Sinai Selikoff Centers for Occupational Health, the health care delivery cores for the Department of Preventive Medicine within the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, will offer prevention services to patients and collaborate with employers and organizations to develop comprehensive workplace health and safety programs. The Department of Preventive Medicine will spearhead research initiatives to evaluate the effectiveness of TWH interventions and train future health care professionals on integrated TWH strategies in general preventive medicine and occupational and environmental medicine through its residency training programs.
National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA): In 2005, NASA was recognized in an Institute of Medicine report, Integrating Employee Health: A Model Program for NASA, for “being forward-looking in designing programs aimed at improving the health and wellness of its employees.” NASA has proactively taken steps to bring together its diversity of occupational health, environmental health, workers compensation, wellness, and employee assistance programs to integrate occupational safety and health protection with other policies and programs that prevent illness and injury.
National Safety Council: The National Safety Council (NSC) is a nonprofit organization whose mission is to save lives by preventing injuries and death at work, in homes and communities, and on the road through leadership, research, education and advocacy. NSC advances this mission by partnering with businesses, government agencies, and the public to make an impact where the most preventable injuries and deaths occur.
National Security Agency (NSA): The National Security Agency (NSA) is both a member of the Defense Department and an Intelligence Community agency that fosters an integrated approach to protecting and promoting worker well-being. NSA/Central Security Service (CSS)/United States Cyber Command (USSCYBERCOM) has emphasized the importance of health to its employees and military assignees since 1955, when a fully staffed Medical Center was established. Over the years, NSA/CSS/USCYBERCOM has added additional professional health staff that includes industrial hygienists, food scientists, environmental engineer, clinical psychologists, clinical social workers, clinical counselors, fitness specialists, and work-life specialists. In 2012, senior leadership established the Corporate Wellness Network (CWN) in order to engage a culture of wellness that includes all seven dimensions of wellness: physical, emotional, mental, spiritual (sense of purpose), social, occupational, and financial. NSA cares about people and its important mission, our goals are to maintain a healthy, trustworthy and productive workforce and a safe and environmentally sound workplace.
Nebraska Safety Council: The Nebraska Safety Council/WorkWell is committed to providing leadership and resources that promote safe and healthy environments in the workplace, on the roads and in our homes and communities. The Council promotes the Total Worker Health through 1) worksite implementation (Community Based Pilot Grant from the University of Iowa Healthier Workforce Center for Excellence); 2) worksite consultation; 3) state awards at an annual conference; 4) trainings, networking meetings, regional and national presentations; 5) promotional and educational materials. The purpose is to meet organizations where they are at; help determine their current state of programs, data, and organizational culture; and provide support and guidance to further advance their workplace initiatives through integration and evidenced based practices.
Northern Kentucky University (NKU), Psychological Science Department: The Psychological Science Department at Northern Kentucky University (NKU) and NIOSH have been collaborating for over ten years on NKU’s Master of Science in Industrial and Organizational Psychology program (MSIO) and on NKU’s new graduate certificate program in Total Worker Health (TWH). This certificate program is focused on workplace safety, employee health and well-being; providing opportunities for related research; and incorporating NIOSH TWH practice and research contributions.
Ohio Bureau of Workers’ Compensation: The Ohio Bureau of Workers’ Compensation (BWC) administers the largest workers’ compensation fund in the nation. BWC’s mission is to protect Ohio’s workers and employers through the prevention, care and management of workplace injuries and illnesses at fair rates. The Division of Safety & Hygiene (DSH) is BWC’s loss prevention arm and is tasked with maintaining and growing a safe, healthy, competitive, and productive workforce in Ohio. DSH offers a comprehensive mix of safety programs and services including a Workplace Wellness Grant Program, Safety Interventions Grant Program, an Education and Training Program, the Safety Councils Program with close to 9,000 business members, the Ohio Safety Congress & Expo, specialized Library Services, and Consulting Services in the areas of safety, ergonomics, and industrial hygiene. On average, about 20,000 Ohio businesses employing more than 1.5 million workers benefit from these programs and services annually. Additionally, DSH Administers DOL OSHA On-Site Consultation Program, and the BLS Census of Fatal Occupational Injuries (CFOI) and Survey of Occupational Injuries and Illnesses (SOII) in Ohio.
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SAIF: SAIF is Oregon’s not-for-profit, state-chartered workers’ compensation company. Its vision is to be an industry innovator that makes Oregon the safest place to work. Its goal is to serve and protect the Oregon workforce, meet the needs of workers and employers, and strengthen Oregon’s economy. As an Affiliate, SAIF aims to improve the well-being of its employees, as well as nearly 50,000 policyholders and 600,000 covered workers. SAIF is committed to focusing on actions at the organizational level that improve health and support a zero-injury work environment.
St. Louis Area Business Health Coalition: The St. Louis Area Business Health Coalition (BHC) supports over 60 leading employers in their efforts to improve the well-being of their enrollees and enhance the quality and overall value of their investments in health benefits. Since its initiation in 1982, the BHC has evolved to offer innovative products and services, in-depth research on local and national health care trends, and collaborative leadership to help foster a culture of well-being in the community.
University at Buffalo: The University at Buffalo, including the Human Factors and Ergonomics Group in the Industrial and Systems Engineering Department, is actively engaged in research and educational activities focused on worker well-being. Recent research priorities have emphasized job design, work organization, and organizational interventions. In addition, students engage in coursework emphasizing the role of integrating human factors and worker health into the broader context of designing effective work systems.
University of California, Berkeley School of Public Health: The Labor Occupational Health Program, (LOHP), Center for Occupational and Environmental Health, University of California Berkeley School of Public Health, educates and empowers workers and communities to take an active role in making workplaces safe, healthy, dignified, and just. LOHP is committed to serving the needs of workers and communities most at risk, including low wage workers, immigrant workers, youth, workers with disabilities, and communities of color. LOHP provides training and education, conducts participatory research, and consults on the development of workplace health and safety standards, programs and policies. The program has also launched the Healthy Jobs Initiative, which creates a broader, more holistic, and comprehensive approach to worker health and safety issues and highlights the contribution of work to overall well-being and health.
University of Georgia: The Workplace Health Group in the College of Public Health in the University of Georgia has worked with the idea of integration for over twenty years. The group emphasizes the inter-relationship of healthy people, healthy places (environments), and productivity and recently received a grant from the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute to research and implement workplace chronic disease self-management programs.
University of Michigan: The University of Michigan Center for Occupational Health and Safety Engineering (UM COHSE) offers academic programs in Industrial Hygiene, Occupational Safety Engineering, Occupational Epidemiology and Occupational Health Nursing, and provides a wide range of continuing education and research programs in many areas of occupational health and safety. TWH is covered in the Occupational Health Seminar Series, a weekly interdisciplinary seminar attended by COHSE students and faculty, as well as the Occupational Health Nursing program, which embeds a focus on the social determinants of health, including job and other factors that affect the well-being of workers, their families and communities, into theory and clinical practice. COHSE faculty are conducting research on issues such as work organizational factors on the use of personal protective equipment and social and work-related factors that influence the use of hearing conserving practices.
University of North Carolina: The University of North Carolina (UNC) has, through its established NC Occupational Safety and Health Education and Research Center, been a leader in occupational safety and health research and continues to innovate through its efforts in Total Worker Health. The university actively conducts outreach with its own employees and local partners and will be conducting research as part of the CDC-funded Coordinating Center for Workplace Health Research Network (CCWHRN). UNC is building workforce capacity by developing a competency-based curriculum for an academic certificate program for Total Worker Health, modeled after an integrated approach in the Occupational Health Nursing program curriculum. New professionals skilled in the integration of health protection and health promotion will be trained through the North Carolina Occupational Safety and Health Education and Research Center (UN OSERC).
Valley Health Alliance (VHA): The VHA was formed in 2012 by the five largest self-insured employers in Pitkin County. The Valley Health Alliance promotes the health and well-being of our communities by collaborating to provide healthcare that is accessible, affordable, and high quality. The VHA’s mission is to meet people where they are in their journey to improve their personal health and well-being through trusted partnerships with their employers and providers.
Western Kentucky University: Western Kentucky University (WKU) is advancing an integrated approach to worker safety, health, and well-being through its research, curriculum, and internal employee programs. The university is developing new interdisciplinary coursework, building capacity for a new generation of Total Worker Health professionals. WKU is also committed to providing a culture of safety and health for its faculty, staff, and students through collaborations among its campus programs.
Potential Affiliates include:
- academic institutions
- labor organizations
- public sector entities, such as Federal, state, or local government agencies
- nonprofit associations that are related to health and occupational safety
Potential Affiliates should disclose to NIOSH any significant existing or potential occupational safety and health issues which create or may create an appearance of misalignment with the principles of TWH. This includes investigations or citations by federal, state, or local health, environment, and labor agencies and violations of occupational safety and health regulations or laws.
Potential Activities
Affiliates and NIOSH may consider the following as collaborative activities:
- conduct joint research
- develop programs, interventions, and other work-products
- collaborate on seminars, meetings, trainings, and educational events
- create and disseminate publications and other communication products
- cross-promote individual and joint activities
To learn more about the NIOSH TWH Affiliate Program, please see the attached FAQs.
How can my organization become an Affiliate?
Academic, labor, nonprofit, government sector, and similar organizations with an interest in advancing worker safety, health, and well-being by becoming a NIOSH TWH Affiliate may contact us at
- Page last reviewed: November 6, 2015
- Page last updated: October 10, 2017
- Content source:
- National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health Office of the Director
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