
The One Health Office sponsors, attends, and participates in national and international meetings promoting One Health. To date, a series of meetings have been organized by a number of diverse global institutions from the academic, government, non-government, and private sectors which provide an important forum for bringing together national and international specialists to focus on policies and implementation of a One Health approach. These meetings have built a strong case for One Health by striving to identify the true added value of an integrated approach to preventing and detecting emerging and re-emerging diseases. The following provides brief summaries for several meetings that have transpired over the last decade to describe the narrative of the One Health concept to date.
1st International Who's Who in One Health Webinar (2014)
Date: November 10, 2014
Location: Webinar
Sponsored by: One Health Commission
The main objectives of the Webinar were to:
- Connect One Health stakeholders around the world to better understand, share and highlight individual- and agency-level efforts;
- Educate Webinar participants about the One Health paradigm and way of thinking towards improved health outcomes; and
- Create new strategic partnerships and networks for collective, purposeful and coordinated action
Watch recorded presentations and download pdf file on .
Prince Mahidol Award Conference 2013—“A World United Against Infectious Diseases: Cross-sectoral Solutions” (2013)
Date: January 28-February 2, 2013
Location: Bangkok, Thailand
Organizer: Prince Mahidol Award Conference, the World Health Organization, Connecting Organizations for Regional Disease Surveillance, One Health Congress, U.S. Agency for International Development, The Rockefeller Foundation, Japan International Cooperation Agency, and the British Medical Journal
The Prince Mahidol Award Conference serves as an international forum for sharing evidence for health-related policies and strengthens social commitments for health development. The 2013 conference was dedicated to reducing the threat of infectious diseases through cross-sectoral and international cooperation and communication. The conference brought together experts from more than 70 countries around the globe to advance the “One Health” agenda beyond the theoretical to the practical. The conference also emphasized the need for systematic and cross-sectoral approaches to identify and respond to health threats at the human-animal-ecosystem interface.
Meeting Documents
High Level Technical Meeting to Address Health Risks at the Human-Animal-Ecosystems Interfaces (2011)
Date: November 15-17, 2011
Location: Mexico City, Mexico
Organizer: Government of the United Mexican States, FAO, OIE, and WHO
The High Level Technical Meeting (HLTM) was held in Mexico City in November 2011. HLTM built upon the outcomes of the International Ministerial Conference on Avian and Pandemic Influenza (Hanoi 2010) and other related international meetings. The focus of the HLTM was to initiate a process in which health risks at human-animal-ecosystem interfaces are addressed within different geographic regions and to prepare for the next Joint Ministerial Meeting, planned for 2012 or 2013. The meeting highlighted three topic areas (rabies, animal influenza, and antimicrobial resistance) as a basis for discussion about what the Tripartite and individual countries are and could be doing to build political will and more actively engage Ministers in the One Health movement.
Meeting Documents
Expert Meeting on One Health Governance and Global Network (2011)
Date: October 31-November 1, 2011
Location: Atlanta, GA
Organizer: CDC and European External Action Service (EEAS)
This meeting, with funding from the United States Department of State, brought together the One Health Global Network work group that was established during the Stone Mountain Meeting of 2010. The objective of the meeting was to develop a proposal for a global network that can link all existing and future One Health databases and materials, as well as to develop a vision for the governance of the One Health movement that will ensure the coherence of the movement. A network task force was created and tasked with moving the idea of a "network of networks" forward over the subsequent six months. In addition, the concept of a One Health Guidance Group was developed.
Meeting Documents
Infectious Disease and One Health: Vaccines and Therapeutics (2011)
Date: February 2, 2011
Location: Atlanta, GA
Organizer: The British Consulate in collaboration with CDC's One Health Office
The British Consulate hosted a collaborative one-day workshop to explore the topic of Infectious Disease and One Health: Vaccines and Therapeutics. This event brought together UK experts with scholars from the Emory University Vaccine Center, the Animal Health Research Center at the University of Georgia (UGA), The Center for Influenza Research and Surveillance (Emory, UGA), and scientists from the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Presentations focused on disease intervention strategies for emerging infectious diseases at the animal–human–ecosystems interface, including latest developments in therapeutics and vaccines.
Meeting Documents
One Flu Strategic Retreat (2011)
Date: February 1-3, 2011
Location: Castelbrando, Italy
Organizer: Istituto Zooprofilattico Sperimentale delle Venezie in collaboration with CDC’s Influenza Division/NCIRD and the One Health Office
Participants in this symposium reviewed the status of influenza spread and inter/intra species transmission. The meeting assembled international influenza scholars who presented research findings and developed a roadmap to enhance animal health and public health collaboration in pursuit of the One Flu approach.
Meeting Reports
Meeting Presentations
- – Nancy J. Cox, CDC
- – Giovanni Cattoli, IZSVe
- – Martin Beer, Institute of Diagnostic Virology
- – Tony Joannis, National Veterinary Research Institute, Vom. Plateau State. Nigeria
- – Celia M. Alpuche Aranda, InDRE
- – Nancy J. Cox, CDC
- – Juan Lubroth, Food and Agriculture Organization of the UN
- – Malik Peiris, University of Hong Kong
- – Daniel R. Perez, Virginia-Maryland Regional College of Veterinary Medicine
- – Ruben Donis, CDC
- – Albert Osterhaus, Department of Virology at Erasmus University
- – Kristien Van Reeth, Ghent University, Belgium
- – Frederick Hayden, Influenza Team, International Activities
- – Christian Desaintes, European Commission
- – Diane Post, NIAID
Operationalizing "One Health": A Policy Perspective – Taking Stock and Shaping an Implementation Roadmap (2010)
Date: May 4-6, 2010
Location: Atlanta, GA
Organizer: The CDC, in collaboration with OIE, FAO, WHO
This meeting brought together a select group of leaders from national Ministries of Health and Agriculture, the European Commission, the United Nations, the World Bank, and other diverse institutions from the academic, policy and economic sectors, to contribute their expertise and experience to the discussion. The participants reviewed progress to date in terms of leading practices related to "One Health" and identified key policy decisions and financial commitments necessary to support sustainability and expansion. were formed to collaboratively develop and implement key activities that will further attainment of defined three to five year goals, and that are feasible for completion over the next 18 months.
Meeting Reports
- Added February 24, 2011:
Meeting Presentations
- – Rima Khabbaz, CDC
- – Alain Vandersmissen, European Commission
- – Jiang Du, Ministry of Agriculture, China
- – Kate Glynn, CDC/OIE
- – Laura Kahn, Princeton University
- – Manish Kakkar, Public Health Foundation of India
- – Jean Kamanzi, The World Bank
- – Albert Ko, Weill Cornell Medical College
- – John Mackenzie, Curtin University of Technology
- – John McDermott, ILRI
- – Jonathan Rushton, Royal Veterinary College
- – Esther Schelling, Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute
- – Jan Slingenbergh, FAO
- – Roland Suluku, Animal Health Clubs
- – Alex Thiermann, OIE
Second FAO-OIE-WHO Joint Technical Consultation (2010)
Date: April 27-29, 2010
Location: Verona, Italy
Organizer: FAO, OIE, WHO
This scientific consultation attempted to identify commonalities and similarities among emerging infectious diseases, including influenzas, which have arisen at the human-animal interface, through careful examination of disease events reported worldwide. The outcomes of this consultation provided the technical basis for developing or modifying policies and strategies to more effectively prepare for and respond to future disease events.
Meeting Documents
International Ministerial Conference on Animal and Pandemic Influenza: The Way Forward (2010)
Date: April 19-21, 2010
Location: Ha Noi, Viet Nam
Organizer: Government of Viet Nam in coordination with the EU and USA, with the support of the UN System Influenza Coordination (UNSIC) and key international agencies in animal and human health: the Food and Agriculture Organization, the World Organization for Animal Health and the World Health Organization, the Asian Development Bank, and the World Bank.
This conference built on a series of preceding international ministerial conferences and senior officials meetings since 2005, which have provided a platform for an unprecedented coordination in planning and action to respond to highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) caused by the A/H5N1 strain, to prepare for a possible influenza pandemic and to strengthen jointly animal and human health systems on a long term basis.
Meeting Documents
Shifting from Emergency Response to Prevention of Pandemic Disease Threats at Source, Chatham House (2010)
Date: March 16-17, 2010
Location: London, England
Organizer: The Energy, Environment and Development Programme and the Centre on Global Health Security at Chatham House
This meeting was convened to discuss options for strengthening collaboration between Wildlife, Livestock and Human Health Sectors to prevent the emergence and spread of infectious diseases at the human-animal-interface.
Meeting Documents
One World, One Health: from ideas to action (2009)
Date: March 16-19, 2009
Location: Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
Organizer: The Public Health Agency of Canada
The purpose of the consultation was to discuss the Strategic Framework and to identify and shape country-level recommended actions to globally advance the framework. The meeting concluded that moving forward the animal, human, and ecosystem interface concepts of "One Health" required commitment at all levels – international, regional, national, and local. Participants recommended the development of supra-country approaches that use multidisciplinary/trans-disciplinary methods in additions to trans-boundary/regional approaches to integrate efforts.
Meeting Documents
International Ministerial Conference on Avian Influenza (2008)
Date: October 24-26, 2008
Location: Sharm El Sheikh, Egypt
Organizer: Government of Egypt, the International Partnership on Avian and Pandemic Influenza and the European Union with the support of the US Government, the European Commission and different organizations within the UN system, including the Food and Agriculture Organization, the World Organization for Animal Health, the World Health Organization, the World Bank and the UN Children’s Fund.
This conference aimed to highlight the special needs and requirements of developing and least developed countries that are especially vulnerable to the impact of HPAI outbreaks and an influenza pandemic. Participants described their achievements to date and outlined what still needs to be done at national, regional and global levels during 2009. FAO, OIE, WHO-collaborated with UNICEF, UNSIC and the World Bank, to develop a joint strategic framework in response to the evolving risk of emerging and re-emerging infectious diseases. The document communicating this framework, Contributing to One World, One Health* – A Strategic Framework for Reducing Risks of Infectious Diseases at the Animal-Human-Ecosystems Interface, was officially released during the conference at Sharm el-Sheikh.
Meeting Documents
FAO-OIE-WHO Joint Technical Consultation on Avian Influenza at the Human Animal Interface (2008)
Date: October 7-9, 2008
Location: Verona, Italy
Organizer: European Commission, US Centers for Disease Control, Canadian International Development Agency, EU-funded project FluTrain, the Government of Italy, and the Comune of Verona
This consultation provided a first opportunity for a large group of influenza experts from the animal and public health sectors to gather and discuss purely technical topics of joint interest that exist at the human-animal interface.
Meeting Documents
New Delhi International Ministerial Conference on Avian and Pandemic Influenza (2007)
Date: December 4-6, 2007
Location: New Delhi, India
Organizer: Government of India with cooperation from the United States of America (IPAPI chair), the European Commission, WHO, FAO, OIE, World Bank, UNICEF and the UN System Influenza Coordinator for Avian and Human Influenza.
The Ministers of Health and Animal Husbandry from several countries spearheaded the discussions. The meeting created a unique platform for bringing together the global community for the sixth International Ministerial Conference after the Washington, Geneva, Beijing, Vienna and Bamako Conferences as "One World, United against Avian and Pandemic Influenza".
Meeting Documents
Beijing Declaration at the International Pledging Conference on Avian and Human Pandemic Influenza (2006)
Date: January 17-18, 2006
Location: Beijing, China
Organizer: Government of the People’s Republic of China, the European Commission and the World Bank and in close coordination with the World Health Organization (WHO), Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations(FAO) and World Organization for Animal Health (OIE).
This conference was organized to promote, mobilize, and help coordinate financial support from the donor community for the national, regional and global response to highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) and to support efforts at all levels to prepare for a possible human influenza pandemic. The conference was attended by representatives from more than 100 countries around the world and representatives of international technical and financing agencies, organizations, the private sector and civil society.
Meeting Documents
One World, One Health: Building Interdisciplinary Bridges to Health in a "Globalized World" (2004)
Date: September 29, 2004
Location: Manhattan, New York
Organizer: Wildlife Conservation Society and The Rockefeller University
Health experts from around the world met for a symposium focused on the current and potential movements of diseases among human, domestic animal, and wildlife populations. Using case studies on Ebola, Avian Influenza, and Chronic Wasting Disease as examples, the assembled expert panelists delineated priorities for an international, interdisciplinary approach for combating threats to the health of life on Earth. The product – called "The Manhattan Principles" lists 12 recommendations for establishing a more holistic approach to preventing epidemic/epizootic disease and for maintaining ecosystem integrity for the benefit of humans, their domesticated animals, and the foundational biodiversity that supports us all.
Meeting Documents
- Page last reviewed: October 25, 2016
- Page last updated: October 25, 2016
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