

No. 2, April 2006
Diffusing a Research-based Physical Activity Promotion Program for Seniors
Into Diverse Communities: CHAMPS III
In this logic model, Inputs flows into Planning Activities, and Planning
Activities flow into Planning Outputs. Together, Planning Activities and
Planning Outputs flow into Implementation Activities; Implementation Activities
flow into Initial Outcomes; Initial Outcomes lead to Intermediate Outcomes,
which lead to Long-term Outcomes; and Long-term Outcomes lead to Goals.
Influential Factors have an impact on Planning Activities and Planning Outputs,
Implementation Activities, Initial Outcomes and Intermediate Outcomes. Details
Inputs include investments or resources:
- Grant funding of $35,000 per organization ($20,000, $10,000, $5,000 in
years 1 through 3)
- In-kind funds from organizations
- Existing resources (such as staff and facilities)
Planning Activities includes conducting focus groups, planning meetings, and
advisory groups to:
- Adapt CHAMPS II program components
- Design outreach approach including medical screening
- Train staff/volunteers/interns
- Develop new physical activity (PA) resources if needed
- Develop evaluation plan
Planning Outputs include:
- Preliminary adapted program procedures, components, and materials
- Trained staff and volunteers
- Outreach strategies
- Evaluation plan and materials
Implementation Activities include:
- Conduct outreach and recruitment
- Offer program
- Develop new PA resources as needed
A feedback loop allows for modification of program and procedures between the
three implementation activities just named and the following two:
- Enrollment progress
- Informal feedback
Initial Factors include the surrounding environment in which program exists,
- Varying amounts of physical activity (PA) resources and facilities
- Community support for PA through media, policy
- Competing priorities of organizations’ staff
- Difficulties finding organizations’ staff or volunteers with
qualifications and/or time for program
- Reduction in state/city funding to two organizations, resulting in
staff cuts
Initial Outcomes include:
- Adapted program procedures, components, and materials
- Number of people enrolled
Intermediate Outcomes, which are measured at the end of the intervention,
include three levels:
- Organization Level: number of program events offered; staff
administrator evaluation of program and its impact on organization
- Participant Level: changes in PA; evaluation of program
- Community Level: new PA resources; media attention
Long-term Outcomes, which are measure 1.5 years post-grant include
sustained community-level changes and sustained programs.
Goals are to increase PA of minority and lower-income seniors and leave
program in place at each organization.
Figure 1. Logic model for evaluating diffusion of Community Healthy Activities Model Program for Seniors (CHAMPS) II to reach racial and ethnic minority and lower-income seniors (CHAMPS III).
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