

7: No. 3, May 2010
Developing Partnerships to Reduce Disparities in Cancer Screening
This figure shows the 5 phases of the Team Up pilot
program, grouped as follows: Phases 1 through 4 are program activities.
Phase 5 is evaluation activities. The phases are identified as 1)
development, 2) partnership formation and building, 3) capacity building, 4)
implementation of evidence-based strategies, and 5) process, impact, and
outcome evaluation. A timeline that runs horizontally below the figure shows
that the pilot project began in mid-2003 and ended at the end of 2007.
Figure 1. Team Up: Pilot program (2001-2007) and
evaluation (2003-2008) phases.
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This figure depicts the structural framework of the Team
Up partnership. National partners are listed horizontally across the top:
American Cancer Society (ACS), Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
(CDC), the National Cancer Institute (NCI), and the United States Department
of Agriculture (USDA). In the next row, state and county partners from
Alabama, Georgia, Kentucky, Missouri, South Carolina, and Tennessee appear
at the left. The row consists of the Division of Cancer Control local staff
(under ACS), the National Breast and Cervical Cancer Early Detection Program
outreach workers and educators (under CDC), the Cancer Information Service
Partnership Program (under NCI), and the Cooperative State Research,
Education, and Extension Service agents (under USDA). The final row, headed
target population, consists of women who have rarely or never been screened
for cervical or breast cancer. Horizontal and vertical arrows indicate
reciprocal relationship between all partners.
Figure 2. Structural framework of Team Up partnership.
Abbreviations: ACS, American Cancer Society; AL, Alabama; CDC, Centers for
Disease Control and Prevention; GA, Georgia; KY, Kentucky; MO, Missouri; NCI,
National Cancer Institute; SC, South Carolina; TN, Tennessee; USDA, United
States Department of Agriculture.
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This figure is titled “Team Up evaluation organizational
framework.” There are 3 rows headed, from top to bottom, process,
impact, and outcome. Items in the first row are partnership
formation, partnership function, partnership synergy, and partnership
effectiveness. Items in the second row are current intervention use,
select EBI, adapt EBI, and implement EBI use. The third row has 2
components: to the left, current screening of never/rarely, and on the
far right, increase screening of never/rarely. A timeline runs
horizontally below, showing that the pilot was launched in the first quarter of
2003 and concluded at the end of 2007. Arrows in each row point from the first
item in each row to the next, until the last item. Under the item partnership
synergy, 4 arrows point to items in the next row: select EBI, adapt EBI,
and implement EBI use. EBI is an abbreviation for evidence-based
The legend defines partnership synergy and evidence-based
intervention. The legend says:
- Partnership synergy is a collaborative process that enables a group
of people and organizations to combine complementary knowledge, skills,
and resources to accomplish more as a group than as individuals (Lasker
and Weiss, 2003). The Lasker and Weiss Partnership Self-Assessment Tool
identifies a partnership’s strengths and weaknesses in areas known to be
related to synergy: leadership, efficiency, administration and
management, and sufficiency of resources. Response categories are based
on 5-point Likert scales (extremely well [5] to not at all well [1];
excellent [5] to poor [1]; all of what it needs [5] to none of what it
needs [1]). Overall synergy results are based on a compilation of
definitive questions with the resulting categorical scores: Danger Zone
(1.0-2.9) requires a lot of improvement; Work Zone (3.0-3.9) requires
effort to maximize the partnership’s collaborative potential; Headway
Zone (4.0-4.5) encourages greater potential to progress further; and
Target Zone (4.6-5.0) requires focus to maintain a synergistic
partnership (http://partnershiptool.net/).
- EBI: Evidence-based intervention. The term “evidence-based
intervention” refers to an intervention that has been tested through
randomly controlled experiments with efficacious results that have been
published in peer-reviewed journals (http://www.aoa.gov/doingbus/fundopp/announcements/2008/
Figure 3. Team Up evaluation organizational framework.
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