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Mammography Rates for Breast Cancer Screening: a Comparison of First Nations Women and All Other Women Living in Manitoba, Canada, 1999-2008

Figure. Screening program and bilateral mammography rates among First Nations women and all other Manitoba women, by period and area of residence, 1999–2008.


Area of Residence/PeriodFirst Nations WomenAll Other Manitoba Women
% (95% CI)
1999–200042.4 (37.0–48.7)55.8 (51.6–60.2)
2001–200233.6 (31.2–36.1)55.2 (52.4–58.1)
2003–200439.5 (38.2–41.0)58.7 (57.2–60.3)
2005–200640.8 (37.5–44.3)60.0 (57.1–63.0)
2007–200843.3 (41.6–45.2)58.6 (57.1–60.1)
Rural south
1999–200035.6 (33.5–37.9)64.8 (63.3–66.3)
2001–200230.4 (28.1–33.0)61.6 (60.9–62.4)
2003–200433.3 (33.0–33.6)61.8 (61.0–62.6)
2005–200636.7 (35.6–37.8)64.2 (63.1–65.3)
2007–200837.5 (36.3–38.7)62.6 (61.5–63.8)
1999–200031.3 (28.7–34.1)56.8 (56.1–57.4)
2001–200227.8 (24.2–32.0)56.0 (54.9–57.0)
2003–200431.7 (29.5–34.0)58.2 (56.7–59.7)
2005–200631.1 (28.9–33.4)59.4 (58.7–60.0)
2007–200832.1 (29.1–35.5)60.8 (60.0–61.5)


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