CDC Health Policy Series
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Office of the Associate Director for Policy, in partnership with NORC at the University of Chicago, experts at the Milken Institute School of Public Health at The George Washington University and Population Health Systems, has produced a series of issue briefs highlighting opportunities for public health to support health system transformation.
Each issue brief is designed to provide practical guidance to state and local public health departments and to health systems, highlighting specific opportunities for public health and health care to engage to improve population health. Additionally, the briefs include success stories to demonstrate how state and local public health practitioners can collaborate with the health system to catalyze health system transformation.
Public Health Departments and Accountable Care Organizations (ACOs) focuses on the interface of public health departments and ACOs and highlights opportunities for enhanced collaboration between the two entities. Specifically:
- Public health might act as a convener of ACO partnerships
- Public health can provide analysis of population health data, surveillance, needs assessment, and outcome evaluation
- Public health can be a direct service delivery partner by providing primary care services or wrap around services such as care coordination
Overview of Community Integration Structures and Emerging Innovations in Financing explores opportunities to establish effective, more sustainable community-focused delivery and payment models to improve population health. Specifically:
- Evolving community-level population health delivery models
- Key functions, opportunities, and challenges of a community integrator
- Concept of a balanced portfolio as a crucial component in developing a sustainable financial model
- Emerging financing vehicles that could be used for specific population health interventions
Look for future topics on public health and health system transformation!
- Page last reviewed: May 29, 2015
- Page last updated: May 29, 2015
- Content source: