Social Media
These graphics and images optimized for social media, feature Rx Awareness campaign participants and their key messages. You may use this content across social media platforms.

Billboard Download: High resolution

Rx Awareness Download: High resolution

Ann Marie Download: High-resolution | High-resolution with blue overlay

Brenda Download: High-resolution | High-resolution with blue overlay

Devin Download: High-resolution | High-resolution with blue overlay

Judy Download: High-resolution | High-resolution with blue overlay

Mike Download: High-resolution | High-resolution with blue overlay

Noah Download: High-resolution | High-resolution with blue overlay

Tamera Download: High-resolution | High-resolution with blue overlay

Download: High-resolution | High-resolution with blue overlay

Billboard Download: High-resolution

Rx Awareness Download: High-resolution

Ann Marie Download: High-resolution

Brenda Download: High-resolution

Devin Download: High-resolution

Judy Download: High-resolution

Mike Download: High-resolution

Noah Download: High-resolution

Tamera Download: High-resolution

Teresa Download: High-resolution
Social Media Channels
Connect with us on social media:
CDC’s Rx Awareness YouTube playlist
CDC’s Opioids YouTube playlist
@CDCInjury: CDC Injury Center’s Twitter account
@CDCgov: CDC’s Twitter account
Please use the hashtag #RxAwareness when referring to the campaign on social media.
Send Us an Email
Have a comment, suggestion, or question about the Rx Awareness Campaign? Need help implementing the campaign in your community? We welcome your questions and feedback:
Related Pages
CDC's Opioid Overdose Website
Learn more about opioid misuse and overdose, data, and prevention resources at
- Page last reviewed: September 22, 2017
- Page last updated: September 22, 2017
- Content source:
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention,
- National Center for Injury Prevention and Control,
- Division of Unintentional Injury Prevention