Sepsis and Cancer
In your fight against cancer, arm yourself with the facts about infection and sepsis.
Having cancer and certain treatments for cancer, such as chemotherapy, can put you at higher risk of developing an infection and sepsis.
Does cancer put me at risk for an infection and sepsis?
Yes. Having cancer and undergoing certain treatments for cancer, such as chemotherapy, can make your body unable to fight off infections the way it normally would.
Does chemotherapy increase my risk for infection and sepsis?
Yes. Chemotherapy works by killing the fastest-growing cells in your body—both good and bad. This means that along with killing cancer cells, chemo also kills your infection-fighting white blood cells.
When am I more likely to get an infection?
Importance of Preventing Infections
For a person with cancer,
any infection can lead to sepsis.
For more information see
An infection or sepsis can happen at any time. However, when your body has very low levels of a certain type of white blood cell (neutrophils), that increases your risk of getting an infection that can lead to sepsis. This condition is a common side effect of chemo called neutropenia.
How will I know if I have neutropenia?
Your doctor will routinely test for neutropenia by checking the level of your white blood cells (neutrophils).
How can I prevent an infection?
In addition to receiving treatment from your doctor, the following suggestions can help reduce your risk for getting an infection:
Fact Sheet

Cancer, Infection and Sepsis Fact Sheet
[PDF – 271KB]
A potentially deadly
combination that every
cancer patient should
know about
- Wash your hands often and ask others around you to do the same.
- Avoid crowded places and people who are sick.
- Talk to your doctor about getting a flu shot or other vaccinations.
- Take a bath or shower every day (unless told otherwise).
- Use an unscented lotion to try to keep your skin from getting dry or cracked.
- Clean your teeth and gums with a soft toothbrush.
- Use a mouthwash to prevent mouth sores (if your doctor recommends one).
- Do not share food, drink cups, utensils or other personal items, such as toothbrushes.
- Cook meat and eggs all the way through to kill any germs.
- Carefully wash raw fruits and vegetables.
- Protect your skin from direct contact with pet bodily waste (urine or feces).
- Wash your hands immediately after touching an animal or removing its waste, even after wearing gloves.
- Use gloves for gardening.
- Page last reviewed: August 18, 2017
- Page last updated: August 25, 2017
- Content source: