STD AAPPS FOA Frequently Asked Questions
This web page is archived for historical purposes and is no longer being updated.

The application period for this FOA closed on Thursday, September 12, 2013 at 11:59 p.m. U.S. E.S.T. The information on the Frequently Asked Question pages is for historical and educational purposes only.
Application Requirements
1. When is the FOA due?
All FOA applications are due by 11:59 pm current Eastern Time on September 12, 2013.
CDC encourages applicants to submit well in advance of the deadline, in case there are any technical difficulties that need to be resolved.
Applications received after the deadline will not be considered. There will be no exceptions.
Allow time for the validation process, as detailed in the Other Submission Requirements of the FOA. (July 9, 2013)
2. Are applicants required to complete and submit the work plan template posted on the STD AAPPS resource page, or is the template meant to serve as a guide?
Yes, CDC expects all applicants to complete and submit the provided work plan template as a PDF attachment.
CDC is working to harmonize evaluation and performance measurement with the work plan to reduce paperwork.
CDC is interested in your feedback on the template; please share any concerns via email (
There will also be a webinar on Thursday, July 11, 2-3 pm (ET) to discuss the work plan template as well as the FOA program evaluation requirements.
For more information about the webinar, visit the STD AAPPS web page: (July 9, 2013)
3. The Project Narrative/Organization Capacity of Awardees to Execute the Approach section of the FOA states applicants should have a strong evaluation and performance measurement plan. Should an evaluation and performance measurement plan be includedin the Evaluation and Performance Measurement section instead?
The Evaluation and Performance Measurement section in the review criteria describes how the Evaluation and Performance Measurement Plan will be scored.
Under the Organizational Capacity section, applicants are scored based on their ability to execute the plan, not the plan itself. (July 9, 2013)
4. What size paper is allowed for the Work Plan? The template defaults to printing on legal size paper. Are applicants permitted to use legal size paper towards the 20-page maximum, should the template be reduced to fit on 8.5 x 11 inch paper?
The applicant must submit all application attachments using a PDF file format when submitting via
For the Work Plan attachment only, the pages in the PDF can be legal sized. Applicants can reduce the size of the Work Plan template to letter sized, if they choose.
For all others documents required to be submitted, as listed in the FOA, the PDF should be letter size. (July 9, 2013)
5. Are there specific requirements for font, margins and spacing?
Certain sections of the FOA include specific font, margin, and spacing requirements. If no specifications are noted for a particular portion of the application, there are no requirements for font, margins, and spacing. (Revised August 12, 2013)
6. Should applicants complete the 424 form for year one and another for years two through five? Should applicants complete a budget narrative for years two through five in addition to the budget narrative for year one?
Yes, it is mandatory to complete form 424 for year one—this is the applicant’s page that contains all the legal information needed.
The budget narrative should be completed for year one—see guidance on completing a budget:
For years two through five, it is not mandatory to complete a 424 or a budget narrative, but the applicant is free to expand on additional information for the entire five year cycle.
Awardees will be required to submit a budget narrative each continuing year during the cooperative agreement period. (July 11, 2013)
7. Please provide applicants with guidance on key letters of support and MOUs that CDC suggests should/could be submitted with the application?
Letters of support should be on agency/organization letterhead and signed by whoever is providing the letter of support.
No additional information (e.g., sample) can be provided, nor can CDC suggest who can provide the applicants their letters of support. (July 11, 2013)
8. Should jurisdictions that are submitting both Part A and Part B application submit two separate applications on; or just one application including Parts A and B?
- Applicants applying to both Parts A and B should submit one application that includes Part A and Part B.
- The Part B Abstract and 424 form can be uploaded in the attachments. Please be sure to make a distinction in the Part names as indicated in the FOA guidance under Section D ‘Application and Submission Information.’
(July 11, 2013)
9. Is there a limit on attachments (page limit or number of attachments)?
There are page limits for certain parts of the application:
- Table of Contents: No page limit.
- Project Abstract Summary: Maximum of 2 paragraphs with word count of no more than 300 for Part A- STD AAPPS and maximum of 1 paragraph with word count of no more than 150 for Part B- GISP; single spaced, Calibri 12 point, 1-inch margin.
- Project Narrative: Maximum of 15 pages for Part A- STD AAPPS and maximum of 3 pages for Part B- GISP.
- Work Plan: Maximum of 20 pages.
(July 11, 2013)
10. Is there a page limit for the budget?
The format for the budget submission is form 424; the form does not have a limit. (July 11, 2013)
11. Are 2013 progress reports for the CSPS cooperative agreement required with this application?
Since this is a new cooperative agreement, no 2013 CSPS progress reports are required.
To close out the CSPS cooperative agreement, 2013 progress on CSPS objectives should be provided as part of five-year final CSPS performance and financial report which is due 90 days after the end of the CSPS project period, e.g., on March 31, 2014. (July 11, 2013)
12. There are several attachments listed such as AAPPS org chart, MOU/MOA (not required the first year), CV, Part A- STD AAPPS Work Plan on file other attachments. Is there a limit on attachments or will only those mentioned in the FOA be allowed?
Only attachments mentioned in the FOA will be allowed. (July 11, 2013)
13. A signed “Assurances and Certifications” document was submitted in May 2013 for the SSuN grant application. Can this be used for the STD AAPPS FOA application?
Yes. PGO has established a website ( where applicants can upload their assurance documents on an annual basis and it will be kept on file so that the signed document does not have to be submitted with each individual application. Applicants may either submit the signed assurances document to this website or as a part of the application for PS14-1402. (Revised August 1, 2013)
14. Are applicants required to apply for both Part A: STD AAPPS FOA and Part B: GISP?
No. Grantees may choose to apply to one, both, or neither parts of the STD AAPPS FOA. However, applying is not a guarantee for funding, if the project area does not apply for one or both sections, they will not be funded for one or both sections. (July 30, 2013)
15. Is only one logic model required as part of the application? Would it be useful to include a total of three logic models, one for chlamydia, one for gonorrhea, and one for syphilis?
Project areas do not have to provide a logic model as part of their application, although they are encouraged to develop and have one for themselves to help plan and evaluate their work. Work plans should generally align with the STD AAPPS FOA logic model. It is often useful to have logic models for particular parts of a program (e.g., one for each major infection, if that makes sense to the program), but that is not required. (July 30, 2013)
16. Is there a template for the logic model? Is using a template for the logic model required?
Project areas are not required to develop a logic model for their program as part of the application. Work plans should generally align with the STD AAPPS FOA logic model. There is no template for the logic model, and no template or specific format is required. (July 30, 2013)
17. If a grantee is not able to apply for GISP funding in year one, will it be possible to apply for GISP funding in year two?
No. Applicants for GISP must apply by the deadline stated in the FOA, and must be able to conduct the required activities every year for the entire five-year project period. (July 30, 2013)
18. The FOA submission instructions reference a table of contents, but do not specify separate ones Part A- STD AAPPS and Part B- GISP. How should applicants handle table of contents for Part B- GISP?
There should be only one table of contents that references the entire application. If the applicant is applying for parts A & B, it should be reflected in the table of contents. (August 29, 2013)
19. Who should I contact with questions about which forms to submit and how to submit them?
For technical submission questions, contact:
Technical Information Management Section
CDC Procurement and Grants Office
Telephone: 770-488-2700
(September 5, 2013)
20. Would it be possible to post a copy of the required Assurances and Certifications form on the website? When the link is accessed on page 38 of the guidance, it appears there are two forms (assurances non-construction and certifications), not just one.
The two assurances and certifications applicable to this FOA can be found at: and (September 11, 2013)
21. Should the Project Narrative be one document distinguishing Part A and Part B or should each narrative be uploaded separately as “Part A – Project Narrative” and “Part B – Project Narrative?”
Part A and Part B should each have their own Project Narrative and should be uploaded as such. (September 11, 2013)
22. Should form SF 424A be completed with the Parts A and B funding separated out or should the total amount requested for the entire year 1 budget period be shown?
Form SF 424A should be completed with Part A and B funding separated. (September 11, 2013)
- Page last reviewed: September 11, 2013 (archived document)
- Content source: