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Table A2. Reported Cases of STDs by Reporting Source and Sex, United States, 2013

This web page is archived for historical purposes and is no longer being updated. Newer data is available on the 

STD Data and Statistics page.

DiseaseNon-STD ClinicSTD ClinicTotal
Primary Syphilis3,0862163,3031,387701,4584,8913115,204
Secondary Syphilis7,4218828,3092,5072082,72110,9701,18912,171
Early Latent Syphilis9,9831,72011,7223,2485633,81214,4652,44316,929
Late and Late Latent Syphilis§10,7164,66515,3992,2667373,00315,5406,25621,819

* Total includes cases reported with unknown sex.

† Total includes cases reported with unknown reporting source.

‡ Total includes cases reported with unknown sex and reporting source.

§ Late and late latent syphilis includes late latent syphilis, latent syphilis of unknown duration, neurosyphilis, and late syphilis with clinical manifestations other than neurosyphilis.

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