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STEADI - Stopping Elderly Accidents, Deaths & Injuries

Success Stories

Electronic Health Record System Adopts STEADI Algorithm to Prevent Older Adult Falls

	photo: older woman with a walker getting helpSuccessful implementation of the STEADI workflow and electronic health record tools at the Oregon Health and Science University clinic had a national impact with the 2015 release of a clinical program that provides instructions on how to incorporate STEADI into any health system using the Epic EHR system.

Keep Them STEADI: Preventing Older Adult Falls in Hospital-Based Settings

	illustration of a hip fractureThe Rees-Jones Trauma Center at Parkland Memorial Hospital in Dallas, Texas integrated components of STEADI into its fall prevention program in 2012. Using STEADI’s evidence-based approach in hospital-based settings can significantly improve injury prevention programs, improve patient outcomes, and prevent falls in older adults.

Train today! Pharmacists: keep your older patients independent! APhA

