Stroke Publications

Learn more about stroke in these journal articles, fact sheets, and more.
Stroke Journal Articles
- Feigin V, Norrving B, George M, Foltz J, Roth G, Mensah G. Prevention of stroke: a strategic global imperative [PDF-632K]. Nat Rev Neurol 2016;12(9):501–12.
- Greer S, Schieb L, Ritchey M, George M, Casper M. County health factors associated with avoidable deaths from cardiovascular disease in the United States, 2006–2010. Public Health Rep 2016;131:438–48.
- Asaithambi G, Tong X, George MG, Tsai AW, Peacock JM, Luepker RV, et al. Acute stroke reperfusion therapy trends in the expanded treatment window era. J Stroke Cerebrovasc Dis 2014;23(9):2316–21.
- Tong X, George MG, Yang Q, Gillespie C. Predictors of in-hospital death and symptomatic intracranial hemorrhage in patients with acute ischemic stroke treated with thrombolytic therapy: Paul Coverdell Acute Stroke Registry 2008-2012. Int J Stroke 2014;9(6):728–34.
- Joo H, George, MG, Fang, J, Wang, G. A literature review of indirect costs associated with stroke. J Stroke Cerebrovasc Dis 2014;23(7):1753–63.
- Schieb LJ, Ayala C, Valderrama AL, Veazie MA. Trends and disparities in stroke mortality by region for American Indians and Alaska Natives. Am J Public Health 2014;104(S3):S368–76.
- Wang G, Zhang Z, Ayala C, Dunet D, Fang, J, George MG. Costs of hospitalization for stroke patients aged 18-64 years in the United States. J Stroke Cerebrovasc Dis 2014;23(5):861–8.
- Fang J, Wheaton AG, Ayala C. Sleep duration and history of stroke among adults from the USA. J Sleep Res 2014;23(5):531–7.
- Kulcsar M, Gilchrist S, George M. Improving stroke outcomes in rural areas through telestroke programs: an examination of barriers, facilitators, and state policies. Telemed J E Health 2014;20(1):3–10.
- Lackland DT, Roccella EJ, Deutsch AF, Fornage M, George MG, Howard G, et al. Factors influencing the decline in stroke mortality: a statement from the American Heart Association/American Stroke Association. Stroke 2014;45(1):315–53.
Fact Sheets
- Stroke
- Know the Facts About Stroke [PDF–264K]
- Know the Signs and Symptoms of Stroke
- Women and Stroke [PDF–268K]
- Men and Stroke [PDF–248K]
- African-American Women and Stroke [PDF–910K]
- African-American Men and Stroke [PDF–478K]
- Hispanic Women and Stroke [PDF–327K] – Las Mujeres Hispanas y Los Accidentes Cerebrovasculares [PDF–223]
- Hispanic Men and Stroke [PDF–340K] – Los Hombres Hispanos y Los Accidentes Cerebrovasculares [PDF–221]
- Hispanics and Stroke [PDF–217K] – Las Personas Hispanas y Los Accidentes Cerebrovasculares [PDF–223]
State Public Health Actions Programs
- State Heart Disease and Stroke Prevention Programs Address Stroke
- State Heart Disease and Stroke Prevention Programs Address High Blood Pressure
- State Heart Disease and Stroke Prevention Programs Address Prehospital Emergency Medical Response
CDC Programs that Address Stroke
- Paul Coverdell National Acute Stroke Program. CDC provides funding and support for nine state departments of health (California, Georgia, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, New York, Ohio, Washington, and Wisconsin). The state departments of health track and measure acute stroke care to improve the quality of care. From 2005 to 2015, more than 550,000 Americans benefitted from hospital participation in the Coverdell Program. The long-term goal of this program is for all Americans to receive the highest quality of acute stroke care available to reduce death and disability and prevent another stroke.
- CDC’s Heart Disease and Stroke Prevention Program. CDC currently funds health departments in 32 states and the District of Columbia to plan, carry out, and test cardiovascular health promotion, disease prevention, and control programs and to eliminate health disparities.
- Million Hearts®. CDC and the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services co-lead this national initiative with the goal to prevent 1 million heart attacks and strokes. Million Hearts® provides tools and resources for health professionals.
- WISEWOMAN (Well-Integrated Screening and Evaluation for Women Across the Nation). WISEWOMAN provides low-income, underinsured, or uninsured women with chronic disease screenings, lifestyle programs, and referral services to prevent heart disease and stroke. CDC currently funds 21 WISEWOMAN programs, which operate on the local level in states and tribal organizations.
Resources from Other Organizations
- What You Need to Know About Stroke—National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke
- Know Stroke: Know the Signs, Act in Time—National Institutes of Health
- Mind Your Risks–National Institutes of Health
- Stroke–Medline Plus
- Cryptogenic Stroke Public Health Conference Report 2015
- Stroke Resource Center–American Heart Association/American Stroke Association
- Page last reviewed: August 24, 2017
- Page last updated: August 24, 2017
- Content source: