Public Health Professionals
Become a Tips® Campaign Partner

Partners play a critical role in CDC’s Tips From Former Smokers® (Tips®) campaign by extending the reach of the Tips ads. Partners can also help by sharing the ads’ life-saving message: Quit smoking and protect others from the dangers of secondhand smoke exposure! The Tips campaign has a proven record of success in motivating smokers to quit for good, and CDC hopes the campaign can help your organization meet its public health goals, too.
Free Tips campaign resources are available for partners to use and promote.
Free Tips Resources for Partners
Visit the Campaign Resources page to see all the Tips resources available for use. A few easy actions to take include:
- Placing Tips badges and buttons on your organization’s Web site
- Sharing CDCTobaccoFree Tips social media content via YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, or Pinterest
- Downloading Tips print ads, including posters available in English and Spanish, and placing them in community locations, including healthcare settings, to reach smokers
- Using prewritten Tips campaign matte articles for placement in your organization’s newsletters
- Learning how smoking affects specific groups of people
- Promoting tailored information and resources specifically for healthcare providers and faith-based organizations that you work with
- Featuring Tips site content in English or Spanish on your organization’s website (learn how to syndicate CDC’s campaign content into your own site by viewing resources in the “Get Help” box on CDC’s Content Syndication page)
- Sharing the Tips Campaign Overview Flyer [PDF – 643k] with your audiences at meetings, conferences, and other opportunities
- Reviewing the Tips: Free Campaign Materials Available From CDC[PDF – 1.26MB] flyer to see the types of free materials available for use and where you can find them
- Visiting our Newsroom for media resources
- Page last reviewed: April 19, 2017
- Page last updated: July 28, 2017
- Content source: