Standards for Adult Immunization Practice
The National Vaccine Advisory Committee (NVAC) revised the Standards for Adult Immunization Practice in 2013. These updated Standards call on ALL healthcare professionals – whether they provide vaccinations or not – to take steps to help ensure that their adult patients are fully immunized.
Why were the Standards for Adult Immunization Practice updated?
- Adult vaccination rates are extremely low.
- Most adults are NOT aware that they need vaccines.
- Recommendation from their healthcare professional is the strongest predictor of whether patients get vaccinated.
- There are many missed opportunities for vaccination because many healthcare professionals are not routinely assessing vaccination status.
Show your support for the updated practice standards
Practice Standards for All Healthcare Professionals
- ASSESS immunization status of all your patients at every clinical encounter.
- Stay informed. Get the latest CDC recommendations for immunization of adults.
- Implement protocols and policies. Ensure that patients’ vaccine needs are routinely reviewed and patients get reminders about vaccines they need.
- Strongly RECOMMEND vaccines that patients need.
- Share tailored reasons why vaccination is right for the patient.
- Highlight positive experiences with vaccination.
- Address patient questions and concerns.
- Remind patients that vaccines protect them and their loved ones against a number of common and serious diseases.
- Explain the potential costs of getting sick.
- ADMINISTER needed vaccines or REFER your patients to a vaccination provider.
- Offer the vaccines you stock.
- Refer patients to providers in the area that offer vaccines that you don’t stock.
- DOCUMENT vaccines received by your patients.
- Participate in your state’s immunization registry. Help your office, your patients, and your patients’ other providers know which vaccines your patients have had.
- Follow up. Confirm that patients received recommended vaccines that you referred them to get from other immunization providers.
Learn More about the New Standards
The Recommendations from the National Vaccine Advisory Committee: Standards for Adult Immunization Practice are supported by CDC as well as a number of national healthcare provider organizations. For a complete list of supporters or to sign up to support the standards, visit the National Adult and Influenza Immunization Summit site.
You Can Make a Difference
Patients trust you to give them the best advice on how to protect their health. Vaccine-preventable diseases can result in serious illness, hospitalization, and even death. Make adult vaccination a standard of care in your practice.
Tools and Resources to Help
Educating Your Patients
Resources to share with your patients about the importance of adult vaccination.

Immunizing Adult Patients: New Standards for Practice [2 pages]
Fact sheet for Healthcare Professionals on Adult Vaccination
Size: 8-1/2″ x 11″
Suitable for printing in color or in black & white
Implementing the Standards for Adult Immunization Practice
A series of fact sheets for health care professionals with information and tips on how to improve vaccination practice including assessment, recommendation, administration, referral, and documentation.

Standards for Adult Immunization Practice: Overview [2 pages]
An overview of the new Standards for Adult Immunization Practice, including why the standards were updated, summary of standards for all healthcare professionals, and evidence-based strategies, to improve adult immunization.
Size: 8-1/2″ x 11″
Suitable for printing in color or in black & white UPDATED

Standards for Adult Immunization Practice: Vaccine Needs Assessment [2 pages]
Factsheet on the importance of vaccine needs assessment as a practice standard for all healthcare professionals with tips and resources for improving assessment in your practice.
Size: 8-1/2″ x 11″
Suitable for printing in color or in black & white UPDATED

Standards for Adult Immunization Practice: Vaccine Recommendation [2 pages]
Factsheet on the importance of strongly recommending vaccines that patients need as a practice standard for all healthcare professionals with tips and resources on talking with adult patients about immunization.
Size: 8-1/2″ x 11″
Suitable for printing in color or in black & white UPDATED

Standards for Adult Immunization Practice: Vaccine Administration [2 pages]
Factsheet on vaccine administration with tips and resources for improving assessment in your practice.
Size: 8-1/2″ x 11″
Suitable for printing in color or in black & white UPDATED

Standards for Adult Immunization Practice: Vaccine Referral [2 pages]
Factsheet on the importance of vaccine referral as a practice standard for healthcare professionals who not stock all vaccines that patients need, with vaccine referral options and other tips.
Size: 8-1/2″ x 11″
Suitable for printing in color or in black & white UPDATED

Standards for Adult Immunization Practice: Vaccine Documentation [2 pages]
Factsheet on the importance of documenting vaccines with information and resources on Immunization Information Systems (IIS).
Size: 8-1/2″ x 11″
Suitable for printing in color or in black & white UPDATED
Additional Resources
Adult Vaccinations: Team-Based Immunization (AMA)
Earn CME credits from the American Medical Association (AMA) by learning how to set up an immunization program.
Take a Stand!
Standing orders workshops offered by Immunization Action Coalition
- Page last reviewed: May 2, 2016
- Page last updated: July 19, 2017
- Content source: