Matte Articles
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HPV Vaccine: Same Way, Same Day
(For pediatricians serving Latino populations)
Did you know that the female Hispanic patients in your practice have a greater chance of developing cervical cancer later in life than non-Hispanic patients? You can reduce this disparity and protect your patients’ future health with HPV vaccination.
- English [1 page] New Dec 2014

PREVENT cervical cancer now
If there were a vaccine to prevent a cancer that kills 4,000 women each year, would you get it for your children?
- Libby Malphrus' personal battle against cervical cancer convinced her how important it is to protect her own daughter.
- English [1 page] Updated Dec 2014
- Patti Casa is ready to remind you that cervical cancer can affect anyone.
- English [1 page] Updated Dec 2014
- Spanish [1 page] Updated Jul 2014

Will you protect your daughters against cervical cancer?
Commit to protecting your daughter against cervical cancer by making sure she gets HPV vaccine. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends HPV vaccination for girls and boys before the 13th birthday to protect against cancers caused by HPV, including cervical cancer.
- English [2 pages] Updated Dec 2014

Beat the Rush
School will be out soon, and many families will be getting ready for summer vacations, camps, and other fun activities. Before you start your summer, make an appointment for your preteen’s vaccinations.

Preventing HPV cancer in communities of color
Cervical cancer was once the leading cause of cancer death for women in the United States. Now it is the most preventable of all of the female cancers. Yet cervical cancer affects women of color and their communities more than their white counterparts. Black women are more likely to die from cervical cancer than women of other races or ethnicities.

Hispanic women and HPV cancer prevention
While cervical cancer is the most preventable of all female cancers, Hispanic women have the highest rates of cervical cancer in the United States. For every 100,000 women living in the U.S., about 11 Hispanic women are diagnosed with cervical cancer, compared to only seven non-Hispanic women.

Get your kids HPV vaccine now to prevent cancer later
As one mom knows all too well, cervical cancer can be devastating. And the connection between vaccinating kids now to protect them from cancer later isn't lost on her. "I tell everyone to get their children the HPV vaccine series to protect them from these kinds of cancers..."
- English [1 page] Updated Jul 2014

Preteen and Teen Vaccines
Leaving their lunch at home, forgetting to get a permission slip signed, suddenly needing a ride somewhere after school... you knew there would be days like this. But did you know that preteens and teens continue to need vaccinations to protect them against serious diseases?

HPV vaccines offer disease protection pre-teens can grow into—now for girls and boys
When it comes to their kids, parents are always planning. Healthy dinners. Safe HPV vaccines offer disease protection preteens can grow into—now for girls and boys. One plan that's easy to make could have a tremendous benefit, even saving a life. That's planning to have preteens vaccinated against HPV, the leading cause of cervical cancer in women.

Get a Flu Vaccine! It’s the Best Way to Help You Fight the Flu This Season
An annual flu vaccination is the best way to prevent the flu and the flu-related complications that could lead to hospitalization and even death. Health experts across the country recommend that everyone 6 months and older get a flu vaccine.

Pertussis (Whooping cough): Without booster vaccine, preteens at risk for lengthy, disruptive illness
Whooping cough—or pertussis—is a serious and very contagious respiratory disease that can cause long, violent coughing fits and the characteristic "whooping" sound that follows when a person gasps for air. Whooping cough has been on the rise in preteens and teens. In 2009, a quarter of the 16,858 cases of pertussis reported in the United States were among 10- through 19-year-olds.
- Page last reviewed: May 11, 2016
- Page last updated: October 25, 2016
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