VFC Healthcare Providers Information Flyer

Question and Answer

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VFC Will Benefit Your Patients and Your Practice!

Q: Are you a VFC provider?

A: Being a VFC provider is a sound investment in your practice and in your patients. It reduces your up-front costs because you will not have to pay to purchase vaccines for VFC-eligible children. Also, you can charge an administrative fee to offset your costs of doing business. Your patients benefit because they won’t have to go somewhere else to get the vaccines they need, and there is no charge to you, the provider.

Children and adolescents are eligible if it is before their 19th birthdays and they meet one or more of the following criteria:

  • Medicaid-eligible
  • Uninsured
  • American Indian or Alaska Native
  • Underinsured (Underinsured children are only eligible for VFC Vaccines through FQHC/RHC.)

Q: What do you mean by “underinsured?”

A: Underinsured means your patient has health insurance, but it won’t cover the vaccine(s) because:

  • It doesn’t cover any vaccines.
  • It doesn’t cover certain vaccines.
  • It covers vaccines, but it has a fixed dollar limit or cap for vaccines. Once that fixed dollar amount has been reached, your patient is eligible.
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Q: What are the benefits of VFC?

A: The VFC program provides routine vaccines to all states, the District of Columbia, and territories for participating healthcare providers. All vaccines recommended by the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) and approved by CDC and HHS are covered under the VFC Program at no cost to the participating healthcare provider. You don’t have to be a Medicaid provider to participate in VFC. Any healthcare provider authorized to prescribe vaccines under your state law can be a VFC provider.

Q: How can you become a VFC provider?

A: Contact your State/Territory VFC coordinator. Find your coordinator. All you need to do is ask for a Provider Enrollment Package to be mailed to you.

  • Complete the State Provider Enrollment forms and return them as soon as possible.
  • Prepare your office and staff for a site visit to go over the administrative requirements of the program and to ensure proper storage and
    handling of vaccines when you receive them.
  • Once you’re enrolled, tell parents you are now a VFC provider.

The VFC Program will:

  • Keep your patients in their medical home.
  • Reduce your up-front costs.
  • Help provide quality care to vulnerable children and adolescents.

Find more information about the VFC program. Get an answer to your specific question by contacting CDC-INFO or calling 800-CDC-INFO (800-232-4636) anytime.

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