Maine:Prehospital protocol pediatric seizure

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Baseline Assessment

  • 100% O2 NRB and prepare to assist ventilations
  • Obtain vital signs and prtoect patient from self injury
  • Request ALS

Actively seizing?

  • Check blood glucose

Blood Glucose <60mg/dL?


  • Treat with Dextrose IV/IO

Active Seizure?


  • Midazolam (weight *0.2mg/kg) IM (max 10mg)
  • Midazolam (weight *0.1mg/kg) IV (Max 5mg)
  • Midazolam (weight 0.2mg/kg) IN over 15 sec half in each nostril (max 6mg)


  • Further orders per on-line physician

Continuing seizure > 5 min?

  • Obtain IV access
  • Begin EtCO2 monitoring


  • Give IV/IO midazolam (weight *0.1) mg OR
  • Give IM/IN midazolam (weight *0.2) mg

Reassess Patient

  • Continue to monitor airway
  • Further orders as per on-line physician