Prehospital protocol pediatric anaphylaxis

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Perform general assessment

  1. 100% O2 NRB
  2. Check Vital Signs
  3. Assist Ventilations with BVM as needed

Signs Symptoms of Anapylaxis?

Is there a known allergen exposure with hypotension or respiratory distress?


  • IF (weight <25)
    • Give EpiPen Junior IM (0.15mg epinephrine 1:1000 IM)
    • If auto injector is not available, give epinephrine 1:1000 (weight *0.01) mg IM
  • IF (weight > 25)
    • Give EpiPen IM (0.3mg epinephrine 1:1000 IM)
    • If autoinjector is not available, give epinephrine (1:1000) (weight *0.01) mg IM


Acute onset of symptoms and 2 or more of the following?

  1. Hypotension, cyanosis, delayed cap refill
  2. Dyspnea, wheezing, stridor, or respiratory distress
  3. Throat tightness or facial/lip/tongue swelling
  4. Widespread hives, itching, swelling
  5. Persistent vomiting or abdominal pain
  6. altered mental status, syncope, or decreased consciousness


  • IF (weight <25) kg
    • Give EpiPen Junior IM (0.15mg epinephrine 1:1000 IM) If auto injector is not available, give epinephrine 1:1000 (weight *0.01) mg/kg IM
  • IF (weight > 25) kg
    • Give EpiPen IM (0.3mg epinephrine 1:1000 IM) If autoinjector is not available, give epinephrine (1:1000) (weight *0.01) mg/kg IM

IV NS TKO, Cardiac Monitor, Pulse Oximetry

  • Assess for signs of poor perfusion.
  • If hypotension, and pulmonary edema administer 10cc/kg NS IV
  • If hypotension and NO pulmonary edema administer 20cc/kg NS IV
  • Follow Non-Traumatic Shock protocol (8.03 CC)

Wheezing or Shortness of Breath?

  • 2.5mg/3mL Albuterol NS via Nebulizer may be administered
  • Repeat as needed

Hypotensionor Poor Perfusion?


  1. Give (weight *20) mL/kg NS bolus and reassess.
  2. Repeat bolus x 3 times if continued signs of poor perfusion

Recurrent signs of Anaphylaxis?

If patient has continued signs of anaphylaxis and no epinephrine was given in the last 5 minutes then

  • IF (weight < 25) kg
    • Give EpiPen Junior IM (0.15mg epinephrine 1:1000 IM) If auto injector is not available, give epinephrine 1:1000 (weight *0.01) mg IM
  • IF (weight > 25) kg
    • Give EpiPen IM (0.3mg epinephrine 1:1000 IM) If autoinjector is not available, give epinephrine (1:1000) (weight *0.01) mg/kg IM

Give Diphenhydramine 1mg/kg IV/IM

  • Max dose 50mg

Notify Receiving Hospital

  1. Continue transport, and frequent reassessments
  2. Contact online medical control if in need of further instructions