Template:Lice treatment

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Over the Counter (OTC)

  • Permethrin 1% lotion shampoo (if >2 months old)[1]
    • Wash hair with non-conditioned shampoo
    • Apply Permethrin for 10 min and rinse
    • Repeat on day 9
  • Pyrethrin lotion
    • Apply to affected areas and wash off after 10 min
    • Repeat in 7 days


Reserved for failed OTC treatment

  • Spinosad 0.9% topical suspension (if >6 months old)
    • Apply to scalp and air and wash off after 10 min.
    • Repeat in 10 days
  • Malathion 0.5% lotion (if >6 years old)
    • Applied to affected areas and wash after 8 hrs
    • Repeat in 7 days
  • Benzyl Alcohol 5% lotion (> 6 months old)
    • Apply to dry hair and wash off after 10 min
    • Repeat in 7 days
  • Ivermectin 400mcg/kg PO
    • Once on day 1 THEN once in 7 days
    • Reserved for patients failing topical treatment
  • Lindane therapy
    • Only consider if patient has failed two prior prescription treatments
    • Avoid in children <50 kg due to seizure association

Eyelash Infestation

  • Apply ophthalmic petroleum jelly q12hrs x 10 days

Pediatrics <2yo

  • Wet combing is an alternative to medical therapy

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