Template:Pediatric NAC dosing

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For children there is a diluent added to the NAC so that there is no electrolyte and volume complications.


  • 140 mg/kg body weight, orally, once as a loading dose
  • Maintenance Dose: 70 mg/kg body weight, orally, 4 hours after the loading dose and every 4 hours for 17 total doses, unless repeated acetaminophen assays reveal nontoxic levels

100 to 109 kg:

  • Loading dose: 15 g (75 mL) in 225 mL diluent; total volume: 300 mL
  • Maintenance Dose: 7.5 g (37 mL) in 113 mL diluent; total volume: 150 mL

90 to 99 kg:

  • Loading dose: 14 g (70 mL) in 210 mL diluent; total volume: 280 mL
  • Maintenance Dose: 7 g (35 mL) in 105 mL diluent; total volume: 140 mL

80 to 89 kg

  • Loading dose: 13 g (65 mL) in 195 mL diluent; total volume: 260 mL
  • Maintenance Dose: 6.5 g (33 mL) in 97 mL diluent; total volume: 130 mL

70 to 79 kg

  • Loading dose: 11 g (55 mL) in 165 mL in diluent; total volume: 220 mL
  • Maintenance Dose: 5.5 g (28 mL) in 82 mL diluent; total volume: 110 mL

60 to 69 kg

  • Loading dose: 10 g (50 mL) in 150 mL diluent; total volume: 200 mL
  • Maintenance Dose: 5 g (25 mL) in 75 mL diluent; total volume: 100 mL

50 to 59 kg

  • Loading dose: 8 g (40 mL) in 120 mL diluent; total volume: 160 mL
  • Maintenance Dose: 4 g (20 mL) in 60 mL diluent; total volume: 80 mL

40 to 49 kg

  • Loading dose: 7 g (35 mL) in 105 mL diluent; total volume: 140 mL
  • Maintenance Dose: 3.5 g (18 mL) in 52 mL diluent; total volume: 70 mL

30 to 39 kg

  • Loading dose: 6 g (30 mL) in 90 mL diluent; total volume: 120 mL
  • Maintenance Dose: 3 g (15 mL) in 45 mL diluent; total volume: 60 mL

20 to 29 kg

  • Loading dose: 4 g (20 mL) in 60 mL diluent; total volume: 80 mL
  • Maintenance Dose: 2 g (10 mL) in 30 mL diluent; total volume: 40 mL

Less than 20 kg

  • Add 3 mL of diluent to each 1 mL (200 mg) of 20% acetylcysteine solution
  • Loading dose: 140 g/kg
  • Maintenance Dose: 70 g/kg


for pediatrics (0-18) the addition of a dilution of NAC should be followed to avoid electrolyte and fluid problems

5 to 20 kg:

  • Loading Dose: 150 mg/kg in 3 mL/kg diluent, infused over 1 hour
  • Second Dose: 50 mg/kg in 7 mL/kg diluent, infused over 4 hours
  • Third Dose: 100 mg/kg in 14 mL/kg diluent, infused over 16 hours

21 to 40 kg:

  • Loading Dose: 150 mg/kg in 100 mL diluent, infused over 1 hour
  • Second Dose: 50 mg/kg in 250 mL diluent, infused over 4 hours
  • Third Dose: 100 mg/kg in 500 mL diluent, infused over 16 hours

Over 100 kg:

  • Loading Dose: 15,000 mg in 200 mL diluent, infused over 1 hour
  • Second Dose: 5,000 mg in 500 mL diluent, infused over 4 hours
  • Third Dose: 10,000 mg in 1,000 mL diluent, infused over 16 hours