Vaginal Bleeding (Main)

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Differential Diagnosis

Nonpregnant Vaginal Bleeding

Systemic Causes

  • Cirrhosis
  • Coagulopathy (Von Willebrand, ITP)
  • Group A strep vaginitis (prepubertal girls)
  • Hormone replacement therapy
  • Hypothyroidism
  • Secondary anovulation

Reproductive Tract Causes

Vaginal Bleeding in Pregnancy (<20wks)

  • Ectopic Pregnancy
  • First Trimester Abortion
    • Complete Abortion
    • Incomplete Abortion
    • Inevitable Abortion
    • Missed Abortion
    • Septic abortion
    • Threatened Abortion
  • Gestational trophoblastic disease
    • Consider when pregnancy-induced hypertension is seen before 24 wks of gestation
  • Heterotopic pregnancy
  • Implantation bleeding
  • Molar pregnancy
  • Non-pregnancy related bleeding

Vaginal Bleeding in Pregnancy (>20wks)

Postpartum hemorrhage

Workup and Treatment

See individual notes:

See Also