This document is provided by the Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR) ONLY as an historical reference for the public health community. It is no longer being maintained and the data it contains may no longer be current and/or accurate.
1989 |1994 |1995 | 1996 | 2000 | 2001 | 2002 | 2003 | 2004 | 2005 | 2006 | 2007 | 2008 | 2009
Wattigney WA, Rice N, Cooper DL, Drew JM. Orr MF, State Programs to Reduce Uncontrolled Ammonia Releases and Associated Injury Using the Hazardous Substances Emergency Events Surveillance System. Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine 2009;51: 1-8. Abstract
Wattigney, WA, Orr, MF, Williamson GD, Everett Jones S, Hazardous Chemical Incidents in Schools — United States, 2002–2007. Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report 2008; 57:1197-1200. Report
Horton DK, Orr M, Kapil V, Tsongas T, Leiker R. Secondary Contamination of Medical Personnel, Equipment, and Facilities Resulting from Hazardous Materials Events, 2003-2006. Disaster Medicine and Public Health Preparedness. June 2008. Abstract
Ruckart PZ, Orr MF, Lanier K, Koehler A. Hazardous substances releases associated with Hurricanes Katrina and Rita in industrial settings, Louisiana and Texas. J Hazard Mater. 2008 Nov 15;159(1):53-7. Epub 2007 Oct 18.Abstract
Orr MF, Ruckart PZ. Surveillance of hazardous substances releases due to system interruptions, 2002. J Hazard Mater. 2007; 142: 754-59.Abstract
Brackbill R, Horton DK, Ruckart P, Bove F, Orr M, Kapil V, Learn B, Thoroughman D. Hazardous Substances Released During Rail Transit — 18 States, 2002–2007. Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report; 56(22);553-556. Report
Horton DK, Killip K, Kelley C, Howell S, Orr M. 2006. Hazardous Materials Resulting from the Home Production of Biodiesel — Colorado, May 2006. Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report; 55(45);1227-1228. Report
Horton DK, Wilburn R, Ehrlich J, Welles WL, Orr M, Kapil V. Elemental Mercury Releases Attributed to Antiques—New York, 2000–2006. Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report; 56(23);576-579. Report
Wattigney WA, Kaye WE, Orr MF. Acute Hazardous Substance Releases Resulting in Adverse Health Consequences in Children: Hazardous Substances Emergency Events Surveillance System, 1996–2003
. Journal of Environmental Health, 2007 Nov;70(4):17-24. Abstract
Ruckart PZ, Burgess PA. Human error and time of occurrence in hazardous material events in mining and manufacturing. J Hazard Mater. 2007; 142: 747-53. Abstract
Perri Zeitz Ruckart, M.P.H., Mike Fay, Ph.D. Analyzing Acute-Chemical-Release Data to Describe Chemicals That May be Used as Weapons of Terrorism. Journal of Environmental Health, July/August 2006; Vol. 69 No. (1):9-14.
Geoffrey M. Calvert, MD, MPH, Margot Barnett, MS, Louise N. Mehler, MD, PhD, Alan Becker, MPH, PhD, Rupali Das, MD, MPH, John Beckman, BS, Dorilee Male, BS, Jennifer Sievert, BS, Catherine Thomsen, MPH, and Barbara Morrissey, MS. Acute Pesticide-Related Illness Among Emergency Responders, 1993-2002. AMERICAN JOURNAL OF INDUSTRIAL MEDICINE 49:383-393 (2006)
Horton DK, Burgess P, Rossiter S, Kaye WE. Secondary contamination of emergency department
personnel from o-chlorobenzylidene malononitrile exposure, 2002. Annals of Emergency Medicine
2005; 45(6):655-658.
Full Report | Abstract
Nancy Rice, M.P.H., Rita Messing, Ph.D., Larry Souther, Zahava Berkowits, M.Sc., M.S.P.H. Unplanned Releases and Injuries Associated with Aerial Application of Chemicals, 1995-2002. Journal of Environmental Health, November 2005; Vol. 68 No. (4):14-18.
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Acute Public Health Consequences from Illicit Methamphetamine Laboratories --- Selected States, January 2000—June 2004. Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report April 2005;54(14):356-359. Report
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Anhydrous Ammonia Thefts and Releases Associated with Illicit Methamphetamine Production --- Selected States, January 2000—June 2004. Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report April 2005;54(14):359-361. Report
Ernst KP, Wattigney WA, Kaye WE. Hazardous Substances Emergency Events
Surveillance: Releases From Improper Chemical Mixing, 1996-2001. Journal
of Occupational and Environmental Medicine. March 2005;47(3):287-293.
Horton DK, Berkowitz Z, Kaye WE. Morbidity and mortality from hazardous
materials events in the personal services industry, 1993–2001: a follow-up
report from the Hazardous Substances Emergency Events Surveillance (HSEES)
System. American Journal of Industrial Medicine February 2005; 47:419
–427 (2005). Abstract
Wendy E. Kaye, Maureen F. Orr, Wendy A. Wattigney. Surveillance of Hazardous
Substance emergency events: Identifying Areas of Public Health Prevention;
International Journal of Hygiene and Environmental Health; 2005; Vol
208 Issue:1-2, pg 37-44 . Abstract
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Acute Public Health Consequences from Illicit Methamphetamine Laboratories --- Selected States, January 2000—June 2004. Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report April 2005;54(14):356-359. Report
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Public Health Consequences from Hazardous Substances Acutely Released During Rail Transit — South Carolina, 2005; Selected States, 1999–2004. Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report 2005;53:64-67. Report
Ruckart PZ, Orr MF, Kaye WE. Hazardous chemical releases in the home.
Journal of Environment Health. December 2004; Vol. 67 No.(5):14-19.
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Brief report: Injuries associated with homemade fireworks—selected states, 1993–2004. Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report 2004;53(25):562-563. Report
Ruckart PZ; Borders J; Villanacci J; Harris R; Samples-Ruiz M. The role of adverse weather conditions in acute releases of hazardous substances, Texas, 2000-2001. J Hazard Mater. 2004 Nov 11;115(1-3):27-31Abstract
Ruckart PZ, Wattigney W, Kaye WE. Risk factors for acute chemical releases
with public health consequences: Hazardous Substances Emergency Events
Surveillance in the U.S., 1996-2001. Environ Health;2004 Oct 20;3(1):10.Full
Berkowitz Z, Horton DK, Kaye WE. Hazardous substances releases causing fatalities and/or
people transported to hospitals: rural/agricultural vs. other areas.
Prehosp Disast Med 2004 Jul-Sep;19(3):213-20.
Horton DK, Berkowitz Z, Kaye WE. Hydrofluoric acid releases in 17 states
and the acute health effects associated, 1993–2001. Journal of Occupational
and Environmental Medicine Volume 46, Issue 5 501-508. May 2004 Abstract
Horton DK, Berkowitz Z, Kaye WE. Surveillance of Hazardous Materials
Events in 17 States, 1993–2001: A Report from the Hazardous Substances
Emergency Events Surveillance (HSEES) System. American Journal of Industrial
Medicine 45:539-548. Abstract
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Acute Toxicity to Tearing Agent After Exposure to a Theft-Deterrent Device on a Safe—Wisconsin, December 2003. Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report 2004;53(08):176-177. Report
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Carbon Monoxide Releases and Poisonings Attributed to Underground Utility Cable [WLW1] Fires--New York, January 2000 – December 2003. Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report 2004:53:920-922. Report
Wanda Lizak Welles, Rebecca E. Wilburn, Jenny K. Ehrlich, Christina M. Florida. New York hazardous substances emergency events surveillance: learning from hazardous substances releases to improve safety. Journal of Hazardous Materials (2004).
Berkowitz Z, Barnhart HX, Kaye WE. Factors associated with severity of
injury resulting from acute releases of hazardous substances in the manufacturing
industry. Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine July 2003;Vol:45;734-742.
Horton DK, Berkowitz Z, Haugh GS, Orr MF, Kaye WE. Acute public health
consequences associated with hazardous substances released during transit,
1993-2000. Journal of Hazardous Materials. 2003;Vol:98,161-175.
Abstract | HTML
Horton DK, Berkowitz Z, Kaye WE. Secondary contamination of emergency
department personnel from hazardous materials events, 1995-2001. American
Journal of Emergency Medicine. 2003; 21/3 pp. 28-33.Abstract
Horton DK, Berkowitz Z, Kaye WE. The acute health consequences to children
exposed to hazardous substances used in illicit methamphetamine production,
1996 to 2001. Journal of Childrens Health 2003;1(1):99-108.
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
Homemade Chemical Bomb Events and Resulting InjuriesSelected States,
January 1996March 2003. Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report
2003;52:662-664. Report
Weisskopf, Marc G. PhD; Drew, James M. BA; Hanrahan, Lawrence P. PhD;
Anderson, Henry A. MD; Haugh, Gilbert S. MS--Hazardous Ammonia Releases:
Public Health Consequences and Risk Factors for Evacuation and Injury,
United States, 1993-1998. Journal of Occupational & Environmental
Medicine. 45(2):197-204, February 2003. Abstract
Manassaram DM, Orr MF, Kaye WE. Counterterrorism planning using the hazardous
substances events surveillance system. Disaster Management and Response.
HTML Abstract
Manassaram DM, Orr MF, Kaye WE. Hazardous substances events associated
with the manufacturing of chemicals and allied products. Journal of
Hazardous Materials 2003;104:123-135. Abstract
Berkowitz Z, Haugh GS, Orr, MF, Kaye WE. Releases of hazardous substances
in schools: data from Hazardous Substances Emergency Events Surveillance
system, 1993-1998. Journal of Environmental Health Sept. 2,2002;65:20-7.
Berkowitz Z, Orr MF, Kaye WE, Haugh GS. Adverse public health effects
associated with releases of hazardous substances in the agricultural industry
and related services in four mid-Western states. Journal of Occupational
and Environmental Medicine 2002;44:714-23. Abstract
Horton DK, Berkowitz Z, Kaye WE. 2002. The public health consequences
from acute chlorine releases, 1993-2000. J Occup Environ Med. 44:906-13.
Zeitz P, Orr MF, Kaye W. Public health consequences of mercury spills:
Hazardous Substances Emergency Events Surveillance, 1993-1998. Environ
Health Perspect 2002;110:129-32. Abstract
Orr MF, Haugh GS, Kaye WE. Hazardous Substances Emergency Events Surveillance,
1993-1997. Chem Health Safety 2001;8:35-41. Abstract
Orr MF, Kaye WE, Zeitz P, Powers M, Rosenthal L. Public health risks
of railroads: Hazardous Substances Emergency Events Surveillance. J
Occup Environ Med 2001;43:94-100. Abstract
Jeffery L. Burgess, MD, MPH, Dana F. Kovalchick, Lucy Harter, Kelly B. Kyes, PhD, James F. Lymp, PhD, Carl a. Bodkin, MD, MPH. Hazardous materials events: Evaluation of transport to health care facility and evacuation decisions. The American Journal of Emergency Medicine, March 2001; Vol. 19 No. (2).
Wanda Lizak Welles, Rebecca E. Wilburn. Hazardous Substances Emergency Events Surveillance (HSEES) in New York State, 1993 to 1997. Division of Chemical Health and Safety of the American Chemical Society, January/February 2001, Pages 42-52.
Larry Souther, Jean Small-Johnson, Rita B. Messing. A description of agricultural release of anhydrous ammonia in Minnesota. Chemical Health & Safety, November/December 2000 (16-22).
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Public health consequences
among first responders to emergency events associated with illicit methamphetamine
laboratories selected states, 1996-1999. Morbidity and Mortality
Weekly Report 2000;49:1021-4. Report
Zeitz P, Berkowitz Z, Orr MF, Haugh GS, Kaye WE. Frequency and type of
injuries in responders of hazardous substances emergency events, 1996-1998.
J Occup Environ Med 2000;42:1115-20. Abstract
Hall HI, Dhara VR, Wendy KE, Price-Green PA. Public health consequences
of hazardous substance releases. Toxicology and Industrial Health.
1996;12:289-292. Abstract
Hall HI, Haugh GS, Price-Green PA, Dhara VR, Kaye WE. Risk factors for
hazardous substance releases that result in injuries and evacuations:
Data from 9 states. Am J Public Health. 1996;86:855-857. Abstract
Wendt RD, Hall HI, Price-Green PA, Dhara VR, Kaye WE. Evaluating the sensitivity of Hazardous Substances Emergency Events Surveillance: a comparison of three surveillance systems. J Environ Health 1996;58:13-17.
Hall HI, Price-Gree PA, Dhara VR, Kaye WE. Health effects related to releases of hazardous substances on the superfund priority list. Chemosphere 1995;31:2455-2461. Abstract
H. Irene Hall, Ph.D., V. Ramana Dhara, M.D., Patricia A. Price-Green, M.S.P.H., Wendy E. Kaye, Ph.D. Surveillance for Emergency Events Involving Hazardous Substances - United States, 1990-1992. MMWR, Vol. 43/No. SS-2. Report
Sue Binder, MD, Deaths, Injuries, and Evacuations from Acute Hazardous Materials Releases. American Journal of Public Health, August 1989, Vol. 79. No. 8, pages 1042-1044