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Appendix A: Acronyms

Community Engagement logo

AAHIP African-American Health Improvement Partnership
ACE Active Community Engagement
ACQUIRE Access, Quality and Use in Reproductive Health
AHRQ Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality
ALA American Lung Association
AME African Methodist Episcopal
ATSDR Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry
CAB community advisory board
CAC community advisory committee
CACHÉ Community Action for Child Health Equity
CAN DO Children And Neighbors Defeat Obesity/la Comunidad Ayudando a los Niños a Derrotar la Obesidad
CARE Community Alliance for Research and Engagement
CBO community-based organization
CBPR community-based participatory research
CCAT community coalition action theory
CCB Community Coalition Board
CCHN Community Child Health Network
CDC Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
CEnR community-engaged research
CHC Community Health Coalition
CHIC Community Health Improvement Collaborative
CTSA Clinical and Translational Science Awards
DCCR Duke Center for Community Research
DCH Division of Community Health
DEPLOY Diabetes Education & Prevention with a Lifestyle Intervention Offered at the YMCA
DPBRN Dental Practice-Based Research Network
DPP Diabetes Prevention Program
HAAF Healthy African American Families
HHP Hispanic Health Project
HOC Healing of the Canoe
HWA Houston Wellness Association
IRB institutional review board
IUSM Indiana University School of Medicine
JABGC John Avery Boys and Girls Club
JHCC Joyland-Highpoint Community Coalition
MOA memorandum of agreement
MUSC Medical University of South Carolina
MWC Mayor’s Wellness Council
NCCU North Carolina Central University
NICHD National Institute of Child Health and Human Development
NIH National Institutes of Health
N-O-T Not on Tobacco
NPU-Y Neighborhood Planning Unit Y
PA physical activity
PBR practice-based research
PBRN practice-based research network
PI principal investigator
PRC Prevention Research Center
RCT randomized controlled trial
SCC Suquamish Cultural Cooperative
SNA social network analysis
SuGAR Sea Island Genetic African American Registry
UCLA University of California, Los Angeles

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