A Network of Investigator Networks in Human Genome Epidemiology Table
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TABLE 1: International network-registries in human genome epidemiology
Field | Network-registry | Type* | No. of teams (no. in thousands)† | Principal contact(s) |
Parkinson Disease
Genetic Epidemiology of Parkinson Disease (GEO-PD) consortium
D (CC>C)
18 (10)
D. M. Maraganore (dmaraganore@mayo.edu)
HIV‡ infection
International Meta-Analysis of HIV Host Genetics
D (C>CC)
30 (7)
T. R. O’Brien (obrient@exchange.nih.gov)
Cardiovascular disease
Fibrinogen Studies Collaboration and Emerging Risk Factors Collaboration (new genetics component being launched)
D (C)
50 (200)
J. Danesh (john.danesh@phpc.cam.ac.uk)
Craniofacial anomalies
Craniofacial anomalies network developed by the International Collaborative Research on Craniofacial Anomalies Project
D (CC)
9 (4)
J. Little (jlittle@uottawa.ca)
Internet Web address: www.who.int/genomics/anomalies/cfaproject/en/#mtg |
Genetic Markers for Osteoporosis (GENOMOS)
D (C>CC)
10 (30)
A. G. Uitterlinden (a.g.uitterlinden@erasmusmc.nl)
Antiphospholipid syndrome
International Meta-analysis of Antiphospholipid Syndrome Genetics
D (CC>C)
9 (4)
J. P. A. Ioannidis (jioannid@cc.uoi.gr)
Child growth and metabolism
Birth Cohorts Consortium
D (C)
24 (55)
M.-R. Jarvelin (m.jarvelin@imperial.ac.uk)
Preterm birth
Preterm Birth International Collaborative (PREBIC)/Preterm Birth and Genetics International Alliances (PREGENIA)
D (C, CC)
10 (20)
S. Dolan (sdolan@marchofdimes.com)
Cancer, cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, aging
European Prospective Investigation on Cancer, chronic diseases and nutrition (EPIC)
D, E (C)
521 (120)
E. Riboli (riboli@iarc.fr)
International Lymphoma Epidemiology Consortium (InterLymph)
D (CC>C)
15 (20)
P. Hartge (ph43v@nih.gov), P. Boffetta (boffetta@iarc.fr)
Lung cancer
International Lung Cancer Consortium (ILCCO)
D (CC>C)
30 (51)
R. Hung (hung@iarc.fr)
Head and neck cancer
International Head and Neck Cancer Consortium (INHANCE)
D (CC)
13 (28)
M. Hashibe (hashibe@iarc.fr)
Melanoma Genetics Consortium (GenoMel)
D (CC)
12 (3)
J. A. Newton Bishop (j.newton-bishop@cancer.org.uk); Internet Web address: www.genomel.org
Pancreatic cancer
Pancreatic Cancer: Genetic Epidemiology (PACGENE) Consortium
D (CC)
10 (5)
G. Petersen (peterg@mayo.edu)
Breast cancer and prostate cancer
Breast and Prostate Cancer and Hormone- Related Variants Cohort Consortium
D (C)
6 (13 + 20)
D. Hunter (dhunter@hsph.harvard.edu)
Brain tumors
Brain Tumor Epidemiology Consortium (BTEC)
D (CC)
M. Bondy (mbondy@mdanderson.org), B. Malmer (beatrice.malmer@onkologi.umu.se)
Breast cancer and colon cancer
Breast and Colon Cancer Family Registries
10 (34 + 30)
I. L. Andrulis, N. M. Lindor (seminard@mail.nih.gov
Cancer Genetics Network (CGN)/Informatics Technology Group
D (C)
8 (24)
C. Kasten (seminard@mail.nih.gov)
Radiation and breast cancer
Women’s, Environmental, Cancer, and Radiation Epidemiology (WECARE) Study Consortium
E (CC)
15 (2)
J. Bernstein (bernstej@mskcc.org)
Environmental carcinogens
International Collaborative Study on Genetic Susceptibility to Environmental Carcinogens (GSEC)
E (CC)
130 (58)
E. Taioli (taioli@policlinico.mi.it)
Assisted reproduction
International Pooled Analysis of Children Born after Assisted Procedures (APIKIDS)
E (C)
6 (7)
E. Taioli (taioli@policlinico.mi.it)
DNA repair genes and cancer
Web-based meta-analysis on DNA repair and cancer risk
G (CC>C)
P. Vineis (p.vineis@imperial.ac.uk)
Other cancer-related networks
D, G (C/CC)
Proposals for other networks
Human Genome Epidemiology Network (HuGENet™)
* D, disease-based network; CC>C, mostly case-control but also cohort studies included; C>CC, mostly cohort but also case-control studies included; C, cohort studies included; CC, case-control studies included; E, exposure-based network; G, gene-based network.
† In determining the number of teams, multicenter teams counted as one team, and the number of investigators may be much larger; numbers in parentheses show the approximate total number of subjects in the compiled databases.
‡ HIV, human immunodeficiency virus.
- Page last reviewed: July 21, 2009 (archived document)
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