Map of Burkina Faso

Map of Burkina Faso

CDC began an ongoing collaboration with the Ministry of Health (MoH) of Burkina Faso in 1991 to provide guidance for polio eradication. This cooperation has since expanded to include other important health issues. Most recently, CDC has focused on strengthening the country’s public health system by introducing and evaluating new vaccines, and continuing to work toward polio eradication and measles elimination.

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Burkina Faso at a Glance

Population: 18,450,000
Per capita income: $1,660
Life expectancy at birth women/men: 57/56 yrs
Under 5 mortality rate: 69/1,000 live births
Source: Population Reference Bureau, 2015: Burkina Faso


Top 10 Causes of Death

Source: WHO Country Health Profile: Burkina Faso

  1. Lower Respiratory Infections 14%
  2. Malaria 10%
  3. Diarrheal disease 6%
  4. Stroke 6%
  5. Preterm Birth Complications 4%
  6. Ischaemic Heart Disease 4%
  7. Meningitis 4%
  8. Birth Asphyxia & Birth Trauma 4%
  9. Road Injury 3%
  10. HIV/AIDS 3%

What CDC Is Doing

CDC impact in Burkina Faso
  • Burkina Faso was the second country in the African region region to introduce Rotateq vaccine for Rotavirus.
  • 17 million doses of polio vaccine and 2.4 million doses of measles vaccine were given to children under 5 years old.
  • The last wild poliovirus case was detected in 2009.
  • More than 12 million people have been vaccinated against meningitis.

  • Page last reviewed: April 19, 2016
  • Page last updated: April 7, 2017
  • Content source:

    Global Health
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