The CDC office in Mali was established in 1995 to work with the government and other partners to reduce HIV, malaria, sexually transmitted infections (STIs), and neglected tropical diseases. CDC-Mali helps the government strengthen information systems, integrate comprehensive lab services nationwide, respond to public health emergencies, develop tools for STI treatment and lab quality control, and conduct surveillance, surveys, and studies.
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CDC office (physical presence)
2 U.S. Assignees
7 Locally Employed
Mali at a Glance
Population: 15,200,000
Per capita income: $1,090
Life expectancy at birth women/men: 53 /50 yrs
Infant mortality rate: 116/1000 live births
Top 10 Causes of Death
Source: GBD Compare, 2010
- Malaria 24%
- Lower Respiratory Infections 6%
- Diarrheal Diseases 6 %
- Protein-Energy Malnutrition 5%
- Sepsis 5%
- Preterm Birth Complications 4%
- Meningitis 43%
- HIV 3%
- Cancer 3%
- Tuberculosis 2%
What CDC Is Doing
CDC Ebola Updates
The 2014-2015 Ebola epidemic is the largest in history, affecting multiple countries in West Africa. Worldwide, the World Health Organization has reported 28,637 cases of Ebola and 11,315 deaths. CDC and partners are working together to stop the epidemic…read more
- Page last reviewed: April 1, 2015
- Page last updated: April 1, 2015
- Content source:
Global Health
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