CDC in Malawi
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CDC in Malawi [visual of Malawi map and flag]
The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has been working in Malawi since 2001 in order to achieve key public health goals in partnership with the Malawi Ministry of Health. It is a part of the President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR) and President’s Malaria Initiative (PMI). Key areas of focus include: improving disease surveillance systems; training Malawi doctors, nurses, laboratorians, environmental health officers, and epidemiologists; scaling-up medical informatics capacity; strengthening monitoring and evaluation activities through improved use of information technology, and laboratory capacity development.
- Tested 7,899,176 individuals of whom 1,004,596 were HIV-positive and newly initiated on ART
- 300,790 HIV patients alive and on treatment, of these 26,220 children < 15 years old (CDC supported sites support 43% of total persons on ART in Malawi)
- 19,180 voluntary medical male circumcisions (VMMCs) to reduce HIV transmission
- 207,337 women reached with Prevention of Mother-to-Child HIV Transmission services
- Graduated third class of field epidemiology and training program fellows- national “disease detectives”
- Support programs to reduce risk of HIV transmission to adolescent girls and young women
How CDC Malawi contributes to the National TB/HIV and Malaria response and builds public health capacity
- Support key populations and other priority populations with HIV prevention and treatment to achieve 90-90-90 goals, leaving no one behind
- Support national TB policy development including for provision of isoniazid preventive therapy, and support TB screening, diagnosis, and treatment for people living with HIV
- Support research into insecticides to combat the malaria mosquito vector
- 43.5% of patients on HIV treatment managed through electronic medical record system (EMRS)
- Support labs to attain accreditation and to maintain quality diagnostic tests, and expand ability to detect drug resistant TB
- Promote national birth and death registration efforts with 52,000 births and 1,200 deaths registered thus far
- Completed population based HIV impact assessment which demonstrated progress towards HIV epidemic control in Malawi
- Supporting health infrastructure projects in high HIV burden districts nationwide
- Support over 900 HCWs with pre-service training
To learn more about work, please visit
- Page last reviewed: October 13, 2017
- Page last updated: October 13, 2017
- Content source:
Global Health
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