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Infographic: The Global Impact of Vaccines in Reducing Vaccine-Preventable Disease Morbidity and Mortality

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Afghanistan, Pakistan: Only remaining polio endemic countries in the world, 2015

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Wild Poliovirus Cases (thousands)

Afghanistan, Pakistan: Only remaining polio endemic countries in the world, 2015

1991: Last case in Americas Region

1997: Last case in Western Pacific Region

1998: Last case in Europe Region

1999: Last type 2 poliovirus in the world

2011: Last case in South-East Asia Region

2014: Last case in Africa Region

Region = WHO regions
Source: Global Polio Eradication Initiative
Figure: 3


Annual estimated measles deaths declined 79%, from 546,800 to 114,900.

Annual estimated deaths since introduction of vaccine:

  • 2000: 546,800 estimated measles deaths
  • 2014: 114,900 estimated measles deaths
  • 79% decline

17.1 million deaths averted by measles vaccination.

Source: MMWR 2015; 64:1246-51
Figure: 4


Estimated deaths averted with vaccines in low-income countries

Total estimated number of deaths averted, 2011-2020: 23.3 million

  • Measles vaccine:
  • Measles 1st dose: 10.3 million
  • Measles 2nd dose: 0.3 million
  • Measles supplementary immunization activities: 2.9 million
  • Diseases with new or underutilized vaccines:
  • Hepatitis B: 4.8 million
  • Haemophilus influenzae type b: 14 million
  • Pneunococcus: 1.5 million
  • Rotavirus: 0.8 million
  • Human papillomavirus: 0.5 million
  • Yellow fever: 35,000
  • Meningococcal A meningitis: 250,000
  • Japanese encephalitis: 65,000
  • Rubella: 0.4 million

Source: Vaccine 2013; 18;31 (Suppl 2): B61-72
Figure: 5

  • Page last reviewed: July 19, 2017
  • Page last updated: July 19, 2017
  • Content source:

    Global Health
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