Why Use the School Health Index
What the School Health Index Is and Is Not
Introduction of the Eight Modules
Module 1: School Health and Safety Policies and Environment
Module 3: Physical Education and Other Physical Activity Programs
Module 5: School Health Services
Module 6: School Counseling, Psychological, and Social Services
Implementing the School Health Index
Step 1: Assemble the School Health Index Team
Step 2: Conduct School Health Index Introduction Meeting
Step 3: Complete the Self-Assessment Process
You are a physical education teacher at Jefferson Middle School and serve on the School Health Team. As the Module Coordinator for Module 7, Health Promotion for Staff, your team has completed a self-assessment, and teams for the other modules have also completed their assessments.
Now, the overall School Health Team is meeting to proceed with the Planning for Improvement process, beginning with the Overall Score Card to determine which module needs the most improvement.
Congratulations! You have successfully developed recommendations to improve Jefferson Middle School's policy on nutrition standards for competitive foods. You will follow the same process to develop a prioritized list of actions in other areas to recommend for implementation. Upon approval of the School Health Improvement Plan, Jefferson Middle School can begin to implement the recommendations and monitor progress.