
The Healthy Swimming Newsroom is designed to provide users with open access to news articles relevant to healthy swimming and recreational water topics. This page is intended for use by journalists, the media, public health professionals, and the general public.


Title: Preventing Water-Borne Illnesses (August 2016)
Summary: Justin Caron, Vice President of the Aquatic Design Group, discusses the need for aquatic center directors to know how to prevent outbreaks from occurring in their facilities.



Title: Children may be more vulnerable to disease outbreaks caused by harmful algal blooms (January 14, 2014)
Summary: Children appear to be at higher risk of disease caused by freshwater harmful algal blooms, according to a report from the CDC.



Title: How do germs get into the swimming pool? You might not want to know (August 21, 2012)
Summary: As the summer winds down and Labor Day weekend approaches in the U.S., beaches and public pools will be filling up with swimmers looking to take one last dip outdoors before the season ends. Most people will hit the water without worrying about the microscopic organisms they’ll be swimming with.


Title: More education urged for preventing recreational water illnesses (November 30, 2011)
Summary: Several high-profile outbreaks of cryptosporidiosis and other gastrointestinal illnesses have highlighted the potential risks of swimming pools, and pediatricians can play a key role in counseling parents and patients about water safety, according to a speaker here at the 24th Annual Infectious Diseases in Children Symposium.