Travel as a Risk Factor

CDC recommends meningococcal conjugate vaccination for people traveling to or living in the meningitis belt in sub-Saharan Africa. This area of Africa has much higher rates of disease than the United States and outbreaks are common. The disease is most common in these countries during the dry season (December through June). Travelers who spend a lot of time with local populations, especially during outbreaks, have the highest risk of getting sick. Vaccinated travelers who continue to be at increased risk should receive booster doses.

Ask your healthcare professional which meningococcal vaccines are recommended for you or your child.

Saudi Arabia requires participants in the annual Hajj and Umrah pilgrimage show proof of meningococcal vaccination. No other countries require meningococcal vaccination prior to travel.

CDC will issue advisories for travelers to other countries as needed. Learn more about Travel Health Notices.

CDC does not recommend serogroup B meningococcal vaccination before international travel.

For more information on meningococcal vaccine recommendations for travelers, visit the meningococcal section of the CDC Travelers’ Health web site.