The following table (Table_A1) represents some elements of a
tuberculosis (TB) profile for a foreign-born person that should be
considered for use in state and local health departments. Table_A1 Note:
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Data Sources How data will be used
Patient's age at diagnosis "Reports of Verified Cases Targeting of programmatic
of Tuberculosis" efforts
Patient's age at entry to
United States
Country of origin
Employed (Y/ N)
Years in United States at "Reports of Verified Cases Identification of at- risk
time of diagnosis of Tuberculosis" groups; identification of
missed opportunities for
Source case identified Add to "Reports of Verified Transmission in foreign-born
(especially in pediatric Cases of Tuberculosis" community; strategy for case
cases) finding
Clinical/ diagnostic Add to "Reports of Verified Program management;
- Previous treatment for TB Cases of Tuberculosis" issues surrounding delays in
(Past preventive treatment?) diagnosis; issues regarding
- Acid- fast bacilli smear treatment; issues regarding
- Acid- fast bacilli culture preventive therapy;
- Drug susceptibility advocacy; program planning
- HIV status
Case Management
Type of provider "Reports of Verified Cases Targeting provider education
of Tuberculosis"
Patient on directly observed "Reports of Verified Cases Patient management
therapy? of Tuberculosis"
Completion of therapy Add to "Reports of Verified Program management;
Cases of Tuberculosis" identifying high- risk
targeting programs.
Drug regimen "Reports of Verified Cases Program management
Drug resistance Tuberculosis" and WHO
Case Finding
Screening program State and local health Evaluation of program
- Number screened departments performance
- Number infected
- Cases found
- Preventive treatment
Contact tracing CDC and state and local Evaluation of program
- Done or not? health departments performance
- Number of contacts
identified per case
- Number of cases with no
contacts identified
- Number (%) infected with
no disease
- Number (%) placed on
preventive therapy
- Number (%) completed
preventive therapy
- Cases found
Class B1/ B2 Cases
Number of notifications CDC/ National Center for Resource allocation
Diseases/ Division of
Number investigated CDC/ National Center for Resource allocation
Diseases/ Division of
Quarantine and state and
local health departments
Number eligible for CDC/ National Center for Prioritization of resources
Number with disease Infectious
Number started on treatment Diseases/ Division of
Number completed treatment Quarantine and state and
local health departments
Civil Surgeon Referral
Number with status U. S. Department of Assessment of potential
readjusted Justice/ Immigration and burden to health
Naturalization Service department
Number eligible for U. S. Department of Resource allocation;
Number with disease Justice/ Immigration and advocacy for medical
Number referred to health Naturalization Service and services
department (asylees) local health department
Qualitative Data on
Special studies Local health departments Program planning/ resource
- Schools/ universities allocation; strategy for
case finding
- English- as- second-
language schools
- Community- based
Immigration Profile
Current population profiles U. S. Census Bureau and Program planning;
New immigration U. S. Department of resource allocation;
- Overseas immigrants Justice/ Immigration and advocacy for medical
- Adjustment of status Naturalization Service services
- Asylum seekers
Special Studies
Barriers to accessing care State and local health Issues regarding access -
- Language departments advocacy for medical
- Financial services
- Legal
- Cultural
- Knowledge
- Health beliefs
Patient versus provider State and local health Issues regarding early
delays departments diagnosis; patient and
- Duration of symptoms provider education
before diagnosis
- Number of visits made
before diagnosis
- Type of provider
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