Links to Other Websites

American Academy of Cerebral Palsy and Developmental Medicine
The American Academy of Cerebral Palsy and Developmental Medicine is dedicated to improvement in the care of people with childhood-onset disability, their families, and communities. Their website offers various resources for individuals and families, including a directory of providers.
American Academy of Pediatrics Healthy Children
The American Academy of Pediatrics provides an overview of CP. This includes information on signs and symptoms, treatments, and associated problems.
Cerebral Palsy Research Registry
Cerebral Palsy Research Registry is a multi-institutional collaborative effort whose primary mission is to improve our understanding of cerebral palsy.
CP Daily Living
CP Daily Living is an online resource designed to give families and caregivers of children with cerebral palsy a central place for practical information and resources within the context of an emotionally-supportive environment.
Let’s Cure CP
Let’s Cure CP is a non-profit organization committed to funding cerebral palsy research.
MEDLINEplus is an online service of the National Library of Medicine. MEDLINEplus is designed to link you to information on specific health topics, including cerebral palsy. MEDLINEplus brings together information from many sources and is updated every day. This page includes information on general overviews, clinical trials, coping, disease management, research, specific conditions, dictionaries, organizations, children, and teenagers. Some materials are in Spanish.
Motor Delays: Early Identification and Evaluation
This clinical report from the American Academy of Pediatrics provide more information on the early identification and evaluation of motor delays among children.
My Child Without Limits provides resources for families of young children ages 0-5 with developmental delays or disabilities, including CP. A “Guide to CP” can be downloaded from this site. The site also has a national Resource Locator where visitors can find local service providers, community organizations and government agencies.
National Information Center on Children and Youth with Disabilities (NICHCY)
NICHCY provides information on disabilities and disability-related issues for families, teachers, and other professionals. NICHCY has a fact sheet about cerebral palsy that includes information on topics such as signs of cerebral palsy and treatment, as well as tips for parents and teachers. NICHCY staff will also give information and referrals over the phone (800-695-0285) or by email (
National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS)
NINDS has a brochure on cerebral palsy that includes information on early signs of the condition, diagnosis, causes, treatment, and where to go for more information. The brochure is available in both English and Spanish.
Reaching for the Stars (RFTS)
RFTS is the only non-profit pediatric cerebral palsy foundation in the US led by parents. RFTS is committed to advocacy, education and driving research to serve the needs of children with CP and the individuals involved in their care.
The Cerebral Palsy International Research Foundation (CPIRF)
CPIRF is a not for profit 501(c)3 organization that funds research and educational activities related to the cause, cure and evidence-based care for those with cerebral palsy. The website has over 160 “research fact sheets”, web casts of scientific workshops, current and past research projects, discussion forums for current CP treatments, and a link to a registry of clinical trials in the United States and around the world.
United Cerebral Palsy (UCP)
United Cerebral Palsy (UCP) educates, advocates and provides support services for people with a spectrum of disabilities, including CP. The site has a One Stop Resource Guide where visitors can locate organizations in each state to help answer questions about healthcare, home modifications, or financial assistance.
World CP Day
World CP Day is a global project dedicated to changing the world for people living with cerebral palsy and their families.
Resources for Adults with Cerebral Palsy
Developmental Medicine & Child Neurology journal’s special issue on adults with cerebral palsy
The Developmental Medicine & Child Neurology journal offers access to articles based on a 2009 workshop that explored the unique challenges experienced by adults with cerebral palsy.
Easter Seals
Easter Seals’ Adult and Senior Services program provides a variety of home and community-based services affording adults and senior opportunities to live, learn, work, and play as a vital part of their own community or neighborhood. To find an Easter Seals program near you, please visit
National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS)
NINDS has a brochure on cerebral palsy that includes information on the special health challenges that adults with cerebral palsy face. The brochure is available in both English and Spanish.
Scope works with individuals with disabilities of all ages and their families across England and Wales. Their website offers information on aging and cerebral palsy.
State Vocational Rehabilitation Agency
State Vocational Rehabilitation Agencies coordinate and provide counseling, evaluation, and job placement services for people with disabilities. This website provides contact information for the Vocational Rehabilitation Agency in each state.
The Arc
The Arc is a community-based organization advocating for and serving people with intellectual and developmental disabilities and their families. The Arc’s resources that may be relevant for adults with cerebral palsy are below.
- The Arc’s state and local chapters provide supported employment, job training, transition planning, respite care, supported living, and transportation, among other services and supports, to individuals with developmental disabilities.
- The National Council of Self Advocates of The Arc is the formation of a group of leaders representing the full spectrum of ages and abilities across the national chapter network. By joining, individuals have the opportunity to network with other self-advocates.
United Cerebral Palsy (UCP)
United Cerebral Palsy’s affiliates provide services such as housing, physical therapy, assistive technology training, individual and family support, social and recreational program, community living, employment, and employment assistance. This website can help you find an affiliate in your area.
- Page last reviewed: February 3, 2017
- Page last updated: May 2, 2016
- Content source: