2012 NCHHSTP Newsroom Archive
These media materials are no longer being updated and remain for historical context. Visit NCHHSTP Newsroom for the most current information.
- December 19, 2012 - New HIV Infections, 2007-2010
Primary Materials- Fact Sheet: New HIV Infections in the United States
- Full Report: Estimated HIV Incidence in the United States, 2007-2010 [712 KB]
- Downloadable graphics for media use/reprint
- November 27, 2012 - World AIDS Day 2012: Vital Signs
Primary Materials Related Materials- Full Article: Vital Signs: HIV Among Youth – United States
- Downloadable graphics for media use/reprint
- Fact Sheet: Vital Signs: HIV Among Youth – Protecting a Generation
- Fact Sheet:Today's Epidemic
- STDs Reported in the United States: 2011 National Data
Primary Materials- Fact Sheet: STD Trends in the United States: 2011 National Data for Chlamydia, Gonorrhea and Syphilis
- Full Report: Sexually Transmitted Disease Surveillance, 2011
- Basic Information: Chlamydia, Gonorrhea, Syphilis and other STDs
- October 11, 2012 - National Latino AIDS Awareness Day, October 15, 2012
Primary Materials
- CDC Statement: National Latino AIDS Awareness Day - Many Communities, One Goal – Reversing the Latino HIV/AIDS Epidemic in America, by NCHHSTP Director Dr. Kevin Fenton
- Declaración: Día Nacional Latino para la Concientización del SIDA - "Muchas comunidades, un objetivo: erradicar el VIH de la población latina", Por el Dr. Kevin Fenton
- Full Report: Geographic Differences in HIV Infection Among Hispanics or Latinos — 46 States and Puerto Rico, 2010
- Fact Sheet: HIV and AIDS among Latinos
- Hoja Informativa: VIH y SIDA en Latinos
- Downloadable graphics for media use/reprint
- September 27, 2012 - National Gay Men’s HIV/AIDS Awareness Day
September 27th is National Gay Men’s HIV/AIDS Awareness Day, a prime opportunity to bring attention to the burden of HIV among gay and bisexual men and encourage HIV testing across the nation.
MSM represent two percent of the U.S. population, yet account for more than half of both new HIV infections each year and Americans living with HIV. Since the beginning of the epidemic, nearly 350,000 gay and bisexual men with AIDS have died, and more than 8,000 still die each year.
For your stories about National Gay Men’s HIV/AIDS Awareness Day, please find below various resources including a statement from Center Director, Dr. Kevin Fenton. You can also find the most recent HIV and AIDS statistics, as well as graphics about HIV among MSM.
Primary Materials
Related Materials
- Fact Sheet: HIV and AIDS among Gay and Bisexual Men
- Downloadable Graphics for media use/reprint
- August 16, 2012 - CDC Announces Final Recommendations for Hepatitis C Testing Among Baby Boomers
Primary Materials
- Press Release: CDC Now Recommends All Baby Boomers Receive One-Time Hepatitis C Test
- Fact Sheet: Hepatitis C: Expansion of Testing Recommendations, 2012
- Downloadable Graphics: Hepatitis C in the United States
- MMWR Article: Recommendations for the Identification of Chronic Hepatitis C Virus Infection Among Persons Born During 1945–1965
- Expert Bio: CDC’s Division of Viral Hepatitis – John Ward, Director
- August 9, 2012 - CDC Updates Gonorrhea Treatment Guidelines
In response to recent surveillance data suggesting that the oral antibiotic cefixime is becoming less effective in treating gonorrhea, CDC has revised its gonorrhea treatment guidelines to preserve the last available effective treatment option for as long as possible. The new guidelines are published in the August 10, 2012 issue of the Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report. Please find below materials to help you cover this important story.
Primary Materials- Press Release: CDC No Longer Recommends Oral Drug for Gonorrhea Treatment
- Fact Sheet: Gonorrhea Treatment Guidelines: Revised Guidelines to Preserve Last Effective Treatment Option
- MMWR Article: Update to CDC’s Sexually Transmitted Diseases Treatment 2010 Guidelines: Oral Cephalosporins No Longer a Recommended Treatment for Gonococcal Infections
- Media Summary: Update to CDC’s Sexually Transmitted Diseases Treatment 2010 Guidelines: Oral Cephalosporins No Longer a Recommended Treatment for Gonococcal Infections
- Fact Sheet: Gonorrhea
- Fact Sheet: Trends in Sexually Transmitted Diseases in the United States: 2010 National Data for Gonorrhea, Chlamydia and Syphilis
- August 9, 2012 - CDC Issues Guidance on the Use of Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP) among Heterosexually-Active Women and Men
Primary Materials
- Press Release: CDC Issues Interim Guidance on Use of Medication to Prevent HIV Infection Among Heterosexually-Active Adults
- July 22 – 27, 2012 - International AIDS Conference 2012: CDC Releases
The XIX International AIDS Conference, in Washington D.C., will take place from July 22-July 27. This is the premier gathering for those working in the field of HIV, as well as policy makers, persons living with HIV and other individuals committed to ending the pandemic. It is a chance to assess where we are, evaluate recent scientific developments and lessons learned, and collectively chart a course forward.
As the first International AIDS Conference to be held in the United States in more than 20 years, this is a prime opportunity to increase the visibility of the U.S. epidemic and what we need to do to end it. Here you will find all of the CDC materials you need for your coverage of the conference, as well as the latest data about HIV from CDC.
Primary Materials
Stages of HIV Care:
- Press Release: African Americans and Younger People Least Likely to be Successfully Treated for HIV
- Fact Sheet:HIV in the United States: The Stages of Care
HIV-Related Risk Data for Youth:
- Press Release: Dramatic Decline In Sexual Risks Among Black Youth Since 1991
- Fact Sheet: HIV-Related Risk among U.S. High School Students: Trends from the National Youth Risk Behavior Survey since 1991
Stages of HIV Care:
- Downloadable Graphics for Media Use/Reprint:Key Graphics from CDC analysis Showing Proportion of People Engaged in Each of the Five Main Stages of HIV Care
HIV-Related Risk Data for Youth:
- MMWR: Trends in HIV-Related Risk Behaviors Among High School Students – United States, 1991-2011
- Downloadable Graphics for Media Use/Reprint: Key Graphics on Trends in HIV Risk Behavior Among Youth
- July 16, 2012 - Let’s Stop HIV Together: CDC’s Newest Act Against AIDS Campaign
Primary Materials- Press Release: New CDC Campaign Fights Stigma and Apathy Fueling HIV Epidemic
- Backgrounder: Let’s Stop HIV Together Campaign
- Individual Stories: Voices of People Living with HIV
- Downloadable Campaign Images/Multimedia: Giving A Voice to Real Americans Living with HIV and Their Loved Ones
- Fact Sheet: Act Against AIDS
- July 16, 2012 - FDA Approves Drug for HIV Prevention
Primary Materials Related Materials
- Fact Sheet: Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis for HIV Prevention
- June 26, 2012 - National HIV Testing Day: CDC Expands HIV Testing Into Pharmacies Across the Nation
Primary Materials- Press Release: Innovative CDC Effort Expands HIV Testing into Pharmacies
- CDC’s Initiative in Action: One Partner’s Story
- Events: National HIV Testing Day
- May 18, 2012 - CDC Announces Draft Recommendations for Hepatitis C Testing Among Baby Boomers
Primary Materials- Press Release: CDC Proposes All Baby Boomers Be Tested For Hepatitis C
- Fact Sheet: Hepatitis C: Proposed Expansion of Testing Recommendations, 2012
- Downloadable Graphics: Hepatitis C in the United States
- April 9, 2012 - STD Awareness Month 2012
April is STD Awareness Month, a prime opportunity to bring attention to the burden of STDs among American youth and to promote STD testing across the nation.
Approximately half of the estimated 19 million STDs that occur in the United States each year are among people 25 and younger. For the fourth year, CDC is teaming up with MTV and other partners on the GYT: Get Yourself Tested campaign, a national information campaign designed to address the high rates of STDs among people under age 25. CDC is also introducing a web-based portal of resources to help health care providers educate young people about sexual health and STD prevention.
For your stories about STD Awareness Month 2012, please find below a press release outlining this year’s GYT efforts and a link to the resource portal for healthcare providers.
- Press Release: MTV Audience Encouraged to “GYT” – National Campaign Encourages Young People to “Get Yourself Tested” for STDs, including HIV
- Online Resources for Healthcare Providers: STD Awareness - Reaching Young People
- March 22, 2012 – World TB Day 2012
Fact sheet: TB in the United States, a Snapshot
Related Materials
- Fact sheet: Tuberculosis: An Overview
- Downloadable graphics for media use/reprint: Key Graphics from 2011 U.S. TB Surveillance Data
- March 12-15 – 2012 National STD Prevention Conference
Press Release
National Estimate Shows Not Enough Young Women Tested for Chlamydia
More Detailed Information about Research Highlighted in Press Release
Related Materials- Conference Website: National STD Prevention Conference 2012
- Fact Sheet: Chlamydia
- Fact Sheet: 10 Ways STDs Impact Women Differently From Men
- March 8, 2012 – Take Charge. Take the Test: HIV Testing Campaign for African American Women
In conjunction with National Women and Girls HIV/AIDS Awareness Day, CDC launches its newest HIV testing and awareness campaign for African American women – Take Charge. Take the Test. Please visit our media resources page for more information you can use in your coverage, including a press release, backgrounder and downloadable graphics.
- February 6, 2012 – National Black HIV/AIDS Awareness Day (NBHAAD)
Statement – Ending the Black HIV/AIDS Epidemic in America, by NCHHSTP Director Dr. Kevin FentonNational Black HIV/AIDS Awareness Day (NBHAAD) Statement
NCHHSTP Director Dr. Kevin Fenton’s official statement in observance of NBHAAD.
- Downloadable Videos and Graphics
- Fact Sheet: HIV and AIDS among African Americans
- January 4, 2012 – Press Release – CDC Awards $339 Million to Health Departments for High-Impact HIV Prevention
Related Materials
- Page last reviewed: February 4, 2013
- Page last updated: March 26, 2014
- Content source: