The NHANES Analyses course contains five modules:
Module 13. Descriptive Statistics
Module 14. Hypothesis Testing
Module 15. Age Standardization and Population Estimates
Module 16. Linear Regression
Module 17. Logistic Regression
These five modules demonstrate how to analyze NHANES data with a selected number of statistical techniques. The course begins with the Descriptive Statistics module, which introduces how to generate means, geometric means and proportions for NHANES data. The Hypothesis Testing module highlights the use of t-test and chi-square statistics to test statistical hypotheses about population parameters in NHANES data analysis. Age standardization and population estimate analyses are united in one module, as they both use census data either to perform age adjustment or generate population totals. In the next module, both simple and multiple linear regression models are introduced, showing how to examine the association between covariate(s) and a health outcome. Finally, the Logistic Regression module demonstrates how to assess the probability of a disease or health condition as a function of one or multiple risk factors.
If you are an experienced analyst who only needs specific information to help you complete an analysis on your own, you can pick and choose topics of interest from the navigation bar to the left, or from the Tutorial A-Z Index. You may also go to the Sample Code and Datasets page to download and modify sample programs and datasets for your own use.
The computer software, knowledge, and skills requirements are listed for your convenience on the Software & Technical Requirements page. The Tech Tips page can help you troubleshoot if you run into technical difficulties. Before beginning the course, please see the Jump Start Guide for more information about how to use the tutorial and its features.
Contact Us:
- National Center for Health Statistics
3311 Toledo Rd
Hyattsville, MD 20782 - 1 (800) 232-4636
- cdcinfo@cdc.gov