The tutorial objectives are to learn the following:
Module 1: Survey Overview
- Review survey history (Task 1)
- Describe survey methodology (Task 2)
- Explain uses of the data (Task 3)
Module 2: Navigate NHANES Website
- Navigate the NHANES homepage (Task 1)
- Locate datasets (Task 2)
- Find survey background information (survey contents and data collection methods) (Task 3)
- Find the Analytic and Reporting Guidelines (Task 4)
- Use the What's New page (Task 5)
- Review the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) (Task 6)
- Find important NHANES citations (Task 7)
- Identify how to get help (Task 8)
Module 3: Data Structure & Contents
- Explain NHANES Data Structure (Task 1)
Module 4: Locate Variables
- Decide which variables to include (Task 1)
- Identify variable names and file locations (Task 2)
- Consult the documentation (Task 3)
Module 5: Download Data Files
- Create a directory (Task 1)
- Download data files and documentation (Task 2)
- Extract and copy NHANES data files as permanent libraries (Task 3)
Module 6: Append & Merge Datasets
Module 7: Clean & Recode Data
- Evaluate missing data (Task 1)
- Evaluate skip patterns (Task 2)
- Evaluate outliers (Task 3)
- Recode variables (Task 4)
Module 8: Format & Label Variables
- Format and label variables (Task 1)
Module 9: Save Dataset
- Create a permanent dataset in a SAS library (Task 1).
Module 10: Sample Design
- Explain sampling and oversampling in NHANES (Task 1)
- Specify sampling parameters in NHANES using SUDAAN or SAS Survey Procedures (Task 2)
Module 11: Weighting
- Explain weighting in NHANES (Task 1)
- Select the correct weight (Task 2)
- Construct weights for combined survey cycles (Task 3)
- Create appropriate subsets of data for NHANES Analyses (Task 4)
Module 12: Variance Estimation
- Explain variance estimation in NHANES (Task 1)
- Describe the method used for variance estimation used in NHANES (Task 2)
- Calculate degrees of freedom for performing statistical tests and confidence limits (Task 3)
Module 13: Descriptive Statistics
- Check frequency distribution and normality (Task 1)
- Generate percentiles (Task 2)
- Generate means (Task 3)
- Generate proportions (Task 4)
Module 14: Hypothesis Testing
- Use the t-test statistic (Task 1)
- Generate confidence intervals (Task 2)
- Perform Chi-square test (Task 3)
Module 15: Age Standardization and Population Estimates
- Calculate estimates using age standardization (Task 1)
- Calculate population estimates of a given health condition (Task 2)
Module 16: Linear Regression
Module 17: Logistic Regression
Contact Us:
- National Center for Health Statistics
3311 Toledo Rd
Hyattsville, MD 20782 - 1 (800) 232-4636