Tracking Infections in Acute Care Hospitals/Facilities
NHSN is the HAI surveillance gold standard. The system (and its predecessors) started years ago helping a few hundred healthcare facilities; today, more than 17,000 healthcare facilities use NHSN as the cornerstone of their HAI elimination strategies. Specifically, facilities use NHSN to:
- Access NHSN enrollment requirements for CMS Hospital Inpatient Quality Reporting Program,
- Obtain baseline HAI rates,
- Compare rates to CDC’s national data,
- Participate in state or national HAI prevention collaboratives,
- Devise and implement HAI elimination strategies,
- Evaluate immediate and long-term results of elimination efforts,
- Refocus efforts as needed, or advance to different areas.
BSI - Surveillance for Bloodstream Infections
Central Line-Associated Bloodstream Infection (CLABSI) and non-central line-associated Bloodstream Infection

- Training
- Protocols
- Forms
- Support Materials
- Analysis Resources
- FAQs
UTI - Surveillance for Urinary Tract Infections
Catheter-Associated Urinary Tract Infection (CAUTI) and non-catheter-associated Urinary Tract Infection (UTI) and Other Urinary System Infection (USI)

- Training
- Protocols
- Forms
- Support Materials
- Analysis Resources
- FAQs
Pneumonia – Surveillance for pedVAP and PNEU Events
Ventilator-associated (pedVAP) and non-ventilator-associated Pneumonia (PNEU)
* In Plan Pediatric Locations Only
- Training
- Protocols
- Forms
- Support Materials
- Analysis Resources
- FAQs
VAE - Surveillance for Ventilator-associated Events
* In Plan Adult Locations Only
- Training
- Protocols
- Forms
- Support Materials
- Analysis Resources
- FAQs
- Page last reviewed: February 23, 2015
- Page last updated: October 15, 2015
- Content source: