Surveillance for Healthcare Personnel Vaccination
The Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) recommends that all healthcare personnel (HCP) and persons in training for healthcare professions should be vaccinated annually against influenza.[1] Persons who are infected with influenza virus, including those with subclinical infection, can transmit influenza virus to persons at higher risk for complications from influenza. Vaccination of HCP has been associated with reduced work absenteeism and with fewer deaths among nursing home patients and elderly hospitalized patients. Although annual vaccination is recommended for all HCP and is a high priority for reducing morbidity associated with influenza in healthcare settings, national survey data have demonstrated that vaccination coverage levels are only approximately 70% [2]. This is well below the Healthy People 2020 goal of 90% for HCP influenza vaccination [3].
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. "Prevention and control of seasonal influenza with vaccines: Recommendations of the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP), 2009." MMWR 58, no. Early Release (2009):1-52.
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. “ Influenza Vaccination Coverage Among Health-Care Personnel — United States, 2012–13 Influenza Season. ” MMWR 62(38);781-786. (Accessed August 26, 2014).
- Healthy People 2020. Immunization and Infectious Diseases . (Accessed June 15, 2012)
Resources for NHSN Users Already Enrolled
HCP Influenza Vaccination Summary: Comprehensive Training. February 2017 [PDF – 2M]
Comprehensive training slides on collecting and entering HCP influenza vaccination summary data.
HCP Influenza Vaccination Summary: Inpatient Psychiatric Facilities. February 2017 [PDF – 2M]
Training slides covering inpatient psychiatric facility reporting requirements for the 2016-2017 influenza season.
Pre-recorded Webinars
Training webinars for the HCP Vaccination Module, February 2017.
Re-casts and transcripts of these training webinars hosted by the CDC.
- Training webinar for the HCP Vaccination Module, February 2016.
Re-casts and transcripts of training webinars hosted by the Health Services Advisory Group.
- Training webinar for the HCP Vaccination Module, January 2017.
Re-casts and transcripts of training webinars hosted by the Health Services Advisory Group.
Healthcare Personnel Vaccination Module: Influenza Vaccination Summary Protocol July 2017 [PDF – 350K]
Guidelines and procedures monitored in the Vaccination Module of the Healthcare Personnel Safety Component or download the chapters individually:
Data Collection Forms
CMS Supporting Materials
- Helpful Tips for Healthcare Personnel (HCP) Influenza Vaccination Reporting for the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services’ Inpatient Psychiatric Facility Quality Reporting (IPFQR) Program September 2016 [PDF – 115K]
- Using the “Line Listing – HCP Flu Vaccination Data for CMS IPF PPS”. May 2017 [PDF – 160 KB]
- Operational Guidance for Inpatient Psychiatric Facilities to Report Healthcare Personnel (HCP) Influenza Vaccination Data to CDC’s National Healthcare Safety Network (NHSN) for the Purpose of Fulfilling CMS’s Inpatient Psychiatric Facility Quality Reporting (IPFQR) Program Requirements June 2015 [PDF – 386K]
- Healthcare Facility HAI Reporting Requirements to CMS via NHSN Current and Proposed Requirements September 2015 [PDF – 102K]
- Reporting Requirements and Deadlines in NHSN per CMS Current Rules September 2015 [PDF – 157K]
- Changing a CCN within NHSN (updated July 2015) [PDF – 290K]
Supporting Materials
- New! Submission of Healthcare Personnel Influenza Vaccination Summary Data in NHSN. July 2017 [PDF – 282 KB]
- Methods and strategies used to collect healthcare personnel influenza vaccination data December 2013 [PDF – 188K]
- Healthcare Personnel Safety Component – Variable Reference List [PDF – 97K]
- CDC Location Labels and Location Descriptions, January 2017 [PDF – 808K]
- How to View Create and Modify Dates within NHSN. May 2015 [PDF – 448K]
Resources to Help Prevent Infections
- Page last reviewed: April 5, 2017
- Page last updated: July 20, 2017
- Content source: