site ID

NIOSH-Approved N95 Particulate Filtering Facepiece Respirators

Manufacturers Listed Alphabetically – V

The N95 respirator is the most common of the seven types of particulate filtering facepiece respirators. This product filters at least 95% of airborne particles but is not resistant to oil.

This web page provides a table of NIOSH-approved N95 respirators, listed alphabetically by manufacturer. You can select a particular manufacturer by clicking on the first letter of their name on the index below.

There are some products that are approved by NIOSH as an N95 respirator and also cleared by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) as a surgical mask. These products are referred to as Surgical N95 Respirators. View a definition of Surgical N95 Respirators. For your convenience the Surgical N95 Respirators are indicated with the Model Number/Product Line in bold text followed by (FDA). If you have a product you believe is NIOSH-approved and FDA-cleared that does not appear on this list, you will need to check with the FDA Center for Devices and Radiological Health at 1-800-638-2041 for validation of clearance. View a comprehensive table of Surgical N95 Respirators.

Disclaimer: The links in this section go to websites outside of CDC/NIOSH and should not be considered as an endorsement of their content, or as a statement of NIOSH policy. The donning procedure and/or user instruction, either on the websites or the PDF version, should not be considered an official endorsement of their content, or as a statement of NIOSH policy.

Index for N95 Manufacturers:   3M   A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  K  L  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S  T  U  V  W  Y  Z    Notes

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Supplier/Manufacturer and Contact Information Model Number/
Product Line
Approval Number
Manufacturer’s Donning Procedure User Instructions
VWR International, Inc. [*E]
(Distribution availability for all products listed for VWR International, Inc.)
98030-108 84A-3904 Yes 98030-108[PDF – 5.6 MB]
VWR International, Inc. [*E]
98030-106 84A-3323 No 98030-106[PDF – 842 KB]
VWR International, Inc. [*E]
89201-508 84A-5411 No 89201-508[PDF – 538 KB]
VWR International, Inc. [*E]
89201-501 84A-5460 Yes 89201-501[PDF – 538 KB]
Valmy SAS
VRN95 84A-6244 No VRN95[PDF – 298 KB]
Valmy SAS
VSPN95 84A-6251 No VSPN95[PDF – 298 KB]
Valmy SAS
VRXN95 84A-6966 No VRXN95[PDF – 316 KB]
ValuMax International [*E]
5902 84A-3323 No 5902[PDF – 842 KB]
ValuMax International [*E]
5904V 84A-3904 Yes 5904V[PDF – 5.6 MB]
Venus Safety
CN95 84A-5492 No CN95[PDF – 204 KB]
Venus Safety
CVN95 84A-5631 Yes CVN95[PDF – 713 KB]
Venus Safety
CVN95 OV 84A-5632 No CVN95 OV[PDF – 711 KB]
Venus Safety
CN95 ME 84A-5634 No CN95 ME[PDF -711 KB]
Venus Safety
CVN95+ 84A-7514 Yes CVN95+[PDF -1,019 KB]
Venus Safety
CN95+ 84A-7516 No CN95+[PDF -1,016 KB]
Verde Trading Company, Ltd. [*D]
VTM-0011 84A-3348 No VTM-0011[PDF – 61 KB]
Verde Trading Company, Ltd. [*D]
VTM-0021 84A-3348 No VTM-0021[PDF – 61 KB]
Verde Trading Company, Ltd. [*D]
VTM-0010 84A-3348 No VTM-0010[PDF – 61 KB]
Verde Trading Company, Ltd. [*D]
VTM-0020 84A-3348 No VTM-0020[PDF – 61 KB]
Vicsa S.A. [*K]
Steelpro 1200 84A-4006 No Steelpro 1200[PDF – 78 KB]
Vicsa Steelpro Colombia [*K]
Steelpro M933V 84A-4652 Yes Steelpro M933V[PDF – 5.6 MB]
Vicsa Steelpro Colombia [*K]
Steelpro M920
Redline Professional RD100
84A-5408 No All Models[PDF – 538 KB]
Vicsa Steelpro Colombia [*K]
Steelpro M920V
Redline Professional RD100V
84A-5409 Yes All Models[PDF – 538 KB]
Vicsa Steelpro Colombia [*K]
Steelpro M920CV
Redline Professional RD100CV
84A-6954 Yes All Models[PDF – 857 KB]
Vicsa Steelpro Colombia [*K]
Steelpro M9910 84A-7638 No Steelpro M9910[PDF – 112 KB]
Vicsa Steelpro Colombia [*K]
Steelpro M9910V 84A-7643 Yes Steelpro M9910V[PDF – 103 KB]


3M   A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  K  L  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S  T  U  V  W  Y  Z


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Notes Company Phone Number
*A Private label of Louis M. Gerson Company, Inc. 800-225-8623
*AA Private label of Foss Manufacturing Company 603-929-6000
*AB Private label of Valmy SAS of France (DIV) 1-450-844-3946
*AC Private label of Jiangyin Chang-hung Industrial Manufacturing Factory LLC of China (JCH) 86-510-8691-3080
*B Private label of Aswan International Corporation 866-2-8369-2525
*C Private label of Honeywell Safety Products 800-430-5490
*D Private label of San M Package Company, Ltd. 81-547-45-4125
*E Private label of Makrite Industries, Inc. 800-379-9929
86-21-5431-3117 (China)
*F Private label of Alpha Pro-Tech 800-749-1363
*G Private label of Kimberly-Clark Corporation 800-524-3577
*H Private label of Willson ® Dalloz Safety Products 800-345-4112
*I Private label of San Huei United Company, Ltd. 886-2-2683-0356
*J Private label of Moldex-Metric, Inc. 800-421-0668
*K Private Label of Shanghai Gangkai Purifying Products Company, Ltd. 86-21-5777-5401
*L Private Label of MSA do Brasil Equipamentos e Instrumentos de Seguranca Ltd.a. 55-11-4070-5999
*M Private Label of Jinfuyu Industrial Company, Ltd. 886-2-2690-2271
*N Private Label of Fido Industrial Safety Masks Manufacturer Company, Ltd. 886-37-741471
*P Private Label of Shuenn Bao Shing Corporation 886-4-875-6141
*Q Private Label of Champak Enterprise Company, Ltd. 886-3-3808818
*S Private Label of Shanghai Dasheng Health Products Manufacture Company, Ltd. 86-21-5778-3126
*V Private Label of Japan Vilene Company, Ltd. 81-3-3258-3355
*Z Private Label of Prestige Ameritech 866-401-8972