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Engineering Controls Program

NIOSH celebrates engineering week

NIOSH Cincinnati engineers celebrating National Engineers Week 2017. Photo credit: NIOSH

Program Description

The mission of the NIOSH Engineering Control Core and Specialty Program is to eliminate occupational diseases, injuries, and fatalities through a focused program of research and prevention across all industries and sectors. Controlling exposures to occupational hazards is the fundamental method of protecting workers. Traditionally, a hierarchy of controls has been used as a means of determining how to implement feasible and effective control solutions.

NIOSH engineering control efforts include the following activities:

  • Plan and conduct research on engineering control technology to prevent worker exposures to hazards.
  • Promote the application of effective engineering control technology for safeguarding worker safety and health.
  • Provide expertise in formulating effective and credible workplace standards.
  • Provide consultation in the application of effective control solutions and techniques for hazard prevention.

Employing a hierarchy of controls, NIOSH scientists and engineers have worked collaboratively with companies, labor unions, trade associations, labor organizations, and local, State and Federal governments, both in the United States and around the world. This approach has allowed NIOSH and its partners to develop practical engineering controls in a cost-effective manner.