Engineering Controls Program

NIOSH mini-baghouse retrofit assemblies installed on the thief hatches atop a sand mover at a hydraulic fracturing site. Photo credit: NIOSH
Program Goals
A key leadership role for the Engineering Controls Core and Specialty Program is the development of goals for the elimination of occupational diseases, injuries, and fatalities in all sectors of the economy. The Engineering Controls Core and Specialty Program is in the process of developing goals to guide NIOSH research and partnership efforts over the next decade.
NIOSH Program Portfolio Approach
NIOSH organizes its research, guidance, information, and service efforts into specific programs that can be readily communicated and strategically governed and evaluated. Ten sector programs represent industrial sectors, and seven Cross-sector Programs are organized around health and safety outcomes. There are also numerous core and specialty Programs that represent special emphasis areas, methodological approaches, core activities and legislatively mandated programs.
The Sector Programs intersect with Cross-Sector Programs in a matrix-like fashion, with relevant Core and Specialty Programs playing a supporting role. For example, an Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing Program goal of reducing farm-related deaths and injuries due to tractor rollovers and trucks would likely be a shared goal with the Traumatic Injury Prevention Program and if appropriate would be adopted by both programs. This approach provides an added advantage and will allow multiple Programs to work towards accomplishment of intersecting NIOSH goals.
Below are the current goals for the Nation developed during the second decade of the National Occupational Research Agenda (NORA).
Engineering Controls Strategic Goals for Intramural Research
- Strategic Goal 1: Reduce occupational illness through research on the advancement of new or retrofit engineering control technology.
- Strategic Goal 2: Reduce occupational injuries through research on and the advancement of new or retrofit engineering control technology.
- Strategic Goal 3: Reduce Occupational illness and injuries by providing expert advice and consultation to our partners (government regulatory agencies, consensus standard bodies, employers, unions, health and safety professionals, etc.) in the application of engineering controls for hazard prevention.
- Strategic Goal 4: Develop and build recognition and awareness of occupational safety and health hazards and the means for controlling them by creating control technology information that promotes technology transfer, as well as, the education and training of management, workers, health and safety professionals, and the media.
- Strategic Goal 5: Provide the resources and information necessary to protect the health and safety of workers during public health emergencies and response activities.
- Page last reviewed: June 20, 2017
- Page last updated: June 20, 2017
- Content source:
- National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health Division of Applied Research and Technology